Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 39 I'm afraid I haven't been beaten by society

These people are poisonous!

Everyone is thinking of conspiring against me!

Xu Zhi covered her head, her head hurt, and she felt the deep malice in this world.

He didn't have a big idea for this sand table at the beginning. The 30-square-meter sand table was just in the land that opened at the gate of the yard. He usually went in and out, sitting on a chair, and it was convenient to observe their evolution up close.

But it is precisely because of the close distance that they even wanted to engage him as a bystander.

Strictly speaking, they are all spores that have evolved by themselves, and they are their creators and their old fathers.

Who knew that they actually wanted to engage their old father and kill him?

What an absurdity this is!

Forget Gilgamesh before, after all, it is the natural evolution of the big sand table, but now, even the casual players who are responsible for helping the evolution of the species with the small sand table plan to do it themselves.

"I may be the most failed creator in history."

Xu Zhi was speechless, and then he acted calmly, "Is everyone so heroic when they want to defy the sky, defy the gods, and attack me? I have already shown that I am strong."

"It seems that this Qiu Mingshan speed has not yet entered the society and has been beaten in society. I have to teach him a lesson. Since he wants to pretend to be the best among the players, he has to prepare for the worst. The beating!"

Xu Zhi felt that he should give them some color to take a look, so as not to be in business all day.

Xu Zhi thought about it, and didn't pay too much attention to the conspiracy of these guys.

He just asked the worm's nest vice brain: "Does this new species have extraordinary potential?"

A mechanical voice came from the vice brain of the insect nest: "This species has extraordinary potential."


Xu Zhi immediately took a bite from Apple, envy and hatred.

It is impossible to say that some people really have some talent, it is really incomparable.

Compared to the strange-looking evil-eyed species last time, this species is obviously much better looking.

It is estimated that he is too small to be poisonous. Xu Zhi has evolved to the current largest body size, which is equivalent to the size of a beetle. Compared with the size of an ant, it is already comparable to an elephant.

The body is as big as an elephant, and the big red rooster looks like a huge bright red phoenix. It also looks very beautiful and has a lot of appetite.

It looks delicious.

"How is the strength of the toxin?" Xu Zhi asked: "At present, will it pose a threat to me?"

Xu Zhi was still quite vigilant. It would be funny if the boat capsized in the gutter and was overturned by poison.

"This species has some puffer fish properties. The meat is extremely delicious, but the toxins are huge and the stamina is very strong. Even a small one can easily bring down an adult."

Xu Zhi suddenly took a breath.

This guy is so cruel!

Deliberately creating such a highly poisonous species, I really want to kill me!

A creature the size of a beetle can poison an adult, showing how toxic it is.

"It can poison an ordinary person, so what if it poisons me?" Xu Zhi asked, "A wizard like me, whose genes have evolved to near perfection, has also practiced spiritual meditation."

If it can only poison ordinary people, then there is no need to put it in the sandbox, and it is not enough for those wizards to destroy.

The vice brain of the worm nest replied: "The specific toxin is powerful and needs to be tested. As the queen of the worm nest, you can test the toxin yourself."

"I'm not the mother, please call me the emperor." Xu Zhi whispered.

The vice brain of the insect nest obviously does not have a high IQ and cannot understand Xu Zhi's cold joke, and continues to say mechanically: "Please ask the queen of the nest to test the toxin in person. Although the poison is huge, because it is a spore creature, it will not cause the nest. The Queen's own threat."

Xu Zhi suddenly muttered, "There is no threat to me? Since there is real potential, regardless of the intention of 'Qiu Mingshan Speed', I have to test the toxin and test the future potential of this species."

After Xu Zhi finished speaking, he took another bite of the apple. After all, perfecting the extraordinary world of the sand table is the most important thing. For a genius player with evil eyes who once appeared, the second new species is still very much looking forward to.

Seven or eight meters away.

"Let's wait for him to eat!"

"Shh, secretly, poison him."

"It's so sinister, but I like it!"

In the lush woods in the small sand table, he was still observing secretly, whispering, and secretly watching himself, the super-large 10,000-zhang-level giant.

Xu Zhi has been eating some fruits almost every day recently. After all, he has to be better for his stomach after stomach cancer. After nibbling one apple, he ate another, "Since you want me to test the potential of new species, then just follow a normal daily routine. Now, since he took the initiative to come to my bowl, and he has evolved to be so delicious and delicious, then I will reluctantly and eat him, I hope the taste will be crunchy."

It was not yet five o'clock when Xu Zhi usually eats, so he was not in a hurry and quietly opened the black notebook on the evolution of species.

This is another thing to do, the experimental notebook of the species evolution sand table.

He wants to write the fifth era in the four eras of Anwu Ji, Guangwu Ji, Neozoic Ji, and Genesis.

Although the age of the Babylonian kingdom seemed far from over, he already wanted to make some notes.

"This era is called." Xu Zhi thought hard for a while, and gave a name casually, "Let's Sheng Wu Ji, there are a lot of wizards on the ground, the era of wizards."

He bit the pen with difficulty, thought about it, and wrote the first part:

"Shen Wu Ji, the god of wisdom, Hermes, talked to the people on the earth, and the three witches opened the way of witches. In Babylon, in 198, the three witches died, and the gods performed miracles and mourned for them."

dong dong dong!

Before Xu Zhi finished writing, the girl's voice came from outside the door, and it was food delivery.

Xu Zhi quickly stood up and ran to open the door.

The strange-shaped creatures that were secretly conspiring on the ground screamed loudly and ran wildly.

"Brother, run!"

"The daily plot begins, and I start to eat again, stay away from the animal way!"

After all, Xu Zhi set up a sand table at the entrance of the yard. When he went out, he naturally had to cross the sand table along the road and go out directly. This road is called the beast road by the players, the daily road of the giant boss. At critical times, stay away from the beast road to avoid stampede accidents.

"Let's go, already gone, no one is trampled to death!"

"Brothers, the daily dinner scene has begun. According to the usual time, we have about a four-minute gap, and take the opportunity to run on the giant chair!"

"Quick, take the human ladder!"

"Crush! Kill the boss, get the first kill!"

"Dragon Slaying Treasure Sabre, click to send, if it's a brother, come to cut the nest!!"

A group of strange-shaped ant creatures climbed along the chair. After they climbed on the chair, they planned to hide on the back of the chair.

However, Qiu Mingshan's speed suddenly stopped everyone who was hiding. He is a veteran player with rich experience. "Brothers, when you play the dungeon, don't get excited and command calmly. I just observed secretly, the giant This time, I was not only eating apples, but also took out the usual black book that he often flips through. He often took out this book to record the contents.

Everyone looked at each other.

Yes, hide the subplot, just think about it and be happy.

"I'm here, I have eight legs!"

"I, I, I have five arms! Everyone says I'm a deformed little prince!"

"I'm even more powerful. I have five tentacles and eyes, and I can open them with my eyes!"

More than a dozen strange creatures felt that they were very powerful, and they were very excited together, and together they turned the pages of a book as huge as a basketball court.

This group of small creatures, lying on the chairs, opened the huge black page cover, only to see the three characters "Genesis" written on the first page, and they couldn't help shaking.

"what is this?"

There are few people watching it, so I update it from time to time according to my mood.

There are also requests for recommendations, all kinds of requests! (*^▽^*)

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