Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 758: The Moon Monument in the Starry Sky

Xu Zhi's eyes gradually brightened,

"This idea is very good. You must know that the energy released by the sun every second is equivalent to 91 billion 1 million-ton hydrogen bombs. Just this second of energy can make all humans on earth use it crazy for 250,000 years."

The vast and boundless universe, no civilization can fully describe its supreme grandeur and splendor, just one star makes human beings realize their incomparable insignificance.

This is also the reason why Dyson Sphere is the inevitable path of advanced civilization deduced by existing scientists.

Today's human beings are still using primitive coal, wind energy, water energy, and even unsound nuclear power plants, but as human beings can go out of the universe, this is an inevitable path of energy renewal.

And Xu Zhi has already entered the inevitable path of this advanced civilization - Dyson Sphere.

It's just that his way is very different.

Perhaps, unlike the previous generation of Zerg Queen's technology side, which uses a mechanical Dyson sphere, on the extraordinary side, he directly uses the extraordinary creature Dyson sphere - the sun god who lives in the sun.

Creatures from ancient myths.

"These sun gods will be living Dyson spheres, solar power stations. They will be rooted in this huge and vast sun, sucking energy for me." Xu Zhi's face began to be uneasy, "Stellar civilization, if this kind of The establishment of the Dyson sphere means that my energy has entered an unimaginable high-dimensional channel!"

"No, no, not only that!"

Xu Zhi's voice was completely unnatural.

He turned his head suddenly and looked at a beautiful and beautiful storm planet, like a distorted dark blue abstract ink painting.

"Not only the sun, but also gaseous planets!"

This type of gaseous planet is not a rocky planet, but a storm vortex planet made up of a lot of hydrogen and helium. All the time, it is like a storm black hole spinning everything, lightning and thunder.

Although Earth is a rocky planet, gaseous planets are not uncommon in the universe.

In the solar system, there are gaseous planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

And there are three such gaseous planets in this special solar system.

"These three, as energy storm planets all the time, are exuding manic power, as if tsunamis and landslides would have been impossible to live with those normal creatures, or even plant animals, but." Xu Zhi thought, "Similar to Buddha elements. Other elemental creatures, that's fine."

Elemental life forms that live on gaseous planets.

"These three planets can fuse the genes of the big octopus and put in the remaining electric elements, fire elements, and water elements of the four elements." Xu Zhi took a deep breath, "Sun, Mercury, Mars, Electric, four-element planet, four The Dyson Sphere Race. The Four Elemental Plane I built before is a foreshadowing for the sand table structure of this stellar civilization in front of me."

If it can be successfully established, the four-element power station will gain unimaginable benefits.

At this time, he was just messing around.

How to exaggerate.

It is like a giant, wanton swaying ink on a dark ancient starry canvas, and heartily creating the origin of life and miracle mythology.

"It would be the most stupid not to use the entire civilization sand table you can have to the maximum."

Xu Zhi smiled. He is not a conservative person, nor is he a fool. For example, the brain-dead protagonist in the story restricts himself in various ways, and even goes out and explores everywhere.

Of course, it is to practice in retreat, use all resources, make full use of other people's hairline, live and develop, become the ultimate in the universe, and then go out to see how wonderful the outside world is.

Not invincible do not go out.

This is the kingly way.

Is it not fragrant to secretly cultivate and develop, and slowly develop an extraordinary civilization?

"Then, let's begin"

Xu Zhi started on the far side of the moon, established a laboratory, started research,

"However, the more I pursue perfection, the greater the workload! It is unimaginable, how long it will take me to create elemental creatures that can survive on this gaseous planet and the sun, it should take hundreds of years."

"After all, this is the real cosmic sun god!"

Xu Zhi praised.

He was always eating what was in the pot and looking at what was in the pot.

For example, if you practice many exercises, you are very greedy, or you are very ambitious, but the strong do not have the will to advance bravely. How can you reach the top?

Building and opening up a civilization is often an extremely boring century of research and exploration.

If it is not so, using one's own profound knowledge to create, there will be no future super civilization's heyday and infinite possibilities.

The first step is to establish a fixed-point teleportation array. After all, this is also very simple. When he came, he brought the other teleportation array of two-way transmission.

After returning to the orchard's room, he packed up his luggage and planned to go out camping for a few days to complete the matter of the new cosmic sand table. He took the lamp and returned to the surface of the moon.

"As soon as I became a god, I abandoned everything, ran directly into the universe, and started a new creation of a large sand table civilization." He looked strange.

Looking at the crystal wall table lamp.

In the past few days, the plane of the Phoenix has been living and working in peace and contentment.

Xu Zhi took their body elements and tried to extract the genes of the big octopus and fuse the Buddha elements.

Suddenly, he stopped again,

"However, before researching and testing these cosmic-level elemental mythical creatures, we have to guide the biological civilization on the planet." Xu Zhi stood on the moon, overlooking the entire huge planet comparable to the earth, "otherwise, my hundreds of Years of research will directly waste their development time.”

Xu Zhi planned to lead a planetary civilization first, as before, to get rich first and then get rich.

