It's on the shelf, let's talk about it routinely.

This book is quite bumpy. The subject matter was posted in the wrong place. The contract was signed at 170,000 yuan, and then the author is super casual. Others’ new books are stable at 2 and 4,000 a day. Characters, sometimes seven or eight thousand, are written and sent directly.

The contract was originally signed late, and I was still writing crazy, which led to the fact that the number of words was too many to be put on the shelves (-_-||)

It has 360,000 words, and other people have put it on the shelves for more than 200,000 words. If you catch up to 360,000 words, if this book can make you laugh, would you like to contribute to the first order?

Yes, it's that direct!

Ask for the first order!

A few cents for the first order, the author is happy all day!

it's really important

If there is a plus update on the shelves, it will be the seventh update today.

Four shifts will be released at 12 o'clock first, and the remaining three shifts are still being sorted out. Let's just send them out at about 6:30 in the evening.

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