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In fact, Li Tianyu is not a person who likes a quiet, but it is used to a relatively quiet clearance, and suddenly come to this more noisy bar, still not suitable.

This bar is quite high, and visitors are of course a lot. Whites can see everywhere, more actually the local people.

There are too many people in the bar, and even squeezed out, Li Tianyu is really annoying.

After a single day, I finally squeezed it, but Li Tianyu couldn't find Ai Ping.

The child is not high, it is easy to be overwhelmed by people.

This place is very difficult to call, it is unclear.

At this moment, Li Tianyu was pulled.

Touching a look, it is a beautiful woman.

It looks like this beauty is a face of the Central Plains.

The other party talks, the result is the Central Plains.

Beauty: "Li Tianyu?"

Li Tianyu nodded.

Beauty: "Ai Heping there."

Said, beauty refers to the card seat area that is not far.

It turned out that although Li Tianyu couldn't see Ah, Ai He Pei saw Li Tianyu, and people called him in the past.

After following the beauty, Li Tianyu came to one of the cards, and suddenly saw Ai Peace was sitting there.

Ai Heping This child also puts his feet on the table, quite arrogant.

What is the trouble?

Who can let him go back?

Ai He Pei saw Li Tianyu came over, and quickly sat opposite him, then picked up a bottle of beer from the table, and opened the bottle cap, handed it to Li Tianyu.

This table putters dozens of bottles of beer, and the empty bottle accounts for half.

In addition to the beauty of Li Tianyu, there is also a girl, the same very beautiful, no, it should be more beautiful.

Look carefully, quite a big star's taste.

Ai peace began to introduce it.

The beautiful woman with Li Tianyu came to Zhao Lingqing.

Another pretty beautiful beauty name is Wan Zi'an.

Li Tianyu said he greeted two beautiful women and touched their cups with a beer bottle.

Two beautiful women did not be Ai Heping and Li Tianyu as simple and rude, drinking a colored cocktail.

They are actually tourists, because of the special depth travel, they have been exploited by long-term deep travel, and they have visited these places in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Samui, and arrived yesterday to Phuket.

Ai He Pei came to this Siamese flower bar. I originally wanted to find a few Tyle girls and drink, and I saw Zhao Lingqing and Wan Zi and two beautiful women.

Ai Heping as a generation of emperor, of course, I don't want to make it.

However, these two beautiful women can be done better than imagining, and several rounds, Ai peace feels quite to force.

Therefore, Ai Xing is a mobile phone, just call Li Tianyu, let him come over to guide the two beautiful women.

Ai Heping does not want to be too selfish, share it with the boss Li Tianyu.

Zhao Lingqing: "Ai Ge, who is this? Look at it is very handsome."

Ai Heping: "This is not, Li Tianyu, he is my boss!"

Wan Zi'an and Zhao Lingqing looked at Li Tianyu and quite surprised.

Ai peace actually shouted with this person, is it difficult to come true?

Wan Zi-An: "Mr. Ai, are you very powerful? He is boss, it should be even more powerful."

Ai Heping: "Of course, it must be even more powerful, he is the big boss, the hand is so much people!"

Li Tianyu glanced at Ai and He Ping: "I am a big boss, I can't compare you the rich second generation."

Ai Heping: "What am I doing, I am a younger brother in front of you! Come! Drink!"


Four people touched a cup, a big mouth, very cool.

Zhao Lingqing: "You have two big bosses, a rich second generation, saying that we seem to be very good."

Zhao Lingqing means that the rich second generation and big boss belong to a rare man, and they all come up.

The key is not in the country, in Termord, exotic hometown.

Actually, I will easily meet two thousand miles of a good man, it is really amazing.

Therefore, Zhao Lingqing and Wan Zi-you did not believe in Ai Peace's ghost, and I felt that Ai Peace was in order to attract their two beautiful attention to blow the water.

In fact, this is also normal, here is a bar, a man blows a smile, and the sky is justified.

