Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1348 The hymn of mankind, the collision of the four existence concepts!

All of a sudden, the atmosphere became stalemate.

Everyone can guess that things may not be simple now.

But it is really difficult to sort out the specifics, so I can only explain it based on the speed of Qiu Mingshan.

Qiu Mingshan did not hide the speed of the car, and said directly: "First of all, let's clarify our previous thinking. Why did the God of Destruction come? Why did the heavens and worlds come into being? This is the original root cause!"

Qiu Mingshan explained in a self-contained manner:

"The answer is: Let the God of Destruction descend to change the doomed future of the universe. Use one destruction to resist another destruction, and use the 'heaven and world' to resist the 'chaotic creatures'."

Everyone can't deny it, this is known before.

The ultra-ancient creatures and others are simply daring, wanting to continue the era of blood creatures that is about to be destroyed.

So, a few of them secretly planned the coming of the God of Destruction.

But this is an extremely crazy idea.

Obviously, they are the only civilizations that have observed the "Creator God", and they don't worship the Creator God, but they think about plotting against the Creator God.

What kind of treason is this?

"Yes, it looks outrageous!"

Qiu Mingshan's speeding voice was very cold, "But, isn't this the one who escaped somewhere? The sky is four-nine, and people are one of them.

The escaped "one" has the destiny to change the future. We control the destiny to change the future. It seems rebellious, but is it not another kind of fate and coincidence in the dark? "

Is the general trend of change also a kind of destiny?

Many people were shaken.

Perhaps, our choice to change the future is part of the fateful future?

Everything that seems to us to change is actually destined to change.

Just as we were born with this idea now, and even questioned my own idea the next moment, is it also predestined?

Many people are a little flustered, fatalism, after all, it is a little scary.

"Whether it is fate or not is another story."

Qiu Mingshan didn't want to explain it in these idealistic concepts. After all, fate and cause and effect are difficult to explain. He continued:

"In short, I have to say that this is the best way. To defeat the general trend of fate and the God of Creation, we can only use the God of Creation from another time and space to fight!"

Qiu Mingshan said quickly: "A long time ago, the advent of the God of Destruction was planned by these few existences. The Mother River of the Luna Season, the Cosmic Garden of Lenimanska, and Hermes and the super ancient gods The existence of the three major forces of Buddhism and Taoism, and the four existences, are all planning this matter!"

Qiu Mingshan's speed: "First of all, we can see that Hermes did not agree with the "God of Destruction" plan at that time. He stood in the camp of the Creator God and held objections!"

No one refuted this.

After all, this has already been revealed in the words of the Messiah.

The concept is different, he once opposed the coming of the God of Destruction, and observed the existence that does not belong to this era into this time and space.

Qiu Mingshan said seriously: "Based on the current pattern and situation of the heavens, I boldly guess that the four existences at that time all had their own ideas!"

"Hermes believes that the general trend of the universe is fundamentally unstoppable, it is better to find a way to integrate into it, cut off one's own blood, use some method to disguise, become a creature of the new era, and even cultivate the system of new creatures! "

"Follow the general trend to survive."

"It's like when the ocean becomes harsh and unsuitable for fish to survive, the fish will cut off their scales, remove their fins, and set foot ashore to find a new environment."

"Hermes therefore disagrees with the coming of the 'God of Destruction' and strongly opposes it, while the remaining three still want to carry out the plan of the God of Destruction."

"Although I don't know what happened, the conflict must have become more intense, because we have also seen the final result of Hermes, fall!

I'm afraid, while the super ancient gods were sleeping, Luna Ji was an extremely proud person, directly fighting Hermes, trying to eradicate him, and in the end, he succeeded! "

"Perhaps this is the real reason why Luna Season killed Hermes."

When everyone heard this, they immediately felt reasonable.

A battle of ideas!

Because Hermes is in the camp of the Creation God, he disagrees with such a crazy idea: the few people in front of him actually want to go against the sky, go against the general trend, and preserve the system of bloodline civilization!

"As for this point, perhaps, the super ancient gods also know about this matter, but they have been silent in secret, and it is unknown. Lenimanska, by feigning death in a deep sleep, just avoided this matter and remained silent."

Soon, Qiu Mingshan's clear speed explained the truth about Hermes' real fall: different ideas.

This, perhaps, is the ultimate truth.

As they grew up, they experienced several speculations about the "death of Hermes". At that time, they guessed that it was due to the competition for the blood of eternal life and the creation god. But with the progress of civilization, they were all overturned one by one.

In the end, this was accompanied by their broad knowledge and knowledge of the real cause of death: the idea of ​​escaping the doomsday.

Or perhaps, the silence of the ultra-ancient beings, the momentary retreat, led to the fall of friends, and because of this, they were extremely guilty, and they gave preferential treatment to Messiah, Hermes, and various previous eras.