As for how to guide?

Xu Zhi weighed it several times, abandoned the previous inscriptions on the exercises, and built a stone tablet to stand directly on the ground, allowing them to observe the way of learning.

After all, the times have changed, and he is already a high-ranking true god. If everyone can use this low-level technique, it will be unreasonable.

"Since you have already created the mythical creatures of the sun, you should be more generous, using the means of gods. Use the entire moon as a stele of stars, watch the moon, and know the universe."

Xu Zhi smiled slightly, looked at the whole moon, and rose slightly into the sky,

"The moon is engraved with two systems. The front of the moon is covered with totem inscriptions of advanced technology. The back of the moon is covered with totem inscriptions of the cultivation system."

The technological side inscription on the front of the moon is always facing this planet.

"When people can land on the moon and use artificial satellites of technology, they will naturally see the back of the moon, and they will naturally be able to see the system of cultivation, and begin to cultivate. After all, civilization can develop faster with the origin of science and technology."

Xu Zhi's face calmed down, "As for the ant creatures inside the moon, they can naturally leave the interior of the moon, walk on the surface of the moon, and see the content on the moon. Killing two birds with one stone."


Xu Zhi flew on the moon and walked in the vast and desolate universe, as if an ancient exiled immortal had descended.


One after another mysterious spiritual formations cover the entire moon's surface, lunar craters, lunar mountains, rivers, and craters, forming a complex and sophisticated picture and painting, which coincides with the way of heaven.

Watching the moon, you can know the celestial phenomena and the way of civilization.

on the planet.

The trees are lush and green, and the birds and beasts are agitated.

Creation's terrifying evolutionary speed has finally begun to stop.

The creatures of the entire planet are already difficult to see the original form.

The thin atmosphere enters with the continuous greening of the entire planet, vegetation covers the earth, and the atmosphere becomes gradually thicker.

As a huge and vast planet that is truly comparable to the size of the earth, its air concentration has changed, and along with the thick atmosphere, thin nitrogen and ammonia have begun to be retained.

Even thin liquid water began to appear in the depths of the glacier, and extremely thin oxygen began to permeate, but as a near-vacuum environment, it was still extremely harsh, and it was not enough for conventional organisms to survive.

However, these vacuum creatures do not rely on external oxygen at all, carbon dioxide and oxygen alternate, and they form their own internal circulation, living as free beasts of countless tribes and still drinking blood.

But it didn't develop.

After all, the difference between intelligent civilization and beast is: language and writing.

Without language, there is no communication, there is no inheritance, no wisdom can be passed on from generation to generation, no wisdom can be passed on, and no civilization can be born.

But a vacuum cannot transmit sound.

Countless beast-like human beings, struggling in nature, are extremely small, hunted by large beasts, as a member of the bottom of the food chain.

Until this day, the night of the full moon.

The clear moonlight filled the earth, and in the cave, a pregnant woman wearing animal skin gave birth, struggling on the bed with a face of pain, and countless people went back and forth nervously.

The pregnant woman bit the stick in pain, her fingertips turned white, staring at the sky and the moon.

In this barbaric society, no one knows who the father of a pregnant woman is, and there is no clear distribution of marriage. Children born to a tribe are raised together by all members, so all men are nervous.

The birth of every child is the hope of the tribe.

Today's moon is different. Usually, the moon is cloudy and sunny, but at this time, a full moon can be seen, and the fuzzy, mysterious and delicate texture can be clearly seen on it.

It is like a mysterious laurel tree, carved on the moon, with luxuriant branches and luxuriant splendor.

The more pregnant women look, the more ecstatic.

It was as if the pain of the whole person had dissipated.

The bright full moon in the sky is like a golden pocket watch shaking in hypnosis, and the spirit seems to be sucked into the mysterious vortex.

In the next second, it seemed to have transformed from a laurel tree into a mysterious toad, lying quietly on the full moon.

Suddenly, she seemed to have entered a wonderful world of thinking, with a mysterious torrent rushing in her ears, as if she saw a shadowy figure standing in the void, and she understood something in an instant.

"Entropy Entropy~~"

The baby was born, and there was a strange phenomenon.

The baby launched a meager spiritual thought, a language that can be transmitted in a vacuum.

Spiritual thoughts stirred, and the surrounding ancient humans held up this different baby, parallel to the moon, singing and dancing.

A word between heaven and earth: entropy.

A new civilization has started completely.

This piece of history was eventually blurred, and there are two narratives that are considered the most credible by archaeologists.

The later "Ancient Sutra of Entropy and Entropy Mother" records:

[The mother of Ji Entropy gives birth, watches the season and moon at night, and gives birth to entropy]

And the history written by the Great Entropy Dynasty, which reached its limit, is recorded in "The Biography of King Entropy Li":

[The saint has no father, the mother of entropy meets the dream of the gods, and is born from the moon]

Both were born in response to the moon, but the difference between the two is that this piece of history mentioned that the father of entropy was the god who created the moon. He considers himself to be the offspring of his mother and God.

But exactly how, no one knows.

next ten o'clock

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