Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 37 Prospects for the Next Sand Table Era

Xu Zhi took the watering can, sent him off with blood and rain, folded the flowers, and gave the flowers to the tombstone. After that, the mobile phone was still playing music next to the sand table, but he silently returned to the chair.

He picked up the lunch box again, ate it one bite at a time, and whispered,

"You have opened up a method of cultivation for me, allowing me to successfully cultivate, and the prototype of alchemy has appeared again, giving me hope of curing cancer. The era of your three witches has given me too many surprises. Performing these three miracles is considered a trip to the three witches."


Accompanied by the golden light beams sprinkled by the heavy clouds, the bright red and majestic rain fell.

Above the earth, people look up to the sky.

"When the three witches died, the hero was too late, and the gods in the sky sent them off. The sky rained blood, the flower monument fell, and the sad song of fate was played. Three miracles came to the kingdom of Babylon. recognized by the God of Wisdom!"

With tears in their eyes, they frantically praised Hermes, the great god of wisdom.

"This is a sad song, but also a hymn!"

The people of the Babylonian kingdom sang loudly and listened to the song that pierced the sky.

The music resounded through the heaven and the earth. They seemed to have something touched their hearts. Their hairs stood upright, and their bodies trembled with excitement. Fighting with beasts, fighting with age,

In a trance, I remembered the history of their struggle to rise.

They saw Gilgamesh, the king of great heroes as handsome as the Norse gods, roaring at all the giant beasts in the world, holding up the sword of Damocles high:

"The history of mankind's struggle against nature is the history of courage and praise!!"

"I ordered people to compile history and leave it to future generations, so that future generations can understand the courage of our ancestors to fight against nature!!"

After the picture was hazy, they seemed to see the three witches and the sea of ​​corpses and blood where many women took the blood of the evil eye. They heard the hymn of their destiny to fight against the giant beasts, and the three surrounded the flaming torches:

"Death! Can't crush our arms! Destroy our spines!!"

In the Kingdom of Babylon, countless merchants, craftsmen, old people, nobles, and mysterious witches holding wooden staffs on the streets seemed to be wet with tears and silently burst into tears.


Our struggle for life.

This is our time.

This song is a hymn of courage for mankind to struggle with destiny.

"God of great wisdom, thank you, thank you for all you have done for our king."

The old people of the Kingdom of Babylon know best of the hard times in the past, the backward civilization of slash-and-burn cultivation, their trembling aging bodies slowly prostrate on the ground, and old tears are flowing.

before the temple.

"It's enough, it's enough for the rain of blood, the monument of flowers, and the hymn of music."

Medea showed a satisfied smile, smiling like a flower.

She looked at Kassandra next to her and smiled contentedly. The two held hands and looked at each other in front of the Temple of Wisdom in Hermes. She slowly closed her eyes, spread her arms, and her weak body Gradually fall back.


Two slender and straight beautiful figures.

Falling in the rain of blood,

Falling down before the huge flower monument,

Falling down in the sad song of fate resounding through the heavens and the earth,

This picture is so beautiful that it is engraved in the legend of Ruan, and it is imprinted on the stone wall and painted for eternity.

"King, it's gone."

The next second, the sound of mourning resounded throughout the world, and the whole world cried.

The kingdom of Babylon lost two legendary witches who were invincible.

In the era of the Three Witches, they suppressed the world for more than 200 years and blessed the entire Western human tribe. No one knew how Babylon would spend it in the future.

In later generations, "The Spear of Sheng Wu" recorded this moment of national grief in history:

[In Babylon in 198, the three great witches, whose life was about to end, prayed to Hermes, the god of wisdom, in front of the temple.

Deep in the Balchik Mountains.

Circe looked at the three great miracles that fell from the sky in shock, and the whole country sang a lament, showing a shocking smile, "You two, the God of the sky is sending you off, what a glory, but you are still farther than me after all. Hurry up, I am still better than the two of you, you are willing to die, I am not willing."

Even if she is stronger than the two witches, she is not much stronger, and she will die soon. She sits on the throne and looks at the group of evil witches who serve her.

