Standing on the alchemy airship, Li Shengjiang, a tall and handsome man, was slightly shocked in the face of this afterimage of the strongest hero king in history.

"As expected of the hero king of ancient Sumer, the ancient afterimages that were summoned have barely reached the seventh-level realm. It seems that the airship can no longer be used to attack, and the 'Grantham' has to be used."

He had never done it himself before.

They all use alchemy airships to start witchcraft, 10,000 slime engines, madly pulling the bellows, using the magic pattern "circuit board" to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy, and electrical energy into spiritual potential energy, forming the spiritual magic power, displayed. Sorcery is enough to reach the sixth level and put them to war with the mighty death monarch of this world.

Say it, no one will believe this at all.

10,000 of the weakest slimes can actually compete with the sovereign monarch who suppressed the first generation?

This is the charm of alchemy technology.

It is also his race slime, these engines, possess the endless potential!

"You have to do it yourself."

Li Shengjiang jumped gently and jumped off the alchemy airship.

"Haha! Let the natives of this world have a look. Aircraft cannons, modern magic modification technology of artificial mechas! Although I can't shoot live video, I can take screenshots. I want to go back and show those players, I'm secretly now The mechanical technology that has been developed for more than 90 years is already invincible to another world! They still want to come? I have beaten through the new map by myself! Come on, it’s just eating dirt behind my ass! But it is estimated that they can come to another world. , there are not many, and the only ones who can reach the achievement are me and Qiu Mingshan speed!"

He laughed, holding a shield in the left, with black totem patterns spreading on it, and holding a wooden staff in the right, which lit up heavily and held it high above his head:

"In this world, there is no existence that cannot be killed. Even if it is the dead, I will kill it for you."

This sentence seems to make everyone's complexion change slightly, and the people on the ground are aware of what is going to happen next. This is the witch Circe's famous witchcraft in those days, known as the most terrifying cruel witchcraft.

"The curse of life is dead!!!"

He roars!

Behind him, a huge viscous and disgusting grimace floated.

boom! !

The grimace rolled wildly, and the bright red and dark strange gas and liquid surging and thick, like real blood plasma, kept flying around and rolling, as if boiling black magma.

In an instant, it collided with Gilgamesh's sword in front of him.

The air is twisting.

In an instant, a vortex formed, sweeping in all directions, and when he came back to his senses, he found that the afterimage of Gilgamesh had been blown away by the impact.


The sky was cloudless and blue.

The entire cloud was swept away by the terrifying air waves.

Everyone raised their heads at the same time, looked up at the sky, and saw an incredible scene, an unprecedented wonder in this world.

"Is this still human power?"

I don't know how many people are talking to themselves.

This is the legendary King of Heroes, the strongest man who dared to swing his sword at God.

"This is already my strongest strength." Medusa's body trembled slightly. She was staring at this scene in a daze, and a fear from the depths of her heart emerged, occupying her whole body.

"Although this is only one-tenth of the strength of the King of Heroes back then, it's far from what I can compete with. He was using Teacher Circe's sorcery to easily defeat me."

"How could such an enemy have won!!?"

Medusa felt numb all over, and an unprecedented fear spread throughout his body. He trembled violently, tears and snot began to flow down involuntarily.

She is a woman who loves beauty very much, with amazing talent and invincible power, so she treats everything arrogantly, and has never experienced the taste of failure, but now she shows an ugly state that has never been seen in her life.

Even because of this fear, she was so trembling that she couldn't move. At this moment, she had never been so weak.

"Is this the fear?"

"This is man. Fear of death?"

She was suspended in the air, trembling slightly all over her body, "What an intoxicating power this is, it can even make people collapse and raise an unmatched despair, but how can I, Medusa, my death monarch, Medusa, be so mediocre? ."

"Move, give me. Move!!!" Medusa roared heart-breakingly, his clear voice resounded through the heavens and the earth, his eyes flooded frantically, and his entire face was wet, "The realm of my card master. , move me!!!!"


An invisible breath spread rapidly, as if some long-standing force was rapidly breaking through.

The sky is rolling.

Li Shengjiang looked at Medusa, who was roaring on the edge of despair, and was slightly stunned.

The rose wizards on the ground were also stunned, and people on the street kept looking at the sky.

The people of the Babylonian Kingdom were immediately stunned, revealing fear and an invisible growl.

