Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 57 Forbidden Witchcraft, Gilgamesh

"In this world, an interesting opponent finally appeared."

Above the dark sky, Medusa swung his staff, and his beautiful figure floated above the sky, "At your level, you haven't developed your own witchcraft? Or use the witchcraft of the Three Witch era, then, How is this move?"

"Lily Carnation!"


A cloud of black mist spread from the ground, forming a black towering plant.

Plants grow and multiply rapidly on the ground, and countless branches, stems and roots appear. Ten meters, one hundred meters, and three hundred meters pass through the sky, stirring the sky. The sky is full of dark clouds. On the plants, there are mysterious and delicate black roses swirling. The roses are comparable to the size of the previous rose.

This is the real flower of death!

The alchemy spaceship waved its tail, and countless holy rays of light erupted on the body of the ship. In an instant, countless transparent torrents erupted, like golden butterflies flying, gathering in a group and turning into a green tree that penetrates the sky.

"Guardian of Spring!"

The witchcraft of Kassandra, the witch of spring, broke out in an instant.

Roses, butterflies, and green trees collided and shone almost at the same time.

Boom! !

In an instant, the sound of metal clashing crazily oscillated in the sky and spread to the huge emerald green mountains on the ground. The trees on the ground quickly swept away and cracked, and the mountains were swept away by the wind.

The sky was shaking and the earth was howling.

In the entire Rose Kingdom, the women on the streets, all young and beautiful, dressed in gorgeous and clean clothes, are screaming, suffering, wailing, despairing, and countless tragic voices are intertwined at this moment.

Countless fourth- and fifth-level wizards raised their heads in horror, reluctantly waving their staffs to form a barrier to protect the Rose Palace and resist the aftermath of the battle of the two world-class powerhouses above the sky.

Kingdom of Babylon.

A huge layer of sky water mist ripples mirror, projecting the battle above the rose kingdom.

This is the fifth-level witchcraft "mirror fog of spring" that brings together all the wizards of the Babylonian kingdom. Usually this kind of prying will inevitably be discovered by the rose kingdom, and this provocative behavior will have extremely terrifying consequences, but now they have completely ignored it. These are.

This battle determines the fate of the Babylonian kingdom, and everyone is entitled to know it.

"If we don't win, we will perish."

On the street, the Babylonians walked out silently, watching the intense projection scene in the sky, clasped their hands together, and prayed silently. No one knew who was in the crowd, and silently took the lead in humming the lament of fate.


Rapid notes resounded through the sky with everyone's humming.

Like the roar of a storm.

The impact of showers.

Passionate, enthusiastic.

It is a sad song of human destiny and a hymn of human courage.

Above the palace of the king of Babylon.

All the court witch ministers did not speak.

The pretty faces of all the witches were turning white, looking at the projection picture in the sky that could easily tear them apart, they were so suppressed by the terrifying aura that they couldn't breathe.

"Is this the supreme powerhouse in this world, the legendary wizard, bursting out with all his strength?"

That kind of battle scene has surpassed everyone's cognition, perhaps only the war between Gilgamesh and the gods in the ancient Sumerian mythology, the war before the Great Flood, can be compared.

"Definitely win."

Lilith looked at the terrifying battle group in the sky, squeezed her staff tightly, and her palms were full of sweat.

She thought of the scenes of getting along with her in the past, getting along with this cute and lively slime day and night. She thought she had seen everything about him, but she didn't expect that this cute slime with no pretense had accumulated such a terrifying body. the power of!

A mixed emotion of awe and pride spread.

She really did not expect that the little fourth-level slime wizard who quietly came to the palace a few decades ago, the little monster who spoke out to her, has reached such a terrifying height in just a short period of time.

Elizabethan Witch Freemasonry, Dilapidated Room.

Elizabeth looked at the terrifying scene above the sky, the terrifying and depressing scene, and only felt her body go cold. She covered her mouth with her hands nervously, trying to keep herself from making a sound. She could also feel the little witches behind her hugging her. arms are getting tighter.