"I said! After I die, it will not be the end of my life! If I die in this life, you will move forward for me, so that I can come back hundreds of years later and live a second life."

She also fell into the coffin and closed her eyes silently.

In the black and mysterious evil palace, the walls are full of blood, and the evil tentacles and evil eye monsters are painted. It looks like a terrifying and weird hell cave. There are countless evil witches, holding scarlet crutches, wearing bright rose wizard robes, kneeling and lamenting:

"Our king, when he returns, will rule the world and gain true immortality."

Xu Zhi sat in the yard to eat, played the song for a while, and then turned off the phone.

Flowers are picked as soon as they are picked. After all, flowers are considered environmentally friendly as tombstones.

In order to make the blood rain, the water bottle that poured rose essential oil was only sprayed for a while. It rained for a while, and there was a lot left. He also poured the remaining liquid into the toilet silently.

This water is not enough for watering the flowers.

"I didn't expect that I only practiced the path of wizards yesterday. Early this morning, I didn't expect to see off the three witches, the teacher who opened up this path."

Xu Zhi ate breakfast, washed the dishes, then went out and returned the lunch box to Chen Xi next door.

He was silent for a moment and looked at the miniature sand table.

"However, the three witches are gone. In the large sand table world, there is no invincible king who has suppressed an era. It is just the moment for me to research and release new extraordinary species."

Xu Zhi whispered silently and added, "This is the best time!"

It is impossible to have an invincible king to suppress the world, and other extraordinary species cannot reproduce.

When the three witches were in power, the Evil Eye had been huddled in the swamp mud, kept in captivity, killed them with the blood of the Evil Eye, and continued to perform death rituals, and new witches appeared.

Evil Eye has been miserable!

It has become a blood supply package!

Now that the three witches are dead, they should be better off.

According to their realm, apprentice apprentices, first-level wizards, second-level wizards, and third-level witches belong to sixth-level wizards, and they are extremely terrifying. As for the path after sixth-level wizards, they have not yet opened up, and they have reached the end of their lives.

And the newly appointed Lilith is only a fourth-level wizard, and this is already their strongest existence.

There is no way, the times create heroes, and every time in troubled times, some monsters are born. The aptitude of the three witches is too terrifying, far above the rest. Otherwise, how can they gather the power of the three to open up a whole path of cultivation.

"I just took the opportunity to put other species in, and I can't let one family dominate."

Xu Zhi, a dead salted fish who was not considered a wizard apprentice, silently looked at the sand table, "Early this morning, the second test of the Land of Origin of Life began. I hope you will take the opportunity to come up with something good to enrich the species, and let me secretly Stuck into this age of turmoil."

After all, the Sumerian era and the Babylonian era were basically the history of tribal people fighting against nature. The initial struggle was too monotonous.

For them, countless darkness has been overcome, and they are about to "clear" the level, and they are about to officially climb up. Their extraordinary power training system, witches have begun to popularize.

After all, the giant beast species are just ordinary giant beasts, similar to the giant beasts in the era of Tyrannosaurus Rex. They are large in size, but they can no longer pose a threat to them.

"It is necessary to enrich the ecological world of the sand table and give them a 'hard mode'."

Xu Zhi's idea is very simple. In the next era, as the mastermind behind the scenes, he will secretly and thoroughly promote the evolution of the world's civilization, and completely create a mysterious and extraordinary sandbox world, where all kinds of strange species and extraordinary and terrifying creatures in Western mythology will emerge one after another, instead of There is only one evil eye similar to the Cthulhu mythology.

Mysterious, weird, bloody, unknown, dead.

This is the wizarding world he wants. He wants great wizards who pursue the truth and hold wooden crutches.

"It's exciting to think about it."

Xu Zhi's cancer won't last long. It's time for alchemy, pharmacy, and the rotten wizarding civilization to help him develop a cure for cancer.

"It depends on the Origin of Life sandbox players in the second test. Now, what kind of extraordinary species will they evolve for me, and they will determine the ecosystem of the next sandbox world era and the level of extraordinary power."

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