Babylonian tribe.

The houses are scattered and prosperous to a certain extent.

The power of the three witches is much weaker than Gilgamesh, but they can barely resist the invasion of giant beasts and defend their homeland.

Humans are in the middle of the huge beast food chain.

Although they can't resist some terrifying giant beasts, they will not be able to use them as food for any kind of giant beasts. Even powerful giant beasts have to pay a heavy price to attack the tribe and eat them as food.

Farmland, with women cultivating.

In the distance, people in animal skins are dismantling the corpse of a huge beast of more than ten meters.

Around the tribe, warriors are constantly patrolling to prevent terrifying beasts from attacking the Babylonian tribe.

After stably surviving, they began to multiply the population wildly and expand the population, because they needed a huge population base, and the emergence of more women fused with the blood of the evil eye and the emergence of more witches were the only way for them to protect themselves.

Deep in the emerald mountain stream outside the tribe.

In the fairyland-like Aemia pool, the green grass is bright, the flowers are blooming, and the white mist is misty. Three beautiful women are bathing.

After more than ten years, the three witches back then were already in their thirties.

At the age of 30 or 40 years old, their peers have almost left the world, or are on the verge of death, but the years seem to have never left a trace on them.

The three of them were bathing in the Amya Pool, youthful and fit, like teenage girls.

Back then, Gilgamesh lived for more than two hundred years after integrating the second gene. Now they are only in their thirties. For them, the long life has just begun.

Medea is soaking in the clear spring water, this witch who is decisive in killing and in charge of tribal warfare and glory, stretches her perfectly round legs lazily, and emerges to the surface, "Melixter, also went last night. The sisters who grew up with us, went out to explore together when we were young, were in the tribe together, and the little friends who were excited to study the dream of conquering giant beasts were already white-haired old women."

Cassandra gently stirred the water, the docile witch in charge of grazing and herbs, sighed in a low voice, "Countless children, grandchildren, guarding this old man's bedside and seeing her off is already the most beautiful. Life has come to an end. After a long time, I realized that only the emotions of our three sisters are eternal, and the surroundings are changing, only our three sisters will not grow old."

Circe smiled charmingly and her eyes rolled, "What? The two elder sisters are high above, as the great and majestic guardian gods of Babylon, but they are alone. Do you envy ordinary girls with loving husbands and children?"

Circe swam over from the pool, teasing and teasing: "Sister, you two, you have always been very quiet and elegant, not as good as me"

Medea and Cassandra took a few steps back at the same time, looked at her vigilantly, and said calmly, "Sercy, show me some respect! Don't use your set on the two of us."

"What does it matter?"

Circe smiled playfully, "It won't kill a man, and I'm not one of those weak men. Your uncontrollable burst of mental power can't kill me at all."

The two still looked at her vigilantly.

They know what Circe wants to do, let them fall down step by step, and gradually sink, and finally let them, like Circe, start to attack men and stand in the same camp with her.

As early as that year, after the two of them saw Circe's fall, they silently vowed to set three iron laws for witches:

First, before a witch is tested by the blood of the evil eye, she must be a virtuous daughter and swear to heaven that she will never have a loved one in her life.

2. After becoming a witch, be strict with any unclean behavior! It is forbidden to contact any male. Once you defile yourself, you will surely fall, be abandoned by the Lord, and become an evil witch.

Third, witches are not allowed to abuse their power and attack people.

Circe is a typical negative example.

She had a husband before, became a witch and went to find a man.

But because the witch's spiritual power is too strong, so powerful that she can't control her emotions, she will kill weak men.

The powerful violent mental power is accompanied by terrible side effects, and they are destined to have no lover.

Circe has become synonymous with death and fear in the tribe over the years, and every man she seduced in the past has died.

Countless men are afraid.

Despite Circe's knowledge, several men in the tribe die every month for no apparent reason.

In fact, after more than ten years, hundreds of people died and four new witches were born.

They have also been strictly abiding by the "Three Iron Laws of Witches" and have become the patron saints of the tribe. The Babylonian tribe already has four affiliated tribes.

And over the years, it's not that no men have participated in the death test of the blood of the evil eye. The tribe will never lack heroes, but the blood of the evil eye is very unique, and the probability of success for women is much higher than that of men.

But it wasn't that there were no men at all.

After more than ten years, it was actually four women and one man who succeeded in receiving power. Among them, the first rare wizard was born, which made Circe ecstatic.

With the appearance of the wizard, Circe thought that he could find a man who would not die.

It's a pity that Circe's spirit has become stronger and stronger over the years, and other men basically can't survive it, and this wizard was happy in Circe, and a full week later, he also collapsed and died.

The only wizard died suddenly, leaving the only male in the tribe in complete despair.

On this day, the brave warriors of the Babylonian tribe fully understood

-We have been completely reduced to reproductive tools.

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