"not good!"

"Hurry up and stop her!!"

"You, you can't stop me." Medusa slowly lifted into the air, opening his arms as if embracing the entire huge world.

Behind her, a blood-colored rose stretched its stamens crazily, its strength rose wildly, and its breath skyrocketed, double, triple, ten times. It seemed like it was never ending.

Spiritual power completely began to be released.


This is the realm of a seventh-level epic wizard.

The realm of speculation that the three witches had never stepped out of. In history, only the legendary King of Heroes could set foot in this field. Now, after nearly two hundred years of savings, she finally broke through.

She was silent for a while, the ups and downs of life made her heart complicated and shocking, she couldn't help showing her gratitude from the bottom of her heart, she suddenly looked at Li Shengjiang and smiled and said, "Thank you, I practice death magic, but I have never experienced death. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't understand the true meaning of death and fear, and I wouldn't have broken through the seventh level."

"In return, I will not kill you." She smiled softly, "I will make you my queen, rule the world with me, and rule the world with me."

"bring it on."

She came over, took Li Shengjiang's hand, and smiled softly, "I can hand over the kingdom of Babylon you want to save, as long as you provide men regularly."

Li Shengjiang was stunned: what did you say?

Medusa was stunned for a moment, smiled again, shook his head and said, "You still want to fight me? My current strength, even though I have just entered the seventh-order epic wizard, is seventeen times stronger than before, you Not my opponent."

"It turns out that your current strength is only seventeen times that of the previous one?" Li Shengjiang showed a hint of disappointment.

Medusa was stunned.


She quickly retreated.

"Flower of Death!!"

A terrifying aura that far surpassed the previous spread wildly, flocking to Li Shengjiang.

Li Shengjiang waved his staff.

"Guardian of Spring."

A crisp sound and unparalleled terrifying power suddenly shattered the rose flower.

Medusa flew out in an instant.

Li Shengjiang sighed, "I thought you were hiding your level 7 strength, and I always looked at it carefully. Who would have thought that you would think highly of you. Now, just before you died, you broke through."

"Our king, the Death Sovereign Emperor, is defeated!"

This terrifying picture spread across the two kingdoms, and everyone was unbelievable.

Could it be that just now, it was only the alchemy fortress under his feet who shot, and he was fighting against the sixth-level Medusa Emperor, and he never shot at all? As soon as his main body makes a move now, he can easily crush the death monarch who has broken through to the seventh level?

"What kind of power is this?"

Medusa roared, his whole body trembling with despair, "No, no, your breath won't lie to me, you are obviously a sixth-level wizard, but you can easily explode the strength of seventh-level!"

"This is the power of alchemy, which gives me a terrifying combat power that spans a large realm. The great creator once said that the race that can use tools is the true species of wisdom."

Li Shengjiang thought for a while, then suddenly laughed, looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, bent down and stretched out his hand, and gently helped her up, "Do you want to learn? I can teach you."

"Are you crazy?"

Medusa raised his head suddenly, and was immediately stunned.

In ancient wizarding history, The Spear of Witchcraft records:

[In 398 in the Kingdom of Babylon, Grantham, the alchemist who was in charge of alchemy and the gate of truth, appeared across the world, overwhelmed the world, and defeated the sovereign emperor Medusa in one move, and the world was boiling.]

in the orchard.

Xu Zhi sat on the chair, looked at the small sand table in the distance, and scratched his head, "This guy has been in there for nearly a day and more than 90 years, and finally helped me get things done, although it is really wretched, Crazy to live and grow, eat women's soft rice, and wait until the world is invincible before running away."

This man is so shameless! !

Let's see which protagonist came to another world and brought a race with him, without fighting monsters to upgrade? As for him, he hasn't even beaten a giant beast. He eats soft rice crazily, and asks women to provide him with training resources. First, he eats the soft rice of seven little witches, and then eats the soft rice of Lilith. Run out dashingly?

Also terribly obscene!

In fact, when he was a fifth-level wizard, he was able to use mechanical technology to beat the sixth-level wizard. Now he must wait until he breaks through the sixth-level wizard, wears "Grantham", and has the seventh-level strength before he dares to run out. Crazy test, for fear that Medusa hides the strength of the seventh level


Xu Zhi was speechless, chewing on the apple and complaining silently.

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