Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 593: Creating Era Dao Fruit Tree (2 in 1)

In fact, these dark restricted areas are quite well shaped.

Forbidden mountains, dark Jedi, all kinds of strange phenomena, even those ancient remains sealed in amber, are just appearances.

Seems useless.

The radiation of Divine Source Amber is real, but the residual limbs inside are equivalent to an internal "coating" pattern. After pretending to be, the world will find that it has already decayed with "time" after it melts.

The so-called forbidden area, you only need to do the severe radiation area.

The radiation area is very strange, deformed, mutated, pus, and there is no need to do anything more wasteful.

However, how should the ancient existence of the ancient forbidden area, a peerless monster that travels through the sky and latitudes, be shaped?

Those are all peerless Heavenly Emperors, exaggerated combat power, not very easy to shape!

Xu Zhi knew that he did not have so many talents under his command.

The inner world in front of you, the little magic cube of the six reincarnations, is the Zerg army directly under his own control, but it is still in the process of being conceived.

After several deliberation, he found it difficult to do it. Before, he created an 18-story arcade hell and gathered beliefs. There are absolutely no gods, and the people inside do not need real combat power. When they need to appear in front of the real people, only I am afraid that it is already a complete gathering of willpower to grow up, and it is no longer false.

No matter how strong they are in the eyes of the people, they are strong, I think, therefore I am.

It's just that the stronger you want, the greater and longer the willpower you absorb, and the energy is equal.

And what about in front of you?

The restricted area exists, but there is no time for them to develop!

These newly born ancient existences in the ancient forbidden zone will soon be born to start an earth-shattering war.

Not only to fight, but also to have an advantage, or even crush!

"However, this is after all a part of making up the world, making this world more potential. The eighteenth hell of arcades is already brewing a bunch of peerless existences. And if this restricted area also develops, there will also be a group of people born. Existing forever."

The world in the body of Jiuzhuan Xuangong is the true foundation of oneself.

"However, it is really difficult to raise this group of ants directly under the guards in the inner world." He blinked helplessly.


Xu Zhi walked in the dark mountains.

Radiation everywhere, emerald green vines, pitch-black soil, and the wet and dark environment give people a feeling of overcast wind.

"It is true that some restricted areas must be created. However, the existence of these restricted areas is not a gathering of beliefs, but should be real creatures." Xu Zhi pondered for a few seconds.

Because how does faith come together?

Some people recite him, worship him, praise him, fear him and fear him.

The existence of these ancient forbidden areas has long been forgotten by the years, and hell is okay, arcades are one-to-one, but if it is somewhere in the forbidden area, if you want to collect the beliefs of countless creatures, you must build the dragon and the earth, and turn the whole world into an array Law, so you can't go this way.

As for Dragon Ball?

Didn't build a dragon vein?

Its mother is the entire planet, and naturally there is no such worry.

"It can only be a real real creature, but it can't be difficult for me. I am a super-ancient god with great knowledge."

With a thoughtful look on his face, Xu Zhi squatted down and touched the black soil full of radiation, it was wet, with a lot of black dead branches in between, "As a super-ancient god of the ninth order, I have lived in the eyes of outsiders at least tens of thousands or more than ten thousand. The oldest era exists for more than 10,000 years. Although it is a role-playing game, I do have 20,000 to 30,000 years of experience."

The whole world develops at the same time.

But the total time added together is 20,000 to 30,000 years.

The older the existence, the higher the horizon, the wider the scope of knowledge, and the more systematic civilization they witness, the easier it is to solve any problem. For them, the world is gradually not a secret with a deep understanding.

Although Xu Zhi didn't break through the ninth rank, he didn't really live for tens of thousands of years, and he didn't have the thinking height of the eighth-rank top powerhouses like Medusa, Di Qi, and Caroline.

But the horizon is the widest.

Because he established a sand table deduction civilization system, allowing people in the sand table to open up a path forward, overcome obstacles, and communicate with these existences constantly, and constantly learn their systems, thinking, and wisdom, standing on the shoulders of everyone. superior.


Xu Zhi stretched out his hand.

The extra Rubik's Cubes made one by one appeared again, slowly hovering and floating in the air.

These are some Rubik's cubes that were created for the arcade creatures like absolutely no gods before, and now they need to add creatures in the reincarnation mechanism, and they are still special mode creatures.

Xu Zhi wants to make a new attempt.

Create a special ancient unique race in reincarnation, outside the six reincarnations.

"It seems that I have to study here for several more years. Once this imagined species is created, it will not be worse than other demon cores, human beings in the ancient world."

He directly called out the gene bank and reproduced an ancient Bodhi tree that could be seen everywhere.

