Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 594: The History of Human Evolution

Xu Zhi stopped and walked, casting a wide net in many radiation forbidden areas.

He made a second version update to the world, and some data balances and adjustments.

He let some special creatures have inheritance, and gave some fragmentary memories, thinking that he was revived in the old days, his cultivation base was gone, and he began to practice again.

"I wake up from ancient times!"

"At this age, my realm has fallen to this point. How long have I slept in the source of God?"

After walking around each restricted area, he felt much more relaxed when he was done.

The busy days have come to an end, and the rest is left to develop and usher in your own great world.

He himself is a rather lazy person.

"That's how happy it is."

Xu Zhi added the radiation waste collected in the restricted area these days, and went to the power plant to make the radiation more intense.

"Let Liu Dao embark on the path of cultivation, and let the 'ancient times' in the restricted area practice cultivation. Double the cultivation, double the happiness, the whole world is groping for the road under my guidance, confronting each other, moving forward slowly, and reappearing. The splendour of ancient mythology of the 'old days'."

"Let them fight first, and then there is competition to make progress."

Xu Zhi still likes this radiation system.

After a while, Xu Zhi walked out of the restricted area.

He has spent more than ten years on the layout, and now the times are a little different.

The line of Taoist cultivators has reached its peak, and the sky is full of Qi cultivators, wearing Taoist robes.

In the sect, there is a Taoist sitting in the dojo, with long hair fluttering at will, happy, rich and handsome, preaching at a high place,

"A cultivator cultivates the two qi of yin and yang, and is one step ahead. There is a third qi, which is one qi and three clears."

"And yet, Yin and Yang have another say."

"Yin and yang are two yin and yang, two yin and yang create four images, and four images create gossip and gossip." The Taoist gently stretched out his hand, and a hazy black and white yin and yang fish appeared in the air, mysterious and mysterious.

"Subdivided further, there are sixty-four hexagrams, which are Gan, Kun, Xun, Dui, Gen, corresponding to the abbreviation symbols, H, He, Li, Be, B"

The Taoist spoke as he spoke, and slowly drew a periodic table of elements.

Below is a piece of worship.

"Taoism, the truth of the world lies in this." Someone sighed.

Xu Zhi's complexion changed slightly, and he felt that the style of painting was wrong, but it didn't matter anymore. They were not purely playing chemistry. They used qi as the carrier of energy, just like most other systems choose blood as the carrier of energy.

As for what gas to choose, hydrogen, helium, and oxygen are not very important.

"The so-called symbol is nothing but tadpole script. We don't understand the symbol of the ancient Taoist, oracle bone script. In a sense, it is very ancient."

They began to walk out of their own way, and after careful calculation, it really fits the world of Xianxia, ​​China, and as an online game world.

However, Xu Zhi found that there were fewer and fewer talented people.

One hundred may not see one, but this is not a decrease, but with reproduction, the number of ordinary people has increased, and many people who practice Buddhism are ordinary people, but their talents can still bring them. Huge advantage.

"Maybe in the future, most of the talents will be gods and people, and they will be promoted gradually." Xu Zhi tapped on his chopsticks and listened to the surroundings. Some ancient existences in the dark restricted area have awakened ahead of time and have been detected. The power of , also began to be born.

In Taoism and Buddhism, many great powers have appeared.

In the Daomen, the black and white impermanence of reincarnation has a lot of achievements. Daomen is one of the leaders.

Among the Buddhist schools, in addition to Xu Yingluo, there are also several Buddhist monks who have successively established Buddhist lands to save all beings.

"As for a certain Li Sansheng?" Xu Zhi's expression became strange.

Li Sansheng's karma talent is the worst kind of talent. It is a little stronger than ordinary people. Although the battle is very weak, it is also very against the sky. He can remember reincarnation, but even with Zhang Xiao's help, in this life With fighting instinct, it is only in the middle level.

It has not caught up with the opening of this heyday, and has just died of old age.

"We can only wait for the next life."

Xu Zhi stood up and disappeared after paying.

