Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 757 Dyson Sphere, the stellar sun god civilization transformation plan!


A meteorite floating in the distance, spinning and floating in the void, was quickly dragged over for tens of thousands of years of drifting.

Xu Zhi quickly smelted some surrounding small gravel and kept expanding.


Gold sparks twinkle.

The meteorite was cast at high temperature to expand it continuously, and Xu Zhi transformed the shape of the moon in the process, hollowed it out, and implanted some special frame warehouses to form a special large inner space.

This process is relatively slow.

The casting of this moon took a full seven years in high-dimensional space and time, and then the precise data was calculated and sent into the satellite orbit.

"The inner space of the moon has to have ten thousand acres of land."

Xu Zhi looked leisurely and looked into the interior of the moon.

"It can even be used as a small space world!"

"After all, it is small, but compared to the entire solar system, 10,000 mu is already huge compared to my previous initial sand table world!"

The inside of the moon is a world, which Xu Zhi made with ease.

Even in Xu Zhi's budget, there is a new world rule, and this new world rule is the most perfect result after hearing the bunch of arguments from the Zerg vice-brain.

"The essence of my development of this solar system sand table, the main goal is not to shape a powerful extraordinary cosmic galaxy civilization

Because big does not mean strong, but bloated, only a sophisticated and delicate high-quality potential racial civilization sand table can quickly lead to strong. Just as Caroline guides Stone Star and Cybertron planet far beyond other ordinary civilizations that develop naturally. "

The civilization without guidance allowed him to develop slowly, which was too slow for Xu Zhi who had only been practicing for three months.

Xu Zhi built such a huge solar system world. The main goal is to use its huge land to build a super power plant, similar to the Mercury power station.

"The bigger the land, the more life there is, and the more energy of death."

"However, the number of Zerg in the entire solar system is already too large, because my one-time action is too big, and the big leap has already made the current number of Zerg civilizations exceed the upper limit of the number that can cover high-dimensional space-time. The quantity is limited, the size is bigger than the size!"

Body shape is important.

Make an analogy:

If only 100 Zerg can be accommodated, is there more energy in a hundred ants, or a hundred large octopuses?

"It's nostalgic."

He has eaten the sweetness of the big octopus, and his eyes are sharp,

"Although small size is king, elites and high-level creatures are more likely to appear. But if it is farming, it doesn't matter. The bigger the size, the more energy."

boom! !

Xu Zhi gradually rose and left the interior of the moon.

Looking at this fourth planet in the middle of the new solar system, the area is slightly larger than the earth.

"Ultra-small ants are still in the moon, taking the elite route,

And the entire planet and even the solar system outside are huge power plants and huge creatures.

Even though the energy compression speed is slow and the cultivation speed is not as fast as they are as farming and greening the desert, their reproduction, iteration, birth, aging, sickness and death all have huge energy. "

Xu Zhi stood at a high place, watching this vast planet and ordered,

"The Zerg vice brain, except the inner world of the moon, other planets, the size restrictions are all closed!"

A mechanical voice came:

"The body size limit in evolution has been closed, and the body shape is being allowed to develop in accordance with the environment."


Rapid evolution.

It's like the vicissitudes of life.

Under the flow of creation, those vacuum trees on the entire planet quickly adapted to the planet's environment as primitive life, such as delicate ant-sized bonsai, which quickly expanded and grew into huge towering trees.

Some air elves have grown in size from generation to generation, and after hundreds of generations, they have reached the size of ordinary people.


Like a bright golden meteor from outer space, it fell fiercely and fell into the vast thin atmosphere.

Xu Zhi landed on this huge planet comparable to the earth, walking on the green land that is evolving at a high speed, looking at the large tree of ordinary size, and the creatures similar in size to himself, he couldn't help showing a smile,

"In this galaxy, all the creatures are of normal size, the same size as me, and they are all giants of the 10,000-foot-level - for the ant creatures in that moon."

Xu Zhi's face was calm.

Two body types, what happened?

Xu Zhi doesn't care.

Anyway, such a layout can bring him optimal and reasonable benefits, and it is enough to maximize the energy harvesting of this galaxy.

Xu Zhi stood on a cliff, looked at normal animals and plants of his own size on this planet, and said lightly:

"The vacuum creatures here are all based on the two big vacuum creatures of the Bodhi tree and the air elves, as the basic template to start the flow of creation and enter the evolution of adapting to the environment. Perhaps after countless years, they will completely lose the form of their ancestors and evolve into What it is, no one knows."

"But if that's all, it's not enough!"

He observed it, landed on the back of the moon again, and a research institute rose up.

The palm of the hand is the flesh and blood tissue of a large octopus.

"It needs a bigger size, a real star giant, comparable to a continent, brings more energy!" He was very calm, and since he wanted to play, he would play a bigger wave.

In this galaxy, creatures of all shapes and sizes are uneven.

A race as small as an ant, a race of normal human size, comparable to a race on the mainland

"Started to extract the huge gene and lineage of the giant octopus."

Xu Zhi started research at the temporary Creation Research Institute on the far side of the moon.

"However, with such a large body, it is extremely difficult to obtain energy. Generally, living on a planet is likely to starve to death. A planet may not be able to support creatures comparable to a continent, and it is necessary to extract the Dyson sphere form of a large octopus. Let them circle around the sun."

"The races that live around the sun are still very simple. After all, this creature has this habit and can be extracted." Xu Zhi kept holding the dropper and injected it into the spores, trying to evolve new creatures.

"No, no, no. Speaking of the sun, speaking of radiation, how can we forget the Buddha"

He gave birth to an unimaginable crazy idea, and suddenly murmured,

"I also have the elemental world that I evolved for the Phoenix before, and among them, there is also the Buddha element. Perhaps the Buddha element can be fused with the genes of the big octopus to form a new giant radiation creature, in the form of a semi-elemental creature, in the form of a Dyson sphere, Continue to circle close to the sun, and eventually, live on the surface of the sun!"

"True Eternal Sun God Civilization!"

Xu Zhi suddenly raised his head and looked at the huge solar furnace burning with flames.

"This time is not a fiction, just like the ten sun golden crows of Emperor Qi before, the birds of thousands of degrees just stick gold on their faces, and the desolate cellar of the orchard is flying around, it is called burning the sky for ten days, but it is a real stalwart. The great divine sun god to the limit."

He was surprised by his chaotic behavior, and his eyes showed a hint of madness, "In this way, in the entire galaxy, nine planets, plus a sun, will have living things living on them!"

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