"Integrate into the magic core gene."

Xu Zhi adjusted the potion and murmured softly, "The ancient Bodhi trees in the past were all radiant trees. They were just planted as rice fields. What kind of real ancient Bodhi trees are they?"

"The magic core transmits knowledge and stores knowledge. This is the real Bodhi fruit tree. Under the ancient tree, once enlightened and enlightened."


Xu Zhi let the Bodhi fruit tree integrate into the magic core gene, and after several trials and adjustments, he planned to turn the core of the original star fruit into a magic core, condensing a lot of knowledge.

Eat one, chew the magic core.

Not only does it have a lot of energy, the knowledge stored in it will be transformed into a kind of spiritual thought and rushed into the brain.

This concept already has many original foundations and is relatively simple, but in practice there are still many difficulties to be overcome. It took Xu Zhi eight years to complete it, coupled with the ultra-fast computing of his own magic core chip.

Xu Zhi did it all.

Soon, a lot of cultivation knowledge was injected into these apple-like red fruit magic cores, and the fruits were transformed into high-level intelligent computers, storing knowledge and being able to perform calculations, like an ancient tree with a tree on it. Every Apple phone.

"This is not enough. If this is the case, it is only the fruit of storing knowledge, then the ability of the magic core fruit to calculate is irrelevant."

"I want this tree, every fruit, like neurons, operate with each other to form a brain!"

One year, five years.

Gradually, with constant debugging and failure, this ancient branch became strange.

The shape of this tree began to change.

In the beginning, it was a lush, dome-shaped broccoli flower, lush and green, and gradually turned into a brain-like magic tree. The leaves were withered in large numbers, and the bare branches were round and round like snow-white tofu. on the ground.



Really excited.

It's like a wriggling brain.

Every branch is like a forked nerve.

Each fruit is like a neuron that stores information and memory.

It seems to see a mysterious brain rooted in the earth, slowly stirring, like the heart of an ancient god and demon, very strangely infiltrating.

"That's enough," Xu Zhi frowned, kept looking down, and wrote the test records in the notebook, "A lot of knowledge and some memories have been written into its various chips. It is an ancient existence, Sleeping for too long has forgotten a lot."

Xu Zhi opened his palm gently, and on the Rubik's Cube, wrote a digital real name "X1000" to represent its special structure.

The forbidden area of ​​ancient times is also Xu Zhi's testing ground.

He is not only researching these extraordinary and strange creatures to create opponents for them, but also to explore and develop. If these creatures really develop, maybe he will be put into a brand new world sand table, or have other uses. .

The restricted area itself is just a testing ground.

At the same time, it is also to create a more powerful direct guard.

Xu Zhi turned around without hesitation, turned his head and left, "I gave some impressions of some interesting memory fragments, and the rest can be made up by myself."

The entire brain continued to slowly wriggle in the deepest jungle in the restricted area.



The blood vessels wriggled like fat snakes, the strange brain kept beating, the neuron magic core fruit, like the nerves of a brain slowly converging.

"who I am"

A faint voice resounded from this brain.

After a long time, it seemed like I remembered something, some fragments of memory,

".I am the lord of Youshan Luanzhuanfu in the chaotic ancient era. I used to fight with that person to control the 'reincarnation'. I lost a move, lost the whole world, and only one brain is left. ."

"In this world, he has become the Lord of Samsara, who is in charge of the Six Paths of Samsara."

"This world has experienced too much destruction, and there are only six races and six races left. I think that there were more than one hundred races in the heaven and earth, and the Great Thousand Worlds, our Youshan Revolving Family, how brilliant."

It was filled with emotion and saw some fragments,

"At that time, that person and I were the closest to the law of reincarnation. The two emperors fought each other. Although they were defeated, they still stood and mastered some of the incomplete rules of reincarnation. I could still incarnate half a piece of reincarnation."

The sound weakened for a while.

"It's a new era. I've been asleep for too long, and my cultivation base is so weak. It's better to take precautions and rise again."

a few days later.

A mutated and radiated leopard passed by this strange brain tree, feeling the neuron fruit condensed on it, exuding a huge temptation, and couldn't help swallowing it.

Chewed the core of it.

Suddenly, the leopard twitched and fell to the ground.

I only felt that my humble brain was impacted by a huge stream of consciousness, and all kinds of wonderful cultivation methods appeared, which was replaced by another piece of experience consciousness.

The leopard got up again and walked slowly into the distance.

"Go out, a fragment of yourself, go to reincarnation to experience the glory of the first life, and return to my brain before dying. This is also a kind of reincarnation."

