Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 141 The Last Glory of the Times

Under the dark and oppressive night sky.

At the moment when the gods were formed, a thrilling oppression seemed to be real, a snow-white arm came from across the dimension of space, and with a slow press, the Cthulhu Cthulhu collapsed.

"This is God." An unbelievable hoarse voice appeared in the body of Cthulhu Evil God.

"Just one palm."

He lowered his head sluggishly, as if the body of a magnificent ancient stone statue slowly cracked, and a huge crack appeared. In the next second, the crack spread and turned into a spider web.


Two voices came out faintly, "You have come to the mortal world this time, and you have already reached the limit of your shot at me, right?"

"In this barren mortal world, the realm of the gods will also fall, and the energy of the whole body will only quickly dissipate in the air. This is not a place where you can appear at will, hide in your realm of the gods."


The evil god collapsed suddenly,

A lingering voice resounded in the world, "We are defeated, but you can't kill us after all!"

They were very vigilant, they had already transferred their bodies, and hid far away on the other side of the mountain range to control the evil spirits.

"Do you think you will have a chance?"

At this time, a cold voice came from a distance, "We have long expected that you cannot be killed, as cunning as before, but we have prepared the means to kill you completely."

A new "Giant of Light" walked out slowly, "Let me take over your body and become the next generation of Cthulhu Cthulhu. When I'm strong enough, I can naturally sense your existence, and you can't escape. Escape."


The faces of the two players hiding in the dark changed completely.

The flow of time has already determined everything. At the moment when the research outside knows, it is too late inside. The defeat is determined. This game is a seamless killing game, and there is no chance for a comeback.


Medusa slowly gathered up the countless crawling pieces of bright red flesh on the ground, and his body continued to rise, gradually re-condensing.

The few heresy gods of them have used the power of the whole country for hundreds of years to cultivate the second-level wizard body organization, and they were all taken over by Medusa in an instant.

"Medusa, is this really good?"

The door to the underworld slowly closed again, and Elmin's voice came across the border, as if traveling through time and space, and said faintly: "Why give up being a human and turn into such an evil existence?"

Ermin was already a god, and could no longer easily come to the mortal world in person.

If you open the channel between the two worlds without authorization, you will only reduce the energy of your high-energy world and spill over into this barren mortal world.

God cannot stay on earth for too long.

After all, the huge energy difference between the two worlds is like an "osmotic pressure" between two cells.

Almost every breath, that kind of barren land, like the arid and hot desert sucking the wet sponge of "God" madly, will cause serious damage to one's own cultivation.

The more powerful the deity, the faster the energy spreads, and the less easy it is to descend to the world.

Perhaps the realm of the gods goes a step further, completely consolidating itself, not spilling energy, and forming a perfect divine body without leaks, and only then can one descend from the god realm and stay in the mortal world for a period of time in the barren earth environment.

But what is above the gods?

No one knows yet.

"Ermin, after this war, I don't envy you, because I have more lofty dreams." Medusa kept pulling the pieces of meat all over his body and regrouping.

"You become a god, just an ordinary god, and a weak human becomes a god, so our mortal world can satisfy the energy needed, and the evil god Cthulhu is the great and supreme existence of the alien high-energy world that came to this land. If it weren't for the restrictions of this barren land, in its original high-energy world, I'm afraid it would have already broken through to become a god, and it is one of the strongest gods, with unlimited potential."

"He came to our world and gave us mortals the only chance to kill him and take his body"

Medusa is like a towering mountain of flesh and blood, slowly wriggling and reorganizing.

However, the price of this is too powerful, so that this world is far from being able to provide the energy that makes her a god.

"What a beautiful and powerful body."

Medusa praised, standing on the vast ground, enjoying this almost invincible feeling for the first time.

The mountain range is just a small mound in front of her, and any creature is an incomparably small ant, but her complexion gradually became complicated, and she looked up, as if thinking of her teacher Circe,

"Ermin, why do you ask me why I gave up being a human being? Because in order to become stronger, any method is possible! Even if it is evil, even if it is hated by the world, strength is the truth of this world! I know one thing from my long life, the ability of human beings. There is a limit. The more I fight with the alchemy emperor, Ermin and others, and the more I continue to strive to prolong my lifespan, the more I realize that human beings have limits. Therefore, I choose to become this kind of transcendence. Human existence!"

She gradually turned into the next Cthulhu Cthulhu.

In addition, the appearance gradually changed, the legs gradually merged into a scaly skin and long tail, the hair was full of teeth and claws, like a long snake flying, and the whole body had a stone texture, like the legendary beautiful gorgon.