He planned to go to the Heaven and Human Dao, because in the past ten years, Shangguan Man had also been reincarnated, and he also secretly went to the Heaven and Human Dao.

Because of heaven and humanity, chaos will come.


A terrible news came.

Yundi, Yunzhongjun, and other gods, after cultivating the new Buddhist and Taoist system, their strength greatly increased, soaring to the mysterious realm, but it was not worth the erosion of time and began to decay.

They did not want to die, so they entered the underworld and were reincarnated. They studied the amber of the divine source, and came up with a method of self-imposed slumber. They used a certain frequency of benign Buddhist radiation to greatly reduce the splitting and aging of the body, so as to achieve the effect of self-sleeping. .

The streets were orderly.

A famous palace maid was wearing a long goose-yellow dress, and a girl with a delicate red complexion came carrying a palace lantern.

The sleeping ritual is just around the corner.

The two game IDs of Yuan Qinghua and Bai Xiaojun are really special. They are in a gorgeous street palace group, whispering,

Yuan Qinghua whispered, "Did you just look online?"

"Ah?" Bai Xiaojun didn't react.

They were sent to Heaven and Humanity to participate in this ceremony. After all, their seven children already had some power in Heaven and Humanity.

Yuan Qinghua said with a smile, "It's very lively on the Internet now, and sure enough, these four great monkeys were born, proving the truth of our human evolutionary history!"

Bai Xiaojun: "???"

It's only been a while since I haven't been online. The birth of the four ancient monkeys in the restricted area has nothing to do with our human evolutionary history?

This is totally out of the question! !

At most, it is the description in Journey to the West, and there is really a record.

Yuan Qinghua looked around and whispered cautiously, "Young! There are already big guys on the Internet who have analyzed it. According to the inheritance and memory obtained by the six-eared macaque, it comes from the ancestor of the second era, the Emperor of Destiny."

Bai Xiaojun nodded.

This is the well-known worldview.

In the last era, there was absolutely no god.

Two epochs ago, it was the Emperor of Heaven.

Now I don't know how many epochs the Immortal Road has been broken. Anyway, I feel that there are three or four. The beginning was the era of chaos and the beginning of the immortal road.

Yuan Qinghua coughed twice, "Who is the Emperor of Heaven? The ancient ape family, the ancestors of the human race of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the people of today are no longer the ancient group of human beings, it is very likely that all the people in the age of gods and Buddhas are all people. Extinct, modern humans evolved from the ancient ape tribe two epochs ago, that is, the branch led by the Emperor of Heaven.

In the memories obtained, there are four great monkeys in the age of the ancient ape, the Emperor of Heaven.

What is Journey to the West?

Also talking about the Four Great Monkeys.

As soon as you get in touch, you will find that the two epochs of the Emperor of Destiny, the prehistoric ancient ape era, correspond to the middle and late Ming Dynasty when our Journey to the West was born.

According to the analysis of Zhihu, Journey to the West happens to be about the ancient ape era of Emperor Tianming. The evolution of monkeys into adults is actually the origin of human evolutionary history, and it is our Darwinian theory of evolution in China! "


Bai Xiaojun took a deep breath.

Journey to the West, it seems to be about ninety-eighty-one difficult, but in fact, it is about the evolutionary origin of our human beings?

Origins two epochs ago?

This is the truth hidden in history by the ancients, and we are only now realizing it.

"No way, Journey to the West" Bai Xiaojun was a little disbelieving.

Yuan Qinghua said, "Let me add another piece of evidence! In the era of Emperor Destiny, how did the apes and monkeys gradually become adults? It was cultivation! What is cultivation? ."

Bai Xiaojun's eyes widened in shock, and he put down the teacup, "What? It turned out to be an early and ancient programmer who studied hard and became bald before he evolved into an adult?"

Love learning? ?

He suddenly remembered the words of the Buddha that he had said at the beginning.

Hair, sucks our brain nutrients!

Hair shrinks our brain development!

Hair less means smart?