Qiu Mingshan's car speed: "My conclusion is: Hermes is a 'bloodline-slashing hidden faction' who wants to abandon his bloodline, thinking that since his own bloodline no longer exists, he should innovate and find a new future path.

The remaining three are all the "Bloodline Inheritance Faction", who frantically use the heavens and worlds to build a "Bloodline Universe" and keep their bloodlines! "

The players were shocked!

How wonderful this is.

What terrible madness this is.

Since it is the end of the universe!

Since it is Ragnarok!

The universe is so big that there is no room for our bloodlines.

Then, we will create our own blood universe outside the universe, which can accommodate our blood!

"Is this the truth?"

"Love it."

"Incomparably domineering and crazy!!"

"I have no way to describe it!"

"It's so domineering, it's really exciting! Since no one will accommodate us in the future universe, we will build a universe that can integrate with us outside the universe—the heavens!"

"It's called the heavens, but it's actually killing the heavens!"

They were completely shocked and moved, the domineering existence of these statues is unprecedented in the past! !

In the era of the end of the Dharma, the gods are at dusk and have nowhere to hide, so they create the heavens to continue.

Qiu Mingshan speeded up and said seriously:

"The age of bloodline creatures has multiplied for more than 14 billion years."

"Throughout the ages, we have never really resisted nature, because nature cannot resist,

We used to sit in caves, studied how to cultivate, studied the laws of nature, and resisted the five decays of heaven and man.”

"However, we have been declining and dying for generations, and we have risen and fallen for generations, but we have never been able to resist fate and the universe in a true sense. He is too vast to be conquered by manpower."

"Send the mayfly to the world, like a drop in the vast ocean. I mourn the moment of my life, and envy the infinity of the Yangtze River."

"Even a powerful saint is just a speck of dust among trillions. It's too small, and it's too short-lived to die."

"But at this moment, when the universe is 14 billion years old, we have to completely fight against the big universe once."

"This is the true sense of fighting against the sky, against nature."

Qiu Mingshan said quickly: "Humanity is no longer living in the general trend, no one can protect us from extinction, only ourselves, write the last hymn of our civilization, and use blood to change the hopeless future!"

The last hymn?

Many people murmured this sentence, how heavy it is.

Our years are too vast and long, and I don't know how many rotten stories have happened, and finally come to an end, but we don't want to draw a full stop.

Qiu Mingshan's car speed: "In front of me, this is a crazy move. Man is determined to conquer the sky. If it is really like those stories, you have to go against the sky and fight against the sky. In front of you, these four existences just want to change Destiny is the future."

At this time, someone suddenly asked directly: You said, not only Hermes has his own ideas, but the other three exist, and they also have their own ideas about how to survive Ragnarok in the future?

"Yes, judging from the current situation, except for Hermes' creation god camp, although the three of them have the same big idea, they all use the God of Destruction's descending plan to continue the bloodline, but in fact they are different! "

Everyone was surprised and quickly asked what was the difference?

The three of them should have secretly reached an agreement, and there are subtle differences in the existence of this crazy plan?

Qiu Mingshan thought about it quickly, and said: "First of all, the idea of ​​Luna Season is to 'escape from the universe', the mother river civilization, fly to the high altitude of the universe, reach the misty atmosphere, hide among the creatures of the chaotic sea, and reach corners that cannot be reached , establish the Kingdom of God in the sky, and divide the two kingdoms."

"The mother river civilization we see now is such a concept. The higher the flight, the thinner the aura is, and it is necessary to reach the apex of the 'chaotic atmosphere' and become a god in the sky."

God in heaven?

Just when everyone was whispering.

Xu Zhi was thoughtful and felt that this idea made sense.

Qiu Mingshan continued to say: "The idea of ​​Lenimanska Garden is the 'Fortress of the World', to build a humanoid super-large battle fortress base on the earth, to fight head-on and roam around, which is very in line with the iron-based life , the violent and hard-working character of the evil god,

In the end, they will become indescribable, indescribable, and indescribable, huge old evil gods, old gods, and old rulers. They will make those chaotic creatures of the new era fear, standing at the top of the food chain, and it is difficult for ordinary chaotic creatures to resist ! This is the god of the earth! "

Old Gods!

Old Dominator!

God on earth?

Everyone was shocked.

Indeed from the rulers of old, indeed the old gods! Although their power can no longer be found in the universe in this era, they have retained it in another way, and they are also afraid of the creatures of the new era, turning into some kind of terrifying mythical ancient creatures.

Xu Zhi was also delighted to hear it, and felt that it made sense, and Medusa could just try it.

Qiu Mingshan speeded up and continued: "The idea faction of the super ancient gods is even more domineering, and it is simply crazy enough to describe."

Good night

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