"In this mortal world, I practice the supreme method - multiple neurasthenias, reduce my own memory, and transform into thousands of incarnations. Only one person can transform into reincarnation."

"I am also a little reincarnation."

"I was one move away from chess back then. In this life, Lord of Samsara, I want to fight again!"

Xu Zhi, wearing a black robe of the King of Hell, was already wandering in another restricted area.

Such a unique existence, Xu Zhi doesn't want to make too much, but wants to diversify.

As for this tree, there are hundreds of trees in one, and the details of the restricted area and the amount of combat power, and the degree of strangeness, in the eyes of outsiders, there will be no flaws.

The Buddhist and Taoist system is at its peak, the great world is coming, others are rising, and they are also rising. Together, they will collide with violent sparks.

What's more, Xu Zhi also helped these existences in the restricted area to hang up.

"That reincarnation brain tree, the Bodhisattva fruit tree in the eras of each era is the strongest, and it is also from the oldest era that cut off the path of immortality. It took a lot of energy, but there are taboos in other eras, so you should just pick one up. alley."

Xu Zhi thought for a while, and suddenly had an idea.

"Since it is a strong person in the ancient forbidden area, there are only those with brains left, and there are naturally divided ones. Not only is there a reason for the weakening, but there are also more strong people."

"Yes, each inherits a part of the stump."

Xu Zhi swung his body and disappeared in place, "And since it's a restricted area, we still have to make something that conforms to the ancient style of painting. Anyway, just add the amount casually, don't worry too much. The memory is passed on to them, and you don't need to care if you die. After all, the existence of the restricted area has long surpassed the lifespan, and the memory has been worn away by the years, and it is normal for it to fail."

"After all, he is not a real enchanting great saint, so he can sleep in it. Some emperors who are close to the saint will also do the same. They choose to sleep in the restricted area and are afraid of death, so their opponents are also strong and weak."

Somewhere off limits.

A mutant ape perched on a big tree and was rotting all over. Obviously, compared to larger animals, it has less resistance and is about to be unable to carry it.

Suddenly, it had a vague instinct, as if something was pulling it in the deep mountains in the distance, and it walked slowly. After half a day, in a crack in the dark earth, it found a furry ape stump, in orange-yellow creamy amber. middle.

It instinctively touches.

He fainted all over his body and woke up again, inheriting some ancient memories.

Its IQ is very low, and it is vaguely vague, "I got some inheritance. The oldest tribal ape-man king two epochs ago. The Emperor of Heaven."

It vaguely saw some ancient tribal apes.

Similar to Australopithecus, it was fluffy, hunched over, and had long black arms. It was fighting and roaring. In the end, Emperor Tianming led the ancient apes of that era to rise and practice. With each era, the ancient apes have evolved and lost their hair.

"I inherit one of them, a total of four. We will restore the most complete inheritance of the Emperor of Destiny's ancient ape. I am the gibbous monkey."

Another place.

In the darkness of the deep mountains, an adult and old monkey, leaning on a long stick, leaning on a tree, and looking at the sky, is obviously very miraculous in itself.

"I'm Akashiri Horse Monkey. Are there other three?"

A deeper crack.

The largest amber stone, three people tall.

A young monkey couldn't help but tumble in, but an accident occurred and was solidified by amber.

Unlike others, it was completely sealed in amber before it was born.

In its vague memory, it began to suck the energy in the amber and began to cultivate, but gradually the wind and the sun were blowing, and the entire piece of amber stone was gradually covered with a cloud of dust.

Wuwei Xumi Temple.

Xu Yingluo let out a surprised look.

She looked down at the six-eared monkey in front of her.

Originally, Kaihui was a rare intelligent animal in her buddhaland, and her organs were mutated. Unexpectedly, this little monkey entered a nearby forbidden area a few days ago, and like herself, got some kind of inheritance from the ancient forbidden area.

Coincidentally, a Buddhist player was listening to it and felt horrified. Looking at this six-eared monkey, he couldn't think of the myth of China, and there was actually some correspondence.

On the Internet, the pot suddenly exploded.

"Brothers, even the four monkeys of ancient Chinese mythology have recovered!"

"Hurry up and analyze the wave!"

"Sure enough, the great master who wrote Journey to the West back then was not easy! It is very likely that he had heard of similar myths before writing it down."

"Ah ah ah! This is too interesting!"

Xu Zhi was already walking in other restricted areas, wearing imperial robes, recording new special numbers, all starting with X, and also looking for some deformed races, instilling inheritance into them, making them think that they are ancient revivals.

This is a strategy of casting a wide net, and there will always be some that will rise.

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