No wonder the biggest difference in appearance between monkeys and humans is their hair coverage. It turns out that the people of the six-path reincarnation in this era only evolved into human beings through the mutation of ancient nuclear wars.

But of course, they should also suffer from these radiation restricted areas at that time.

He had indeed seen some mutant apes in the irradiated exclusion zone. They were severely bald and albino, without a trace of hair.

Yuan Qinghua nodded, "Then what is Journey to the West about? A monkey, who has gone through ups and downs in 1990s, 1980s and 1990s, has achieved the story of Mahayana Buddhism, which is probably the hardships of evolving into an adult. This is the theory of evolution of Buddhism and Taoism! Out, we Dahuaxia are hundreds of years earlier than Darwin!"


Bai Xiaojun was also silent for a while, sighing at Yang Yang, "Radiation leads to evolution? So it is."

There are indeed many bigwigs on the Internet, and they have been analyzed so deeply.

And there is no doubt, because it is completely correct. The radiation in the restricted area in the two eras led to hair removal. There were four spiritual monkeys on both sides. The Emperor of Heaven also led the apes to evolve into humans.

Journey to the West may really correspond to the Ape Age of Emperor Destiny.

Xu Zhi sat on the tea table next to him, sipping his tea, and was silent for a while.

"Cough, cough, there are crazy discussions on the Internet, and some people have even started to look through other similar histories, thinking that they may find other truths. But these are just the background of the game." Xue Bai Xue laughed and sneered in the past. , "After all, this is the evolutionary history of the human race in the Six Paths of Reincarnation in the game. After experiencing nuclear radiation, cultivating Buddhism to evolve our more ancient Earth humans, there should be no such treatment."

After he finished speaking, he began to change the subject, "By the way, these people in power are asleep, why did they ask us to come up?"

"Ghost knows, where are we going anyway? It's probably just to watch the ceremony."

Yuan Qinghua held her cheeks, "Emperor Yun and Jun Yun Zhong, these two monsters, who have also practiced Buddhism together, they are unfathomable, they may really be considered half-step saints, and they may be comparable to Dao Changsheng and Di Qi back then. That kind of thing, one hangs and beats more than a dozen of the same rank."

Medusa's kind is not compared at all, it is not an order of magnitude.

"Who knows? I've never seen them go all out and hide deep, but their talent is originally the kind that can hang a dozen people of the same rank, especially Yundi, who can passively kneel in a range, who can stand it. He? Heaven-defying talent, coupled with Buddhist cultivation, might really be comparable."

"Chichi, what about the strong? The source of the gods is about to be banned. It is said that it cost a lot of money to be frozen inside, and it will not recover easily in the future. Heaven and humanity will soon be in chaos. It is estimated that it will be against him."

"Yeah, Yuntian Holy Land, Emperor Yun and Jun Yunzhong can only be used as the last trump card. Even if they invite these saints who are sealed in the source of the gods, they may not have enough background to re-seal the invasion when they solve the invasion. Going back to the source of the gods, I'm just afraid of dying outside, it's funny."

Xu Zhi listened silently. The Dao of Heaven and Humanity is indeed about to change drastically. Although Zhang Xiao was born in the Dao of Heaven and Humanity, he was born in the Burning Heaven area. Although he doesn't remember his previous life, he can be regarded as the position of Heaven and Humanity, and he may not continue to be loyal to Yuntian.

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from below the teahouse.

"The Fairy is here!"

"Fairy Fairy is here to sell food!"

"Really delicious food."

"Wearing a veil, covering the beauty of Qingcheng."

Out of the crowd came a charming and beautiful woman, wearing a white veil, revealing a half-glamorous and delicate face, with a perfect and hot body, and slender and round legs like white jade, like the most delicate and flawless porcelain.

Xu Zhi glanced away.

Shangguan Man was also reincarnated.

Now I am seventeen or eighteen years old. She is a well-known dish from far and near, a bowl of ecstasy soup, which makes men dizzy. Although she is a well-known beauty, she has always been inferior, has a unique aesthetic, and feels that she looks good. Very ugly, too ugly to be seen, always wearing a veil to cover his face.

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