Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1440 Saving the Universe

For a moment, everyone was overwhelmed by Emperor Zun's domineering words.

They played all their cards, but let the other party down?

What an arrogant statement! !

What kind of proud prehistoric demon god is this?

Not to mention Tuxin and the Lord of the Longevity Realm before. Now, the mother and daughter of the Zerg race, no one knows that they are the ultimate fusion monsters that are terrifying to the limit!

They are a fusion of all heroes who have awakened from ancient and modern times!

It is a super aggregated blood life!

Being able to grasp the power of the singularity in an instant is weird and frightening, and possesses extreme life force. In their eyes, this person alone is enough to pose a huge threat to Emperor Zun!

And Jiu, the god of time who has traveled to this time and space from more than 14 billion years, can even learn the power of singularity in an instant, and now regains control of the world of longevity under his feet.

The Longevity Realm is a dojo for a long time.

Although people have occupied the magpie's nest, but now that Qianzhu has returned the authority of the longevity world, he can instantly gain huge power to claim himself.

He is still like this? ? ?


Everyone stared at this ancient prehistoric taboo that came from ancient times and was ready to arbitrarily assert the existence of it.

"How dare he??"

Renjiu looked stunned, and said solemnly: "I'm joining forces with the Zerg again now, if I'm not talking big, then he is really exaggerated!!"

"Whether it is strong or not, you can try it."

Emperor Zun turned around and stepped into Genesis behind him step by step.

They had mastered the details of the singularity before, and the singularity vortex could no longer trap them, and Tuxin and others were able to enter and exit freely.

But it is undeniable that Genesis is still the best final battlefield, allowing their power not to spill over to the outside world.

Medusa frowned, "Can you do it? Now the thirty-seventh cycle of Genesis is about to collapse, and the ultimate ultimate existence is coming. Can you solve it in advance?"

"Don't worry." Emperor Zun couldn't deny it, and stepped into it.

"This is the final battlefield."

In the distance, the four of Tuxin looked up at the scene in front of them.

On a finely sculpted miniature continent, it seems to stand a huge Statue of Liberty. She is dragging a huge vortex disc with one hand, vast and majestic, that is the final battlefield.

"The Battle of the Twilight of the Gods."

The four stepped into it one step at a time.

Tu Xin looked sharp, with his hands behind his back, looking at this man who is arbitrary.

And Renjiu, Zhizhu, and the daughter of the Zerg mother queen directly took out the strongest formation and directly fused together. Their fusion is equivalent to the combined force of the three supreme rules of the universe, and is equivalent to the end of the era of blood civilization. ! !

boom! !

In an instant, their momentum was not weaker than Emperor Zun.

"Prehistoric creatures, creatures of the new era." Tuxin stood with this bloodline ultimate body, just entering the vortex of Genesis.


The vortex suddenly enlarged.

Emperor Zun turned around and struck with a simple punch.

This punch burst out countless tiny particles of the basic matter of the universe, which turned into a singularity explosion. The huge amount seemed to be a volley of hundreds of millions of shotguns.

Bang bang bang! !

A punch hit Tu Xin's chest hard, then turned into a streamer and turned quickly, and hit the Zerg Queen again.

The dominance of this punch seemed to tear them into pieces in an instant.

"This energy level!"

The two reunited and couldn't believe their eyes.

Feeling the horror of this punch in a daze, the energy in it is as simple as a giant punching and killing four ants!

They were obviously two meters in size of ordinary people, but they crushed their light-year giants!

"Haven't you discovered it yet? As I possess the Nine-Turn Mysterious Art, our energy level has been reversed."

Emperor Zun was indifferent, walking step by step, full of gentle smiles,

"The eleventh level of mastering the singularity completely ignores the energy level of the biological body. The power of the singularity is infinite. The eleventh level is the ultimate creature that is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent."

"The so-called omnipotence, the power is naturally unlimited."

"Although I am half of the eleventh order, with the help of the singularity power furnace, this singularity that has swallowed countless matter in the universe, my energy level is currently close to infinite."

Unlimited energy levels! !

When the four people in front of them heard this sentence, their pupils dilated and they silently cursed at the monster.

And Tuxin also looked completely dignified. For the first time, he experienced the advantage of the super terrifying energy level, the feeling of an ant being crushed by a giant.

"Don't be nervous."

Tuxin took a deep breath, encouraged others, and couldn't help shouting:

"His energy level is only close to infinite, but he is not the real eleventh level after all. The real eleventh level is omnipotent. As true, he can evolve and master all the rules of the universe, time, space, dimension, light, Heat is the aggregate of the truth of the Dao, "Taoism is infinite", he just borrowed the energy of the singularity, but he was unable to use the true power of the singularity."

If the other party really mastered all the rules of the universe, it would be a "qualitative change" in skills, and it would be the real eleventh level, then they would have no other way.

But the opponent is now half-baked, unable to directly grasp the power of the singularity, using it indirectly is a "quantitative change" in brute force.

Although, the energy level is far greater than theirs, coupled with the ability to use the singularity to resist and absorb attacks, other places are not much stronger than them.

"Don't be nervous?" Emperor Zun smiled.



In the void, thunder exploded.

Countless true voices sang, turning into platinum radiance piercing the universe, as if the sky was upside down, and they were slammed into the air.

There is no strength to resist at all.

How do giants fight against ants?

With a bang, they flew upside down in an instant.

The heroes of the times in the body communicated with each other after seeing this scene, their expressions were full of horror.

"What monster?"

"Is this the power close to the eleventh level?"

"He only has some characteristics of the eleventh order, and the energy level is infinite, so he is already irresistible!"

"His energy level is no longer in accordance with common sense! The mere two-meter body size of an ordinary human seems to contain the weight of a universe's river system!"

"Such a monster, can we really defeat him??"

"This punch is smashed down, as if holding a vast river system and smashing it down like a bracelet!"

The ancient heroes in countless bodies were dumbfounded.

"In the current battle, this is no longer a matter of everyone mastering the singularity."

Renjiu turned around to look at other people, feeling creepy. The future era of the universe has changed so much that he doesn’t know it at all. “The most intuitive thing for him is the issue of energy levels. Just by relying on absolute brute force, he can live with energy. Kill us!!"

"Is there any way to resist this monster?" Renjiu asked.

"Hmph, it's not impossible to win."

The Zerg Queen was very proud, snorted coldly and said in unison in her body: "Give me time, enough time, he can evolve this so-called miraculous martial arts, and I can also evolve a miraculous body to resist and restrain him. Standing at the same height as him! Use some method to indirectly grasp the power of the eleventh level, so that we, the spiritual eleventh level, can also use part of the actual combat power!"

"Is it time?"

Zhi Zhu laughed out loud, and said with a complicated expression: "Renjiu, when it comes to time, it's up to you! Please, I'm counting on you to save the world!"


Ren Jiu also laughed heartily, but with a hint of hoarseness.

"The three of us will take charge of this body together and save the old world." The queen mother of the Zerg race said coldly: "The three old clans, fight for longevity again."

Longevity battle?

People were silent for a long time.

That generation of Zerg mother queen died after all, but her group of descendants, together with quality candles, can indeed be regarded as the reunion of the Big Three in a sense.

"Renjiu, I jumped dimensions to dodge, but it is still difficult to dodge some inevitable attacks. It mainly depends on your time acceleration. Persevere, we can survive the evolution of life!"

Quality candle said: "You are an immortal existence on the timeline, you speed up time, enough to overcome everything! Our world is saved by you!!"

save the world

three of us

Renjiu's mind was shocked, what a strange yet familiar word.

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