Her serpent-like long hair fluttered in the sky.

"From today onwards, I will go to eternal life."

In her mind, the heroes of the past dynasties flashed through the long history, Gilgamesh, the three witches, the alchemist emperor, who reigned over the world, suppressed the world, and all strived for longevity.

But they eventually die of old age, and only they succeed.

My own talent can't match them, but I still surpass them and embark on an unknown new road!

As long as she lives forever, then she means a long time to open up everything.

Level 8 mythology will not be the end, level 9? grade ten? If these realms really exist, then she must come out. She has the supreme bloodline of the God of Creation, and she is destined to be extraordinary.


The gorgon with a body as vast as a mountain, standing on the endless land, gives an unparalleled sense of impact, solemn and great.

After all, Medusa is a monarch who has lived for eight or nine hundred years. In just half a month, she has controlled the power of the evil god, even more thoroughly than those two muscle players.

In an instant, using the body contact of Cthulhu Evil God, four muscle players were sensed.

"here we go."

Her face changed, and she quickly pursued the two who escaped, the book, and the wizard with headphones hiding in the dark.

And on the way, he encountered some escaped remnants of the evil sect, and even the genius Anise of the Cult of the Evil God from before, just one glance, the other party fell into petrification, and the cells in his body condensed and turned into a female stone statue.

The indescribable fear was actually strengthened in Medusa.

The evil god cannot be looked at directly. She has integrated her own view of death on the microscopic unit of her body. If she looks directly at her body, she will fall into petrification, turn into a statue, and enter a permanent sleep.

"Hey! Just kill the other three! I'm an ally!"

Cerebellum bluffed down the mountain with a dazed face, and the moment he was taken away, a page fell silently to the ground.


A gust of wind blew through, and a faint smell of blood wafted in the air.

On the ruined earth, countless buildings were mixed with bloody corpses. After this fight, the earth had become pitch black, covered with blood, and deep ravines and cracks were everywhere.

The wizarding federation king collapsed, and there were countless casualties. At the end of the battle, the Victoria Wizarding University in the capital of Cthulhu, the inner space was also broken, and the witches of the evil church fell out one after another, almost all of them died and turned into nourishment for gods. .

As for the three major kingdoms, most wizards did not survive. All wizards above the fourth level sacrificed their lives. Most of the wizards who survived were first- and second-level wizards.

In the entire wizarding world, the strong are almost exhausted.

"Although we won the final battle, the price paid was too great." Linda looked at the ruined world, her heart was bleak.

She began to organize some members of the Church of Light, and began to bring some civilians, low-level wizards, to sort out the trauma after the war, and rescue some civilians who were pressed down by the buildings.

But Linda could never find the existence of the Book of Light.

"He is one of the evil gods, and he will not be taken away by Emperor Medusa in order to integrate the evil god of Cthulhu..." Linda's mind flashed this terrifying thought, her face pale.

Soon, among the ruins, a religious nun came quickly with a page that read: "Wait for me to come back."

"This piece of paper is his texture." Her expression became unsteady, "It must have been taken away, but Emperor Ermin will protect him, and Emperor Medusa can only study his body at most, not Kill him."

Linda was silent for a moment, looking at the entire shattered land of the royal capital, "We don't know how long it will take us to recover from such a trauma."

At this time, a hurried voice came, "It's not good!"

"What's the matter?" Linda asked. "

It was a first-level wizard wearing a wizard's robe, excited, "My Lady, the evil eye of the entire wizarding world and all wizarding books have been collected in Victoria University, but this university was built on the evil god Cthulhu, just now in the midst of war"

The people around were stagnant and looked at the ruins.

In the face-to-face peek, creepy thoughts spread.

Could it be that the evil eye and books are both.

That is our thousand-year-old civilization, the hard work of countless wizards!

"What's the matter!" Linda growled.

"The wizard books are okay, most of them have not been destroyed, but the basics of alchemy and pharmacy have been destroyed, as well as the evil eye! At the moment when the space was broken, the evil god of Cthulhu could not look directly, and all the evil eyes in captivity were alive. Shocked."


If the evil eye in the whole world is wiped out, then our wizarding age will be.

"So, is today's final battle of the evil gods the last glory of our wizarding age?" Linda looked at the broken earth, her mind rumbled, her whole person lost her soul, but her face quickly calmed down, the world's The tide is too big, and it has nothing to do with her, just bowed his head in silence, "Our wizard's glory has passed away, can I wait until you come back."

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