The more you go, the more you will be able to do.

Lin Nan has always had his own plans, and these plans have also changed as his strength has increased.

For example, now, because of the emergence of the Daowu world, his previous development plan has also been adjusted in time.

In the past, he only thought about how to develop business, without a more specific overall development plan.

But now it is different. With the emergence of the Daowu world, he will inevitably encounter more and stronger opponents in the future, and at this time, targeted plans must appear.

It is urgent to cultivate his own manpower, and the manpower that is developing towards the Daowu world.

Although it is a bit slow to cultivate now, fortunately, he has a strong space, which can give him dozens of times more time than others. In this way, he may not be able to overtake others.

For others, overtaking on a curve only exists in theory, and the probability is very small.

But Lin Nan is different. He has great confidence in his overtaking on a curve.

"Find a group of orphans with high qualifications. I want to turn them into the most loyal subordinates and also give them superpowers."

Lin Nan looked at Ye Feilong and said.

"Brother, do you mean to train them from childhood? But, this won't help the current situation much, right?"

Ye Feilong frowned and said.

"This is a long-term plan! We have to look to the future, so I will put this group of people in a few years or even more than ten years!"

Lin Nan said.

Ye Feilong was stunned and was about to say something else when he heard Lin Nan continue: "As for the response strategy for the current situation, I also have a comprehensive plan!"

"Brother, are you talking about using the characteristics of space?"

After all, Ye Feilong has a flexible mind and quickly thought of it.

"That's natural. With space, we don't need to be afraid of others at all!"

Lin Nan said proudly.

"No wonder big brother is so powerful, it turns out there is this cheating artifact!"

Ke Qinglong exclaimed.

"Before I got this artifact, I was already much stronger than you are now."

Lin Nan knocked and snorted.

"That's right, big brother is big brother, how could he become strong by cheating?"

Ye Feilong laughed.

"How can you see through my ability? Let you see it again!"

Lin Nan said, and a whistling sound came out of his mouth.

After a while, Bai Ze fell from the sky and landed on his shoulder.

"Do you know who it is?"

Lin Nan said proudly.

The two of them naturally didn't know, after all, Bai Ze was an ancient mythical beast. Although it still exists now, it is not something they can usually come into contact with.

Seeing the two people's confused look, Lin Nan became proud and told the origin of Bai Ze.

"Big brother, you are not lying to us, right? Why do I feel like you are telling a myth?"

Ke Qinglong said in disbelief.

"It's not an exaggeration to say it's a myth. After all, Bai Ze is a mythical beast."

Lin Nan nodded.

"'re right. We are people who have embarked on the path of cultivating immortals. How can we not believe these?"

Ye Feilong laughed.

Ke Qinglong just said it subconsciously, and then he remembered Lin Nan's identity and couldn't help but laugh.

"No more jokes. Feilong, please pay more attention to the orphans. My goal is to have at least 500 people, the more the better. At the same time, we are not training illiterates, so the children's education must also keep up."

Lin Nan said seriously.

Ye Feilong nodded. He understood what Lin Nan meant. Once they were accepted, they would be members of the Xingyi Sect in the future. The Xingyi Sect would not allow illiterates to appear.

If you want to do it, do it to the best of your ability.

"Then, in order to deal with the current situation, I have been prepared for it."

Lin Nan smiled, then took out his phone and made a call.

"Ziying, how is the task I asked you to do going?"

The people Lin Nan was looking for were the seven assassins that Ye Weiguang had hired to deal with him, and who were later subdued by him. Lin Ziying was the leader of the seven.

"Boss, what a coincidence. I was just about to report to you!"

Lin Ziying said excitedly on the phone.

"How many people did you find?"

Lin Nan was delighted and asked.

"What a coincidence. A few days ago, it was the time for demobilization. I asked my former superior about this matter. Do you know how it went? The superior was worried about how to get such a large number of soldiers to demobilize. When I heard it, I immediately said that it was up to me, and then the superior let me choose."

Lin Ziying said proudly.

Lin Nan was startled, then laughed. His luck was really good.

Qi, so good!

"After I learned about it in detail, I selected more than a thousand people. Of course, their qualifications are very good, and most importantly, their character is trustworthy."

Lin Ziying said again.

"Okay, when can they report?"

Lin Nan asked.

"Because they have just returned from military service, they still have to go home. I also gave them time. They will report the day after tomorrow. What do you think, boss?"

Lin Ziying said.

"No problem... It just so happens that my work here is not too busy. I will go home tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Lin Nan pondered for a moment and said.

Now that the ancestor of the Zhong family is gone, Ye Feilong and others can deal with the Zhong family. Leaving by himself is also a good way to avoid suspicion.

For him, the most important thing now is to deal with the future strong enemies in the Daowu world.

Moreover, it is also a good time to go back to deal with the affairs of Tianguangxu. After all, it has been a while since he left.

That night, Lin Nan took Lu Wei and returned to Tianguangxu on Bai Ze.

They came back silently, so when they appeared in front of Ye Huixian, she was shocked.

"Why did you come back?"

After the surprise, Ye Huixian asked a little unexpectedly.

"It's mainly because someone missed you."

Lu Wei said with a smile.

"Go to hell, he won't miss me when he has you by his side and a new woman."

Ye Huixian rolled her eyes and snorted.

"Listen, isn't this jealous?"

Lu Wei said with a smile.

Ye Huixian was about to say something when Lin Nan pulled her into his arms and kissed her very domineeringly.

Then, things developed very naturally...

At noon the next day, Lin Nan received a call from Lin Ziying, saying that people had already arrived at Tianguang Market.

This is Lin Nan's territory, and it is most appropriate to bring people here, and no one will suspect anything.

Lin Nan soon met more than a thousand people.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Lin Nan was excited. These people, under his training, will soon become the elite among the elites!

"Hello everyone, let me introduce myself. My name is Lin Nan..."

He suppressed his excitement and began to introduce himself.

"...I can responsibly promise that if you follow me, you will not only continue the glory of winning glory for the country, but also get generous treatment, and have skills that you can't imagine!"

Lin Nan finished his speech with an extremely exciting sentence.

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