Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1347 The Heavens Wanted

"Ancient gods."

In the messy heaven, traces of being shaken by energy waves are everywhere, and the surrounding saints and ministers stood up respectfully.

At the same time, there are too many questions.

Why did the Messiah defect?

Could it be that knowing the super ancient gods would be bad for him, but the two were not allies in the past?

Even, like others before them, they thought of the more profound cause of Hermes' death back then, whether it was pure or not!

"It's just a different philosophy."

The super ancient gods just said a very simple sentence, "I didn't expect that there would be such a backhand in this matter, but I don't want to care about it. You should deal with it according to the rules, so you can deal with it."

"Now is the age of young people. I can't control it. I can only pave the way for you and let you create some brilliance and possible miracles."

The super ancient gods also left.

Incomparably simple, beyond the expectations of all existence, it came and just took a look, and then left without looking back.

Di Qi frowned slightly, the meaning behind his words was already obvious.

There is no half day.

A warrant from the heavens appeared directly.

All the heavens and universes under his command, flowers, plants, fishes and beasts, have all been wanted announcements,

"Messiah is wanted, as well as Xila and Mu Yuling from the Valkyrie Palace, the two were removed from the Valkyrie Palace, and all the bodies in the two "heaven" were killed at the same time!"

Treason is the most serious crime.

Although the heavens and myriad worlds claim that saints are immortal, but now it is only relative.

Because the "heaven" under his command is ruled, as long as all the saints in the universe are eradicated, it means falling.

Just like the sage of the multiverse before, who killed the bodies of nine universes, he really fell. Although there are many in front of him, the principle is similar.

When this news fell, the outside world was shocked.

Because this is the first order to obliterate the heavens.

In the past, the heavens and worlds were chaotic. The heavens were scattered and there was no overall plan. It was difficult to really kill someone, but now the heavens are divided into several regular forces.

These sages were very curious and directly discussed it. After all, it was a rare event in the vast endless heavens and worlds.

"Wanted means obliteration and killing. Since the era of the heavens, there has not been a true saint who has fallen. Now there is the first one?" "However, this is only limited to one power of the heavens. It is difficult to obliterate the other universes of the heavens! After all, they are not under their jurisdiction. Although the age of the heavens is not truly immortal, there are too many 'universes', and every universe can have a reincarnated body. Once cleared, it will be very difficult!"

There are sages who are very rational and point this out.

Some saints also became curious and reasoned: "I don't know, why did they defect? ​​Did they offend certain existences? Or some adventures? Or opened up some new taboo universe?"

In their eyes, the enemy of the enemy is their friend.

Since the "Clan Heavenly Court" is wanted, the nearby cosmic forces may choose to accept it. After all, they are high-level personnel of the other party and can obtain a lot of information.

However, something that confused them even more happened.

Not only the "Clan Heaven", but also the "Pillar God Heavens", "All Clan Heavens", and "Netherland Heavens", etc., also issued arrest warrants at the same time, offering similar rewards.

This confuses all saints,

"It is said that although these civilizations are their own enemies, they all originated from the same power! They came out of the same civilization. I thought it was a rumor at the beginning, but now they are wanted at the same time. I am afraid it is true."

"If it offends one of the heavenly forces, it is estimated that only one person will be wanted! Now, I am afraid that they have offended the root of this civilization, so they will all be wanted together?"

It's anyone's guess.

After all, they also vaguely know that these forces are so powerful, occupying the first-mover advantage, and crazily attracting talents, because they knew a long time ago that the "Era of the Heavens" is coming, they preemptively seized the opportunity, and they came from the same lucky civilization is no surprise.

However, something even weirder happened.

The mother river civilization of Luna Season also issued a wanted order immediately:

"I have already obtained several people's true spirit imprints from the 'clan universe'. Once you find that they have sneaked into our universe, kill them directly!"

"At the same time, there is a reward for the three of them. Once they are captured, they can be rewarded!"

As soon as the news came out, all the saints were even more inexplicable.

Although this mother river civilization is also a certain civilization that seized the opportunity and obtained the prophesied stone tablet, it is obviously not the same as that civilization.

Both sides are very hostile!

But why, regardless of the enemy and the enemy, they all issued a wanted arrest tacitly?

They all know the Messiah?

And this, why are they wanted together?

This news completely caused a huge storm.

However, even weirder things also appeared. Even the last demon gods, the forces representing the Cosmos Garden, began to be wanted, and rewards appeared.

"Who the hell is this Messiah?"

"Except for the emerging small heavenly forces, why are all the ancient cosmic heavenly forces that have obtained ancient prophecies and laid out the era ahead of time, all of them wanted?"

"There is no place for him in the heavens and the world?"

"There must be a deep reason!"

"Messiah Messiah."

"Why do you want to defect? ​​Could it be that you know some key things in the prophecy of the cosmic meteor shower? The mysterious mysteries of the heavens?"

Countless saints exclaimed.

At this time, among the vast heavens and worlds, there are a total of 270,000 great thousand heavens, and the saints are discussing and even starting to search frantically.

Now, it is divided into the Great Thousand Heavens and the Small Ten Thousand Realms.

The big heavens are all rooted in the dojo, which is extremely huge and vast. The small worlds are all weeds that grow everywhere on the barren land and take root.

The capacity inside the universe is very small, and the potential is not great.

"All the heavens and all worlds are discussing, and even those natural gods have begun to know about this matter. It is conceivable that the influence of this messianic event."

Mengmei also sighed, and only studied the possibility together. They also consulted Lin Hongfeng and got some clues.

Several people summed up together, reasoning about the cause and effect, and vaguely grasped something.

Philosophy is different.

He clings to his bloodline and guards the glory of the past, but Hermes wants to abandon his bloodline.

"It turns out that we have found the final truth shrouded in fog."

"Hermes is the existence of the creation god camp!"

Soon, Qiu Mingshan continued to think about it, and finally posted a post on the earth again, which caused quite a stir:

[On the reasons and possibilities of Messiah's defection, and the real truth about Hermes being killed that year! 】

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