Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 1441 Life and death here (fourth more)

These words seem to be the key to open the memory box, bringing back some long-lost ancient memories.


Time is shattering all around.

Renjiu seems to have returned to the very first day, the primordial age when the universe was at its beginning, and the fog of rules covered it.

A picture resembling a golden lightning flashed across the eyes.

In the end, it was fixed on the original picture.

That was the beginning of the dream.

A tall and majestic figure of the vast gods and demons sat on a high place, overlooking the three disciples below,

"You are the three strongest geniuses in our era. In the not-too-distant future, you will respectively want the entire universe that has just opened, and you will prove time, dimension, and life."

"Big disciple, your name is Renjiu, and the time scale is the strongest force to protect human beings, making people go forever."

"Second disciple, your name is Quality Candle. Dimensional space is the basis for the existence of matter in the universe. Hope burns forever like a candle."

"Third Disciple, your name is Chongshou, and Time and Space are your two elder brothers. Life lives in it but cannot be as peaceful as they are. Why does the God of Life call it a Worm? Worms hunt and hunt for eternity, striving for eternal prosperity. "

Endless memories flooded my mind.

They created the world, established the system of the universe, and established the three major rules. Their names are also derived from this, which symbolizes the simple meaning of the ancient tribe and is the supreme title of the tribe.

Memories seem to be like yesterday, the torrent floods this bloodline congregation, and with the resonance of feelings and memories, it merges into the minds of these three ancient manipulators.

"That Zerg Shou is a generation of ancestors." The queen mother of the Zerg Race of all dynasties was stunned, looking at the primitive and simple woman of the tribe.

"It's been a long time, you've been shaken." Quality Candle was silent, this was a side effect caused by the connection and communication of consciousness, and the sharing of thoughts.

Although there are many things that I don’t want to look back on, the ignorant youth in my youth is the best memory in life for any life.

The exhortations of the most respected person when they were young, the dream of the future, and the passionate fighting spirit of the youth, the three talked about their dreams and poured out their dreams. They are like the deepest and most ignorant murals in the memory corridor, precious and unforgettable.

A voice came through, and exploded in this fusion body:

"You three, replace the way of heaven with humans. From now on, you should abandon your humanity and follow the order of heaven."

The three of them said in unison:

"Yes, Master, the three of us will keep the Tao from now on!"

"We will not be involved in the world of mortals, we will not be involved in karma, we will be fair and tolerant, and we will be alone, and we will lay down our lives for the universe."

"We will not be selfish, we will give up lust, we will not fight for heaven and earth, we will clarify our hearts, we will have no self or no heart."

"From today onwards, I will hold the heavens and hold the power until I die!"

"From today onwards, I will do my duty faithfully and live and die here!"

The loud voice cut through the universe, like the first ray of dawn between heaven and earth, and the three boys and girls formed a circle.

Is that so?

We, after all, failed that person.

Renjiu's eyes deepened.

Once upon a time, the vows of youth turned into lies, and the passionate blood of fighting became cold-blooded and selfish.

The beast named death is chasing after them so that they dare not stop for a moment. In the twilight years, the lifespan erodes your only enthusiasm and courage bit by bit.

They began to pull out the sage's arrogant teeth, broke off the sage's proud sharp horns, and chased the battle of longevity.

The five declines of heaven and man, not only the body, but also the soul.

"We are rotten after all, lingering and curling up in the back, calculating everything secretly, fearing death, becoming cowardly captives, shrinking and shrinking, looking forward and backward."

Renjiu's eyes ignited a raging fire, and the corner of his mouth raised a trace of pride and arrogance, "Who is the rotten one among us, and who is the prehistoric?? Emperor Zun, you? No, the prehistoric is us!!! The prehistoric It's also Tuxin!!!”

He growled angrily.

Renjiu stared at this domineering emperor full of edges and corners in a trance, full of sharpness, full of pride and self-confidence, his heart accommodated everything, and he wanted to defeat them at their peak and in their best era.

This statue comes from the existence of the prehistoric universe and has lived for tens of billions of years.

But he still has his bravery and pride as a warrior, he is aboveboard and allows his opponents to grow, which may be the reason why he is so strong.

And what about them?

It decays after hundreds of millions of years.

He calculates and hides behind his back, and is timid and afraid of death.

Renjiu laughed hoarsely, "Save the world. Such a strange word for us, guarding the garden of happiness created by that man, are we worthy?"

After all, they have failed all sentient beings.

"However, you have to give it a try!"

He gradually walked into the high-speed space-time speed of the universe, everything around him gradually became static, and even Emperor Zun began to slow down.

"A flow rate of 100 million years."

He growled.

A large amount of blood flowed from the eyes, ears, mouth and nose with the backlash, which was shocking.

Emperor Zun stiffened all over, obviously feeling that his movements had become stagnant.

"Hurry up!! Give me a little faster!! Time! Go faster, and I will travel to the future again!" Seeing Emperor Zun's movements gradually slowing down, Renjiu let out a heart-piercing roar, laughing wildly with bright red eyes stand up,

"You, after all, are not the real eleventh order. You are not a singularity at all, and the singularity you borrow is also foreign. The rules of the universe's blood can still affect you!"

"Bastard, it's rare for me to try my best. It's not bad to fight someone like you upright."

Renjiu controlled this body and leaped high, killing that figure, "Existence in the prehistoric universe, die to me!! Get out of our cosmic era!!!"


bang bang! ! !

Endless fists turned into phantoms,

"The existence of the prehistoric universe wants to prevent us from proving the truth? Arbitrarily asserting the future eleventh-level gate of the universe? Control the distribution of the eleventh-level seats by yourself? I will break the deadlock!!" Renjiu was burning all over his body, like a hero walking out of the flames Mars.

His eyes gradually became sharper, as if a flame was burning, and turned into a silent growl,


Under the terrifying flow rate of 100 million times, the Zerg mother nest in front of me is rapidly evolving with countless spores, changing and evolving the current fused body, and creating a sand table!

"With the brood in hand, plus the ability to go far beyond the previous time, there is nothing we can't defeat!!" The Zerg queens roared. Their knowledge of evolution combined is enough to shake the world!


Life is taking a leap!

Life levels are jumping geometrically!

The Great Singularity was quickly understood, and it attacked the still Emperor Zun.

"Already evolving!"

"His skin is still covered with a thin protective cover of the singularity, but our body is adapting to the singularity, and we will be able to break through it soon!!" A Zerg queen exclaimed excitedly.

"It will soon evolve into a targeted creature that can pierce his skin and enter the vacuum of the singularity in the abdominal cavity. The singularity does not need to be ignored. It cannot be destroyed. Let's destroy the nine bloodline universe centers!"

"That's his biggest weakness!!" A hero other than the Zerg roared loudly.

Boom boom boom! !

Renjiu swung his fist wildly, piercing the opponent's skin.

As the god of time, the blood flowed down with tears, feeling that the huge overload was overdrawing his life, but he didn't care about it, he just felt like the blood vessels in his brain were bursting.

Killing in an instant.

When a strong man of this level fights, an instant explosion can almost establish the entire pattern.

"That's it."

"That's it"

"We can win!! We can win, that's it, get into his power furnace!! Destroy his nine cosmic centers! He doesn't have a converter, and if he breaks his skills, he will definitely lose!"

Good night

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