Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 38 These players really plan to overthrow me!

Now Xu Zhi is still looking forward to it.

In fact, an evil eye once appeared, and there were too many surprises. He hoped that there would be more of these extraordinary species. After all, there are still quite a lot of talents on the Internet.

After all, it is impossible for him to evolve countless species and create a world by himself. It is too complicated and requires endless wisdom. He can only borrow other talents to help himself and open up a complete sandbox world.

The second test has already started.

Just before Xu Zhi was eating breakfast and seeing off the three witches, a group of fifty new players who passed the screening had already entered the sand table and started a dark evolutionary life.

And other old players also entered the sandbox.

"Damn it, the content of the second test has been enriched, and there is also the opening music."

"Yeah, it's a lot richer now. It's Beethoven's Symphony of Fate with cutscenes at the very beginning. Does this symbolize that we have started a bumpy life as a spore evolution?"

The old players talked a lot, and in their small sandbox, they also heard the music to see off the three witches, resounding nearby.

The new players obviously learned through supplementary lessons. The server started at 5:00 in the morning, and they entered the game. Now that four hours have passed, they have evolved eyes, and they are amazed and look everywhere in the prosperous ocean.

"It's really virtual reality, full physical sensation, it's a real second world!"

"Hahaha, I feel that my body is full of the aroma of RMB! Every time I say a word, every evolution, and even the environment I come into contact with, I use 600,000 worth of computing resources to calculate the real second world for me in real time!"

A group of sand sculpture players.

A dime is useless, this is my yard, okay?

Do you really think it's a virtual game world?

Xu Zhi sat silently in the yard, eating apples, crossed Erlang's legs, and looked at the sand table in the distance, like a feudal landlord who was overseeing the work, "Move me all and create various species for me."

A group of ants evolving creatures also noticed Xu Zhi, the foreman, and couldn't help but observe secretly, whispering:

"Fuck you! I finally saw the legendary giant with my own eyes. It's really big."

"He's eating apples again, I'm afraid it's not a hidden plot? I'm going to join in the fun, I guess I can change jobs to hide evolutionary spores."

"Don't, the old players have been there, and they will basically be trampled to death. Not to mention, this game is too free. We haven't discovered many things, which are very mysterious."

The second test began, and the first batch of players in the internal test were also caught in a sense of tension and oppression.

Now how precious a place is, according to the industry leaders, I basically understand it all. A player is worth 600,000, which is comparable to the data calculation volume of half a large online game. run.

Chen Wenshan, as the leading brother, the most experienced hardcore player, and the well-known star player in the forum, Qiu Mingshan Speed, will naturally not relax.

He is now frantically researching "Evolutionary Cytology", "Origin of Species", "Biomolecular Structure", "Rational Framework of Bio-Bone Mechanics", "Evolutionary History of Neurotoxins".

His dormitory is already filled with more than ten thick professional domestic and foreign books.

He was also a reading genius with a score of 656 in the college entrance examination. Now he is addicted to games. At this time, he has taken out the college entrance examination energy of the year.

"In this evolution, we must first walk arthropods, eat plankton, and evolve bones!"

"Then, switch to the vegetarian route, evolve the abdominal cavity structure, then degenerate the exoskeleton, eliminate this excessive equipment, evolve into a vertebrate, then climb the land, walk into the swamp, and take the neurotoxin route. At this time, in order to evolve the poison sac, I should start hunting swamp frogs."

He planned it step by step. These days, his hair has been bald a lot, and he vaguely has the sparse hairstyle of Xu Zhi back then. On the book, he drew more than ten pages of densely packed paper.

Different environments, different foods, and the type of biological organ structure developed first will result in different evolutionary directions. This is like a huge evolutionary branch tree, as dense as stars.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most esoteric subject in the world, and it is difficult to end a lifetime of research.

In the end, Chen Wenshan made a plan, which is full of more than ten pages of evolutionary process paper: "After planning for so long, it's time to implement my "Chicken to the End Plan" to poison BOSS!"

That's right, on the first day of the second test, he will do a big event that will shock the entire game sand table!

The official plan of the new achievement system is to evolve species with extraordinary potential.

And what is the limit of extraordinary potential?

do not know.

If his evolutionary species can poison the boss, he will definitely be the first in his achievement system. This is the safest way to hold it!

Of course, he will not evolve a shit-like species like he was joking, because he has no appetite at first sight, and he wants to evolve a delicious-looking species with strong poison.

That's right, he's going to be the first player in the Spore Evolution game to get the achievement!

And the huge mysterious reward mentioned in the achievement, with the conscience of this game, a single player has 600,000 data computing resources, this reward will definitely be unprecedented! !

He got into the game.