However, Ai Peace may not just want to drink a beautiful woman, but want to further.

For ordinary girls are very authentic, Zhao Lingqing and Wan Zi'an are completely different. If you want these two beautiful women, it is not good.

In fact, Li Tianyu and Ai Peace have indeed truthful things, and one is a first-class big boss, the other is the top rich second generation, the gold quantity is genuine.

But they have no identity prove, no mouth is free, Wan Zi and Zhao Lingqing are not believed.

Whether there is Ai peace, how to tongue Lotus, saying that the sky is a lot of money, and the two beautiful women are not expressed.

Li Tianyu is drinking beer, too lazy to talk more, just to perform a peacock to see Ai and a Peace like a hair.

Ai Xing's eye bead is turned, and the heart is angry: "Yes, where do you want to play tomorrow? Let's take a look, go together."

Wan Zi-An: "We want to go to the sea, go to the islands near Phuket to play, do you have any good recommendation?"

Zhao Lingqing: "They should not have any fresh statement! I have been a Raiders, nothing more than emperor island, big PP island, small PP island."

Wan Zi-An: "I don't want to go in these places, see people, can't see Jing."

Zhao Lingqing: "Then, if you want to go far, like Locke Island, I heard that it is simply the peach garden, the human paradise, water cleavage, particularly forward."

Wan Zi-An eyes bright: "I like that place, then let's let it book!"

Zhao Lingqing: "Don't worry first, let's plan."

Ai He Ping put his hand: "I said to you, Lock Island I have been, and not only once."

Zhao Lingqing asked immediately: "How is it? Are you living there? I heard that the accommodation conditions are not very."

Ai Heping: "It's really not good, the accommodation conditions are general, and it is still relatively far, when the wind is big, I have to take five or six hours of boat, I advise you not to go."

Zhao Lingqing: "Then you recommend a good place, we can't we do it in the hotel?"

Ai Heping: "Of course, I can't, so let you follow us!"

Wan Zi-An: "You? Is it me and him?"

Said, Wan Ziyan looked at Li Tianyu.

Ai Heping huh huh, "Yes, I will arrange the project with my boss, you will definitely make you very satisfied, you can let you experience you, pleasing!"

Li Tianyu watched the Ai Peace helplessly, this little child is two, in order to pick up the girl, he has begun to speak, he is talking.

Li Tianyu was originally not interested with Ai Heping crazy, but he didn't take the peep little lie on the face of beauty.

Wan Zi'an and Zhao Lingqing looked at it, it seems that it is using the eyes and gods to be mixed with Li Tianyu and Ai Peace.

After all, here is foreign, it is Tyrante, two girls still have to be careful. If you can't get it, you may encounter your heart, full of people who are full of bullies.

Don't look at the surface of the Tyrante is a very peaceful country, known as the country of smiling, in fact, the dark surface is still very big.

After all, the world's largest population dealer source and the human organ market are in Tyrante.

However, Li Tianyu and Ai Heping these two people, how to see people who do those who have been doing, and let's make a boring, an exaggeration, like girl, men's nature.

The ultimately Wan Zi-An and Zhao Lingqing still nodded with each other.

Zhao Lingqing: "Okay, then you can arrange it, we can go with you."

Wan Zi-An: "But let's say it first, can't go to the kind of danger, there is no smoky place, we just like to travel, don't want to take risks."

Zhao Lingqing: "Right, we are not an adventurer."

Ai Heping: "You put a hundred hearts, we arrange the itinerary, there is absolutely fun, safety, double-sex, can you reflect our horizontal, right, boss?"

Lao Da Li Tianyu glanced at Ah, I really want to violently giving two mouthfuls of Ai Peace.

Although it is very interesting to travel with the two beautiful women, there is still something in Li Tianyu tomorrow?

But this is not a difficulty overcome.

Ai Heping and two beautiful women have been discouraged, and they have been in contact with each other, and it is also a line.

Ai Heping was even more and more, whispered to Li Tianyu: "See it, or I am bigger."

