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Li Tianyu's words also said almost, and he got up: "That's like this, I am still a bit, go."

Liang Jingxi and Liang Qianling two sisters stand up, and hold hands with Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu walked out of the restaurant and left.

The restaurant is quiet for a while, or there is still no more customers.

Liang Jingqi sisters have been digesting the information given by Li Tianyu.

Chen Guochong and other three people still maintain a stunned state. They are indeed hooded. The topic of "Prince Island" has been fermentation in recent days, and the influence seems to be more and more.

This seems to have a big boat in the sea, almost all people related to the tourism industry are in listening to the news of this ship, wanting to go to the boat to live better.

But most people don't have a doorway at all, because the news came, I didn't know where the source was.

I didn't expect this young person, I actually claimed to be the owner of Prince Island, that could not be.

There are a lot of people with islands in Tyland and Southeast Asia, but living island owners can be encountered.

And Mr. Li can be a Central Plains, can the Central Plains buy the island in Telide?

Liang Qianling asked this question.

In this regard, Liang Jingqi shook his head, she didn't know.

The Tyranite government stipulates that the people of foreign nationality cannot buy land, but that is targeted, if it is a company or group to buy, then it is another matter.

Thinking of this, Liang Jingxi said: "Mr. Li should be to buy Island in the name of the company."

Liang Qianling took a breath: "This is too rich, sister, don't know if he is object?"

Liang Jingli glanced at Liang Qian Ling: "What? Don't think about it, you graduate!"

Liang Qianling: "I don't want to think, it is a mess, do you want to think about it?"

Liang Jingxi: "What do I think?"

Liang Qian Ling made a movement of a magical puff: "Put it."

Liang Jingxi: "You will pull it!"

Li Tianyu's charm is very large, especially for the little girls such as the sister Liang Qianling, the attraction is huge.

However, Li Tianyu has a good relationship with Han Lei, and Liang Jingyu felt that Han Lei did not say anything to this Li Tianyu.

Liang Qianling: "Sister, you said that this Li said that it is true? Careful thinking, I have no such thing, can there be such a good thing?"

Liang Jingxi: "Yes, you are still too stupid."

Liang Qianling: "Sister, do you think he is a lie?"

Liang Jingyu: "Then, it is not enough, but there is no bottom."

Liang Jingqi felt that Li Tianyu's sincerity is very good, plus she can now call it "Walking No Road", naturally there is no reason.

To be honest, Liang Jingli can't imagine what is the current development of Prince Island.

If you are still quite original, there are two hotels on the island, but all small and medium-sized hotels are dominated by wooden houses, and living conditions are not good.

If the so-called development of Prince Island, only some wooden houses, as residential facilities and catering facilities, other basics.

It is true that the local tourism resources are indeed very rich, will attract a lot of tourists, but the working conditions are very hard, and hundreds of employees can be many people, completely in the island, can you install?

Anyway, Liang Jingyi is really no bottom.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu has promised to take them to Wangzi Island tomorrow, how to cooperate with Li Tianyu, then let go.

However, Liang Jingyi has been determined, that is, the Blue Sky Hotel must not keep it.

Liang Jingxi turned to Chen Guozhu: "Mr. Chen, if you want to buy a hotel, then let's talk about time."

Chen Guo rushed to God: "What do you say? You promised to sell Hotel?"

Liang Jingyu: "Yes, are you not to buy? Then, let's chat, Mr. Chen, goodbye."

Liang Jingyu said, pulling Liang Qianling left the restaurant.

Only Chen Guohu in the restaurant left.

Chen Guochong, who was still arrogant, now is gloomy, and I can't say it for a while.

Chen Guochong's companion said: "This mother is really interesting, she wants to sell, will we buy? What is we do?"

Chen Guochong's companion two, should also be: "It is, I don't want to buy it. Let's don't think, she is not eligible to talk to us!"

Chen Guohu listened to his headache, he hurts his hands: "You know a fart! Let's not buy it, is it cheaper ??"

Chen Guochong's two companions for a while, saying that it is not coming.

Chen Guohu said that the Blue Sky Hotel has no land use permission, it is also very valuable. It is also very valuable. It is not possible to go to take over, it is not impossible, but it is a low price.

It's true that Chen Guohu can't get any benefits.

The problem now is that Liang Jing really will take the hotel staff to take away, or can only take a part.

The difference between the two can be big.

In the event that "Mr. Li" is true, he is really the owner of Prince Island, it is bad.

After the Blue Sky Hotel was bought by Chen Guo, if all the employees were collectively returned, then Chen Guofu would be big, and it is necessary to know that people will be absorbed, and it takes a lot of effort.

But in this regard, Chen Guo can't control it, even if you ask Liang Jing, she will definitely not tell the truth, unless she is a fool.

Anyway, Chen Guohu is now a little in advance.

However, it is possible that Chen Guohu must still buy a blue sky hotel because he seems to have no other choice. After all, how can the Blue Sky Hotel are a piece of fat, attractive fat, or if Chen Guohu will still spend so many minds It is above.

At the same time, after Li Tianyu returned to the hotel, he conducted a video conference.

Who is member? One is Guo Guang, the other is Han Lei, the third is Shen Yutu, but also called Shen Yansu's husband Cao Chunwen.

Cao Chunwen can be considered the captain of the security brigade of Tianyu Group, responsible for the security of all industries in the group.

During this time, the performance can be the same, quite responsible, so it is also a "general".

These four people belong to the core personnel in Li Tianyu in the service industry, naturally to communicate priority.

What is communication?

Of course, it is a matter of calling people to build the management of prince Island.

