Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 28 The idea of ​​division

Babylon 11 years.

Originally, it was rare for men to fuse the blood of the evil eye. The only wizard was killed not long after he appeared. Finally, the fear of being dominated by witches broke out!

"Escape! This is no longer the Babylonian tribe of the past, it is hell!"

"Times have changed, the era of male dominance of the hero-king Gilgamesh has passed, and now is the dark age of the terrifying witch!"

They want to flee the tribe madly, preferring to linger and survive alone under the control of the beast species, rather than staying in such a terrifying tribe, living in the shadow of being dominated by the strange power of witches.

"Cercy, unforgivable!"

Medea and Kassandra were looking at each other in the tribe, and they were burning with anger. They appeased the warriors in the tribe, and they had a big fight with Circe, and even shot out in anger.

They are completely intolerable.

Over the years, four new witches have appeared, and they are no longer in need of fighting power to protect the tribe, so they decided to take action to suppress Circe, but after the war, they were horrified to find that Circe had been secretly far stronger than them all these years. .

The two of them worked together to suppress her.

It seems that, compared to the two good witches who usually suppress themselves, the evil witch Circe, who indulges her spirit recklessly, can instead make her spiritual power stronger.

At this moment.

It is already 16 years in Babylon.

The seemingly peaceful three witches, the three great Babylonian patron saints, and the three sisters were bathing and talking happily. In fact, undercurrents were surging. After five years, Circe had reached an unfathomable level. I'm afraid I can only barely compete with it.

"How is it? Two sisters, don't you really want to try it?"

Circe's fair arms were still gently teasing the water, and she looked at the two of them gently, "Instead of suppressing or indulging yourself, it is a better spiritual way to cultivate and grow as a witch."

Medea soaked in the spring water, smiled and tried to persuade her with words: "No, Circe, I don't think this method is right, if we join you, what will the tribe become?"

Circe's beautiful and charming face showed serious thinking, and immediately planned a bright future blueprint, "We will re-rule the entire Babylonian tribe, women will be responsible for defending the tribe, and then men will be responsible for reproduction, bearing offspring, and women's responsibilities. ."

"This is tyranny."

Medea said softly: "Just like the brutal Sumerians who tried to rebel against the gods, it was barbarism rather than civilization, and this is not what the intelligent species should do. You know that the great hero King Gilgamesh of that year, ordered people to The function of recording history?"

"What's the role of history?" Circe asked with a smile.

"The role of history is to record the courage and hardships of our predecessors in resisting nature, and it also allows us to walk on the right path in the history of our predecessors. Your choice is barbarism rather than civilization, and you are making us go to the Sumerians. Exterminate the old ways."

Medea said: "Aren't you afraid, will we usher in the second great flood again?"


Circe's face flashed with panic.

The stronger she was, the more fearful she felt.

Now, she is only able to easily kill the giant beast of Allah. Compared with the powerful hero king in the records, she is hundreds of times more powerful than her. Even the great existence that can challenge the giant beast of Humba will die.

Circe was short of breath, then paused again, and burst out laughing.

She smiled brilliantly in the water pool, her beautiful white body was breathtakingly beautiful,

"Pfft! Sister, don't lie to me. I'm not trying to provoke the Creator, nor will I destroy other species and ecology. Even if tyranny is an infighting of human beings, it shouldn't ignore me, right?"

Circe immediately made a smug smile, "You guys have progressed too slowly over the years, even less than one-third of mine. My cultivation method is the fastest, the most dashing and the happiest. Who cares about the life of a man?"

Medea immediately retorted, loud and clear, "Your cultivation method is too evil, it is a wrong path, we must find out the correct method of witch spiritual cultivation."

Circe paused, and her face gradually turned cold, "Since I can't convince you, I can only force you to practice and force you to practice."

Her face gradually became complicated, "I never wanted to kill the two of you, the three sisters who can accompany me in the long years have always been the only three sisters, you will soon understand that the sister's choice is right, for you Well, as long as you try it once, you will fall in love with it and understand my painstaking efforts."


Circe's face gradually became gloomy, and an extremely cold and gloomy spiritual aura spread from her body, and the surrounding water ripples rolled away layer by layer, "Let me come, force you, and accept men!!!"

"You are so strong!"

Medea and Cassandra's expressions changed.


At this time, beside the water pool, four beautiful new witches appeared.

They wore delicate animal skins, held black wooden crutches, and wore rings of flowers on their heads. Obviously, Medea had already prepared and planned to unite all the existing witch powers to defeat the unbelievable evil because of the path of evil. Circe the Witch. It's impossible to let her go.


"You guys, what about the combined force—"

Circe's violent mental will suddenly rose.

The snow-white splash of the water pool, under the terrifying mental impact, the violent waves of the vast waves continued to spread and stir, and several fishes were shaken to the surface of the water, and the white belly of the fish appeared.

"Is this the power of witches?"

At this moment, a sudden gentle voice came.

It was a strange creature that had never been seen before, a three-eyed mysterious crow with black feathers, who had already stood quietly on the lush trees and looked at everything about them.


The witches' minds trembled.

This place is surrounded by the spiritual aura of witches. Medea and Kassandra pay the most attention to their chastity. No stupid and lecherous tribal men can sneak here and peep the three of them bathing and the consequences of forcibly approaching, Must be a splitting headache.

But now

"Kill it together first, and then we will deal with the grievances."


For a time, all the witches present, including Circe, started at the same time, and the strong mental shock gathered in one place, planning to work together to kill this unstable existence first.

They are too decisive and plan to destroy the unknown first.

This concentrated spiritual force is very violent, evil and strange, and even the most terrifying beast will die in an instant. But at this time, it seemed to fall into the quagmire, and there was no sound from the three-eyed black crow.

"how is this possible!?"

For a time, all the witches looked thirsty and hoarse at this black three-eyed crow standing on a lush tree, and a terrifying thought echoed in their hearts at the same time, "What kind of power is this?"

"It's the power of meditation."

Xu Zhi said as he stood on the branch.

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