The matter of recruiting people was not so smooth.

After Lin Nan finished speaking, someone immediately stood up: "We are all adults, so we are not so interested in such things as drawing big cakes. Unless you can show your strength and prove that you can do these, otherwise I will think you are dreaming."

Looking at this young man with a rebellious look, Lin Nan knew that he had met a thorn.

However, he was not unhappy at all, but secretly happy.

He just wanted such a thorn to come out, so that he could show his ability and completely conquer these people.

How many soldiers are soft persimmons?

"Very good. What I personally admire most is people with their own opinions, not blind followers! Brother, what's your name?" Lin Nan asked with a smile. "Lu Yong! A retired first-class sergeant from the special forces." The young man said proudly. He retired from the special forces, no wonder he is so arrogant! Lin Nan said in his heart, but his face did not change: "So, what ability do you want me to show? You don't need to test me in business. After all, my current wealth is all earned by myself." "You said that you can improve our strength, so I want to ask, do you have this ability yourself?" Lu Yong asked. "Of course, you can challenge me." Lin Nan nodded. Lu Yong looked at him proudly. No matter how you look at it, Lin Nan doesn't look like a master. "How about this, I won't bully you. You can choose a weapon, and I'll use my bare hands." He walked to the middle of the venue and said proudly. Lin Nan was stunned, and then laughed. On the other side, Lin Ziying was also laughing. He knew that Lu Yong was the runner-up in the military competition. If it weren't for his personality, he would definitely be able to move up and serve as a soldier for a few more years, or even more than ten years.

Unfortunately, his personality was too strong, and no one could suppress him, so he was among this batch of retired personnel.

It was for this reason that the superior felt it was a pity and was afraid that he would go astray after he came out, so he strongly recommended him to Lin Ziying.

In Lin Ziying's opinion, his boss would definitely be able to convince Lu Yong.

"As your future boss, I will not bully you. You can also listen to your words in reverse, that is, you can choose weapons freely, and I will use my bare hands."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

Lu Yong widened his eyes and looked at him in disbelief: "I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't expect that you are more crazy than me!"

"Being crazy requires skills. Then, let's try to see who is really crazy and who is pretending."

Lin Nan said with a smile.

"Okay, let's get started!"

Lu Yong shouted coldly and took up his stance.

"You attack!"

Lin Nan said calmly with his hands behind his back.

Lu Yong was stunned, and then his anger rose!

How dare you look down on me like this!

He didn't have a good temper to begin with, and now that Lin Nan looked down on him like this, he was even more upset.

As soon as he came up, he used the military boxing that the special forces team was best at.

This military boxing is different from the ordinary military boxing. The ordinary soldiers only learn the basic version, while the special forces team teaches the kind that is specially created for hurting people.

"Very good, you really have some material."

Lin Nan's eyes lit up and said.

"Boss, pay attention!"

Lin Ziying couldn't help but worry when he saw that he didn't dodge or evade.

Although he knew that Lin Nan was very strong, Lu Yong was the runner-up of the whole army competition after all, and his strength should not be underestimated.

If Lin Nan underestimated his opponent and lost, although it would not affect the recruitment this time, his image would also fall sharply.

The next moment, when everyone thought that Lu Yong's punch could hit Lin Nan, they heard Lin Nan chuckle, and then stretched out his hand to block Lu Yong's fist.


Many people knew how powerful Lu Yong's punch was. It was definitely able to split the blue brick with one punch!

However, such a strong force, in front of Lin Nan, seemed to be waving to a baby, without any threat!

Is this true?

Everyone's eyes widened, watching this scene in disbelief.

"Come again, you didn't use your full strength."

Lin Nan shook his head and pushed Lu Yong back.

Lu Yong blushed, but also became more angry.

He was actually despised!

"I was just testing you just now. I didn't use much strength, otherwise you would definitely not be able to stop it!"

He took a deep breath and said very unconvinced.

"I know, so I let you

Come again." Lin Nan shrugged and said. "Pay attention, I won't hold back this time!" Lu Yong roared, and then used a very powerful move in the military boxing. Listening to the sound of breaking through the air, Lin Nan secretly praised in his heart that the power of Lu Yong's punch was at least 500 kilograms! If he really hit it, most people would faint or even die! However, he still didn't care much, gently stretched out his hand, and caught it again. Lu Yong's eyes widened. He knew how powerful this punch was. No one had ever dared to catch it in this way! But now Lin Nan not only caught it, but also seemed so relaxed! "You..." Lu Yong's face was so embarrassed that he wanted to struggle, but found that he couldn't struggle out at all. "You are not as good as me in strength and speed." Lin Nan said with a smile. "My... strength and speed do not represent all my strength. Do you dare to compete with me in moves? "

Lu Yong still refused to accept it, and said with a red face.

"Okay, I'll let you attack. If you can force me out of this circle, then you win."

Lin Nan let go of his fist, and then drew a circle on the ground with the toe of his shoe.

Lu Yong took a breath of cold air!

This is a concrete floor, and Lin Nan can easily draw this mark with the toe of his shoe. How strong must his skill be!

This is not an ordinary skill at all, but a martial arts master.

However, he still wanted to try.

"Okay, if I can't do it within ten minutes. From now on, I will serve you as my master and never betray you!"

Lu Yong raised his head and said.

He didn't believe that no matter how bad he was, he couldn't be so bad, right?

"Okay, if you do it, not only will I not blame you, but I will also let you be the captain and give you a monthly salary of 20,000. "

Lin Nan smiled.

Everyone was shocked.

Twenty thousand a month, that's a white-collar job.

I didn't expect Lin Nan to be so generous!

"Everyone be quiet, I'll explain here, if you work hard, twenty thousand is just the base salary, it will be raised in the future, and there will be generous bonuses, I guarantee you will be satisfied."

Lin Nan waved his hand and said.

Although everyone's psychological quality was not bad, they were still shocked after hearing Lin Nan's words.

What does this future boss do?

"Boss, you don't want us to do anything illegal, do you?"

After a while, someone still asked with courage.

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