For the things of Prince Island, everyone has shown a considerable extent, after all, Li Tianyu never revealed that he also has a seat island in Tel, and has been secretly developed.

Li Tianyu has long prepared, explained to them, and three people wake up like a dream, knowing that the strength of Li Tianyu's boss has been strong to the sky.

Guo Guang: "My God, the boss, you are going to buy the whole world?"

Han Lei: "I look at the boss is very simple, it is better to buy a few more."

Cao Chunwen: "..." boss is batch! "

Shen Yutu: "Don't burst it, or listen to the boss?"

So four people no longer speak, start listening to Li Tianyu in the video conference.

Li Tianyu first briefly said that the current Prince Island, especially development.

Original Li Tianyu wanted to show some photos, but because of some network reasons and technical reasons, it did not succeed.

So Li Tianyu can only describe it.

Of course, no matter how Li Tianyu said that it is like a flower, four people can't imagine what is the island, what is the extent to which the island is developed, and there is no concept.

However, four people have unconditionally trusting Li Tianyu.

Since Li Tianyu said that Prince is very beautiful, then it means that it is an Shenxian Island.

Li Tianyu said that there should be all the facilities on Prince Island, quite perfect, that is not bad.

Next, Li Tianyu started to discuss the selection of management of the management of Prince Termord Island.

This matter is in fact, it is simple and simple, and it is not complicated.

Suitable for the person in charge of Prince Island, must be unique, and others should also be based on elite.

In this way, the list will not be very long. There are several people in the two bars. Tiantaohao's employees are more, and there are more lists.

Of course, these people don't necessarily go, but also ask their will, after all, some people are dragging the mouth, may not be convenient to work abroad.

The only one in the currently determined is Han Lei.

When Li Tianyu asked you four who would like to come to Telide, Han Lei came up with himself, and even the voice called.

At this point, it does not have Li Tianyu's expectations.

Han Lei a single girl, not an à la carte master, of course, willing to go to the north.

Guo Guang is also intentional, but the boring business is still inseparable from him, you must find a good decision to make further decisions.

So, Han Lifei is also determined by the time to Phuket, it will arrive in the morning.

As for other candidates on the list, you must determine one by one, you don't hurry immediately.

Han Lei came over, mainly familiar with the environment of Prince Island, especially the working environment, and then develop some management planning, such as organizational architectures.

To be honest, the task is still more heavy, but Li Tianyu's understanding of Han Lei should be a lot.

Han Lei is very beautiful, but the character is more hard. It belongs to a typical female man, the killing is decisive, the thunder is a good fortune, and it is sometimes faster than Li Tianyu. This bit Li Tianyu has a thumbs up toward Han Lei.

As for Shen Yutu and Cao Chunwen, they can't come to Telide. I really have an old, there is a small, so I am more reassuring Li Tianyu.

However, Cao Chunwen still recommends some of the good hands of the security team, so come to Prince Island, you can quickly form an security team, this is especially important.

Arrange these things, Li Tianyu has also ended the video conference.

I have to say that Li Tianyu feels quite tired, but it is still very fulfilling.

This is completely different from the previous Li Tianyu as a social animal.

Li Tianyu thought that he sat up.

its not right!

This is not the purpose of Li Tianyu.

His purpose is simple, that is, lying down! Don't have "happy and happy" or "busy and happy" ideas!

What's more, Li Tianyu can be a host figure with a bragging tax system. If Li Tianyu has to be exhausted in the sky, it is really sorry for such a system!

Li Tianyu quickly got up and opened the refrigerator and found two small bottled red wine from inside.

This is the specialty red wine in Tyrante, the price is cheap, the taste is also good, especially after Ice, it is simply a god of water.

Li Tianyu looked at the red wine while pondering the next thing.

Tomorrow, Li Tianyu promised to take Liang Jing to Wangzi Island to visit, of course, not only her or her sister, will bring other people, such as Hainan and Qinya.

In fact, as long as there is a few people who have been in the class, slowly go to Phuket, Bat, Krabi Island to recruit, should soon let the resort facilities in Prince Island will run.

Although it may be a little longer than Li Tianyu hopes, this is already enough, after all, it is not a fat man, or it needs to have great patience.

Moreover, Li Tianyu's development speed has been fast enough, it does not require more.

After drinking small red wine, Li Tianyu is going to bed to sleep, there is another phone call.

Li Tianyu felt strange, so late, who will call?

Li Tianyu glanced at it, actually Ai peace.

Lying in the trough!

Li Tianyu is busy these two days, I have forgotten that Ai Peace also came together to Phuket.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

There is another noisy music, and it seems like Ai Peace in which bar is mixed.

Ai Heping: "Boss, you come."

Li Tianyu: "Don't go, I am sleepy."

Ai He Ping: "Boss, don't be so cruel, if you don't come, I am dead!"

Li Tianyu is : "What is it in trouble?"

Ai Heping: "You will know, I am really can't come, you can't come, I can't go back!"

Li Tianyu sighed: "Okay, you tell me where you are, I have passed."

Ai Heping is happy: "Well, I will send it to you right away, you are gone!"

Li Tianyu hangs a mobile phone and looks at the time, ten o'clock in the evening.

To be honest, in Tyran, this time is really not late, is still the peak time of nightlife.

Li Tianyu has been working in these days, and I haven't enjoyed a nightlife.

Li Tianyu has also come to the heart, put it into the flower shirt, the flower pants, and set up a TUTU car.

The place from Ai Heping is also very famous in the Badong Beach. The TUTU car driver will take the head, then bring Li Tianyu to fly to the side of it.

That is a bar named "Siam", seeing the facade is quite wide, the bar of a relatively high grade in Phuket.

In the inside, it is very drum-saving music, noisy.

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