To be honest, don't see the Ai peace, the short and fat, but the task of picking up the girl is indeed very high, can drink it, there is a courage to have a courage, the success rate is quite high, this one Li Tianyu is indeed Very comfortable.

Four people have begun to say laughter, while drinking, while talking on Torende.

At 11:30, the two girls in Zi'an and Zhao Lingqing finally couldn't live.

Ai Heping took the chest and said: "You don't worry, we will send you back!"

Zhao Lingqing said, "No, we will go."

Ai He Ping: "How is it? Tyrante is a lot of dangerous and suspicious bad people!"

Wan Zi-An: "How do I feel that the bad guys is you?"

Ai Heping: "You don't believe me, always believe in my boss?"

Wan Ziyan glanced at Li Tianyu, and said to Ai Heping: "I think you are big, it is worse than you!"

Li Tianyu feels very speechless, where is this? Really lying and shooting! He just read a few things in some parts of Wan Zi-An, actually be misunderstood as a schedule.

Say it back, Li Tianyu is indeed a discretion.

It's just a smuggling of a suit, and it's more high.

Ai peace and two beautiful women meet the time and place, Zhao Lingqing and Wan Zi will leave the Siamese flower bar.

There is only Lee Tianyu and Ai Heping Brothers.

Li Tianyu opened a bottle of beer and drunk.

Tyland is too hot, unless it is in the air-conditioned house, or it is that it is in the evening, and people feel that it is ejected from the outside.

So keep drinking ice beer, you can make your body cool down.

Ai Heping came over: "Boss, don't drink, do you talk about where are you going tomorrow?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Ai and He Ping: "Are you not an idea? Ask me what?"

Ai Heping smiled: "Boss, you still don't understand me, I dare to say anything about it."

Sure enough, I don't have Li Tianyu. Ai Heping this child is trying to go.

Don't look at this guy, there are many places where Tyle has not been there, there are eight times, but every place, mainly do one thing, that is, picking up, what attractions play card, what to take pictures The root will not be able to fight with him.

Telling with Ai peace, there is that time, it is better to talk to the local beauty.

Ai Heping now has Li Tianyu to sit on, it is even more unscrupulous, arrogant, talking is even more uncle.

So Ai Peace can only let Li Tianyu have an idea.

What kind of place you want to do can make Wan Zi and Zhao Lingqing feel that it is different, and it is quite approved, and can you still play very comfortable?

Li Tianyu sighed: "Ai big ... is not right, Ai Xiaodi, you don't know, I have been busy with my life, I haven't intended to play in Phuket, where to know where?"

Ai and flat have changed, and even busy Li Tianyu: "Boss, you can't see it! Our brothers must take them, or they can't face Jiang Dongfen!"

Li Tianyu sneaked.

Ai He Ping's hope.

In general, Li Tianyu exposed such an expression, explaining the solution that is thinking about solving!

As long as Li Tianyu is serious, there is nothing else to fall! Includes those very exaggerated Olympics.

After a moment, Li Tianyu suddenly said: "How to divide?"

Ai Heping is awkward, I didn't understand Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "How are you so stupid, how do I ask?"

Ai Xing finally revealed the look that suddenly realized: "Oh, boss, you pick it first."

Sure enough, Li Tianyu picked up Wan Zi, which is the type he like.

Ai Xing smiled and asked: "Has a boss, where is it?"

Li Tianyu: "I will take me tomorrow."

After drinking a few bottles of beer, the two were shaken, and the small songs were returned to the hotel.

On the second day, when Li Tianyu was fascinated, it was quarreled by a doorbell.

Li Tianyu opened the door and saw that it was Ai Peace this kid.

Li Tianyu: "Do you have a little while not going? Don't sleep in the morning, what do you do? Dream!"

Ai Heping: "The boss, a few more, hurry, have to go to the two beautiful women after breakfast."

Li Tianyu: "Look at your monkey, use you? I have been arranged early."

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