"Please evolve your eyes!"

He has entered the stage of a fresh start, a new spore, just for the present moment.

The second test started at 5:00 in the morning, and while the new player was still groping, he also restarted the game. Now, ten hours have passed, and it is past 3:00 in the afternoon.

"Finally successful, though, with some flaws."

Chen Wenshan was so excited that as a liver cirrhosis player, he had a hard life for ten hours!

His current species appearance is a flaming red rooster that looks delicious and delicious. As a king, he controls a small population of roosters.

"It's time to take a look at the new players in the second test. We are the big guys in the first test. I'm going to perform the giant boss who poisoned the courtyard for the newcomers!" Chen Wenshan showed a cheap expression smile.

That's right, after preparing for so long, he is now going to do something, something earth-shattering!

So, he posted on the forum and broadcast it live.

[On the first day of the second test of "Spore Evolution", Qiu Mingshan's speed was decided to show the new players a fireworks, online to overthrow the giant boss who eats apples in the yard! 】

As soon as this post came out, the entire forum exploded.

Everyone knows that those first test players, the fastest process, are still some crappy deformed creatures? Naturally eliminated throughout the day.

Krypton chopped his hands again: "Big brother, did you learn the theory of evolution so smoothly! I'm afraid that you can already win the Nobel Prize? Now that a terrifying and powerful species has evolved, you have already started to fight the boss?"

The cerebellum bluffed down the mountain: "Mengxin has just started to evolve eyes, and I'm still shivering when I read a basic evolutionary book "Origin of Species" recommended by the big guys in the forum."

Everyone can't believe it!

They were in the game video and knew how huge that giant was.

At present, all players' evolution technology is immature, and they are all deformed species. The largest creature that has evolved, the size of a beetle, can't even reach his feet, and other body types are basically ants. How can they challenge the boss?

However, the players who had the internal test reacted instantly.

I'm a jerk, and I'm going to evolve into a kun: "Boss, is the joke you made before serious? You want to put shit in the meal of the giant boss, and hide poison in the shit? (funny)"

Mengmei is going to evolve into a dragon and endorse the legendary page tour: "Fuck! F*ck! Oh my God! Qiu Mingshan is really planning to poison? He has evolved a neurotoxic species? It's also called a chicken for the end? (funny)"

what's the plan?

Shit in the dish? Poison in shit?

It sounds so vicious!

On the forum, when a group of netizens who didn't know the truth asked about it, they couldn't help but be amazed, gave a thumbs up, and praised that the degree of freedom of this game is really terrifying, completely realistic, and they even thought of a fancy way to evolve a neurotoxic species. , start poisoning boos.

Qiu Mingshan Speed: "I hope everyone can cooperate with me. Is there any martyr who is willing to control the population under his command and try my toxin strength? Of course, if you use the "king" of the population, you can try it yourself and adjust it yourself. 100% tactile, say what it feels like to be poisoned, that would be the best."

Countless people just replied with a haha.

No one is willing to use the king of the population to test the poison and adjust it to 100% touch. But there are still people who control their own group, and some spores under their hands come to help the experiment.

Then, because its own population is too rare, it will soon go extinct and be eliminated.

Could not help crying.

Qiu Mingshan speed: "Hahaha, brother, you sacrificed honorably, my poison is very useful! Then I will start the next step, it is already four o'clock now, according to my usual secret observation, this boss's daily action route , it's almost five o'clock for lunch, brothers, help transport me to the giant bench in the yard, I secretly jumped into his bento, sacrificed my life, cut meat to feed the eagle, and poisoned him!"

A group of people eating melons, all kinds of salted fish, suddenly shouted 666.

"Let's help!"

"On the first day of the second test, watch the big guy blow himself up and poison the giant boss!"

Then a group of players also excitedly formed "Ant Moving House", rushing to the most marginal chair, and began to prepare for a major event on the first day of the second test, poisoning the boss who ate apples.

Xu Zhi: "????"

Of course, he also went to the game forum to see the feedback from the players on the first day of the second test. Who knew that he just saw a post from an unwilling sand sculpture player.

But now, he is sitting at the door of the chair in the yard, nibbling on apples, and looking at the sand table in front of him, there is already a group of strangely shaped ant species, hiding in the miniature forest, forming a group, secretly observing himself, in the lively live broadcast, research Overthrow yourself, the super-giant boss.

He was stunned.

"I'm sitting next to me, watching the evolution of your sand table, to provoke you?"

Xu Zhi was suddenly shocked:

This sand sculpture player, Qiu Mingshan, has not given up until now. I just kindly opened a second test for you to increase the number of game players. You will repay your kindness, and now you want to jump into my love dinner and poison me? !

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