"That is. Slime!!"

"It's our little magic pet!"

Melly growled anxiously, her face pale, "It's just a slime! It's just a slime!! Now it's wearing those strange things it made and fighting for us."

She had seen it secretly, always doing strange things, holding the "wrench", "screw", "gear" he said, in the room all day long, remodeling that strange man's machinery with great interest biology.

Now, although it is very different, the prototype of the mechanical structure of the year can still be vaguely seen.

"If this thing appears, there will be no mistake. It is the mysterious sixth-level wizard who appeared in the palace."

Elizabeth bit her pale lips, thinking at first that she had made a mistake.

In the eyes of everyone, Slime is just a small third-level wizard, and their sisters have been working hard for it all these years, laughing and laughing together, trying to help it break through to a fourth-level wizard.

But no one thought that the slime had already reached the terrifying height of trembling in the entire wizarding world behind his back!

He was actually fighting madly in the sky with the dead monarch Medusa!

But now, the little witches would rather it be the little magic pet, just a little third-level little wizard, laughing and laughing with them, this heavy pressure is not something a little slime can bear

"His promise to us that he would become the next generation of wizard emperors has come true."

The witches raised their hands silently and looked at the water mist lens in the sky of the Kingdom of Babylon, a complex and proud emotion spread wildly in their hearts.

Black air stirred the clouds.

The Great Witch Medusa, all kinds of sixth-level witchcraft with all his strength, was resisted by this strange man using terrifying flying beasts.

"Obviously you don't have any witchcraft of your own, you just used the witchcraft of the Three Witch era, and you resisted it all? The power of alchemy? You actually opened the legendary door of truth?"

Medusa's face was slightly stunned, but he calmed down again, "Then, next, let you see my true strength, the reason why I am called the Great Emperor of Death is because my rose flower can communicate with each other. The boundary between life and death, break the rules of death!"

"My teacher, Circe, the three witches, gave me this sorcery because she wanted me to perfect the 'resurrection of the dead' sorcery and break the forbidden realm."

Medusa whispered, "Although, I am far from perfecting this sorcery and completely resurrecting the dead, but in this world, no one can defeat me, because I can temporarily summon the strongest man in the history of mythology. , the legendary king of heroes, Gilgamesh."

Gilgamesh! ?

In the Kingdom of Babylon, everyone was horrified and their minds went blank.

Gilgamesh, who is said to live in ancient Sumerian mythology, is known as the strongest man in history, and the strongest hero king who once swung his sword to God.

He is an epic, and he has reached a realm in the legend that even the three witches did not reach in the past - a seventh-level epic, the gap between a large realm is terrifying, the three witches of the sixth-level face the seventh-level, I am afraid they are like a baby. , is easily destroyed.


"How could it be possible to summon the dead."

"That's the legendary, terrifying man who has been killed by God!!"

In the panic and panic of everyone, Medusa raised his staff high, and endless magic surged, and chanted softly, "O dead souls wandering in the world, please listen to the prayers of the living and recall the life before memory, break the gate of the underworld, and return to the world."

"Forbidden art! Rose other side flower, Gilgamesh!"


A crazy black rose flower rotted and unfolded, spreading ripples in the sky, the flower bones slowly unfolded, and it seemed to harbor extremely terrifying creatures.

Immediately afterwards, a handsome and huge man composed of black mist walked out. That invisible domineering and attitude overlooked the world. His face was expressionless, as if he had lost all his senses. He was holding a holy sword of civilization, the sword of Damocles. Swing forward slowly.

"This is, before the Great Flood, in the oldest Sumerian mythological age, the strongest hero king who dared to swing his sword to God!" Li Shengjiang opened his eyes slightly, and his face flashed with shock.


The next second, the sword fell.

What a beautiful sword this is.

At this moment, the wind stopped, the rain stopped, the leaves no longer swayed, and the people on the earth were silent for a moment, as if the voice of the world disappeared, and God also held his breath and closed his eyes for a moment.

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