Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 769 Strange Terminally Ill Patients


Surrounded by eager nurses and patients, they kept going back and forth, but no one saw Xu Zhi.

He was walking in the former Beijing Cancer Hospital. Before, he spent a lot of savings in this hospital for treatment, and Xu Zhi brought back many memories.

"I don't know if the patients at that time are still there?" His expression flashed.

There was a rustling sound in my ears.

"Doctor, how is my son's illness?"

"There is still money at home, you can rest assured to treat."

Thousands of voices from the whole building poured into my mind, and they were quickly filtered by the huge magic core computing power.

Conversation, consultation, urgency, roaring, pain, and all kinds of voices come, the huge hospital is a social place that exists between life and death, and it can best reflect the variety of life.

Xu Zhi crossed the wards and suddenly saw a familiar nurse.

"Nurse Zhang?" Xu Zhi called out.

"Are you. Xu. Xu Zhi?" The nurse was stunned for a while, recalled for a long time, then turned around and looked at him, her body became more haggard, her hair was sparse, and a flash of sympathy flashed in her eyes, "I haven't seen you for three months, Are you here for a re-examination? Just came out from Professor Li?"

Xu Zhi did not refute.

"What's the result? So what?" The nurse suddenly didn't ask any further, and looked at the direction Xu Zhi was heading, "How many of them are you coming to see Lao Li? Now, in that ward, only Lao Li is left."

Xu Zhi said goodbye to the nurse, stepped into the corner of the stairs and went upstairs, came to the once familiar ward, opened the door, and basically had a new face, but the expression on his face was still blank, hopeless, and dull.

There was an acquaintance left by the window.

An elegant and peaceful middle-aged man was lying on a hospital bed, wearing a hospital uniform, his face was pale, his hair was shaved, and he was playing with a tablet computer with his head down. Hearing a movement at the door, he turned his head suddenly,

"Xu Zhi?"

He was stunned and said, "I haven't seen you for three months, and I've gotten a lot older? Are you still alive?"

"It's me." Xu Zhi sat down beside the bed and put the fruit beside the table.

"Are you here for a revisit? Everyone else has already left, and I'm the only one in the ward." It was obviously not the first time for him, "Xiao Chen in the bed next door, the young man is only twenty-one years old, half a month after you left. , One night, he suddenly couldn't hold it, and he died. His parents went bankrupt and failed to heal. In those days, he cried a lot."

He looked very calm,

"Uncle Qiang, I ran out of money, so I went home to recuperate and said that I would die. On the other hand, Xiao Cheng, whose family conditions are good, can't afford to be hospitalized, and he doesn't want to live there, so he went back when his condition eased, and come back during chemotherapy. He finished chemotherapy yesterday. He also came to the ward to see me, just like you. If you want to see him, ask the doctors and nurses to find out when he will come to the hospital."

The middle-aged man sat up on the hospital bed and introduced some information to Xu Zhi, obviously doing things well.

In the face of this kind of thing, he came to the ward to find a patient. It was obviously not the first time for him to be hospitalized for several years. Even Xu Zhi was just a small wave during his hospitalization. He had seen too many alternate patients in the ward. .

Most of the patients have left, but he still lives in the ward and is strong. His family conditions are not bad. This big brother who came to the capital from the south for medical treatment, a senior social person, is also a small boss worth tens of millions, who runs a bar. , KTV.

It's not that he can't afford to live in a single ward, but he likes to chat with people. He is a special person. At that time, he helped Xu Zhi contact the doctor and also donated some money.

Xu Zhi lowered his head, just thinking it was interesting.

Three months is really not enough to change the reality.

Looking at his computer, he was actually watching the spore evolution forum, the big movie made by that group of netizens.

The man smiled, his face full of longing, "The evolution of spores, have you seen it? It's very popular recently, look at the history of mythology and civilization inside, this thing is quite new! It's nothing to think about, it feels too real, you said that in the universe, we Earth can't be the only civilization, can it? That's ridiculous,

The universe is so big that there should be countless possibilities, even the gods and Buddhas of ancient times. "

Xu Zhi was just listening.

"I haven't seen you for a while, but I feel a lot."

He continued, "After all, I'm really not happy anymore. When I was young, I made too many sins. Now it's time to pay it back. I don't have a wife and no children. It's good to be dead. How's the treatment? It's a pity that the girlfriend who went to work with you also ran away! Didn't you go back to your hometown to spend the rest of your life? Tickets back to the capital are not cheap."


The faces of the patients around him changed slightly, revealing the scars.

But pretending not to hear, seems to have known the character of this person these days.

Xu Zhi didn't care, she sat down and said, "No one came to see you recently?"

"Another one came in the morning. To be honest, some people are quite unconscionable now."

His eyes were a little complicated, and he raised his head, "For more than 20 years, I have sponsored so much money to study, and there must be hundreds of them. Ninety-nine percent of them don't come to see me. The real face of those people is clear, the world is hot, but I still have to help, I have no wife and no children, so I will be a charity, which is a personal pleasure."

The patients around him secretly admired him.

This Li Li is a sincere person, a carefree Cantonese boss, and a good person.

"Ask me why I don't go back to the big villa in Guangdong? How good is it to live here, it's like a collective apartment, there are nurses in the ward, and there are people chatting, everyone is talented, and they speak nicely,

If you want me to say, if we are in one ward, we can help you twice. Many people in our ward have helped, and you have helped. Young people can still struggle with their lives. Just Xiao Chen, who is 21 years old, why not help? ? That person is not a thing, and his parents are not a good thing, retribution! They all knew it was retribution, they cried so hard at the time, I was still laughing next to me, and the couple picked up the pillow and smashed me."

puff! !

A patient next to him who had just come in and was hospitalized was drinking water and choked instantly.

"What are you laughing at? Let's talk about it. In this society, many people don't know how to repay their kindness, right!?"

The patients did not dare to say a word.


Someone agrees.

"The world is hot and cold, and there is no one who reciprocates."

Lao Li continued, "In the early years, I just graduated from college and I was very motivated to start a business. The group of girls I brought, don't watch me bring them into the flesh business, everyone looked down on them and called them cheap, but it passed. For more than 20 years, they are all as old as me, and they have traveled thousands of miles to see me in the capital. Just yesterday, seven or eight were gathered in the ward, and the patients who didn't know it thought I was blessed."

The patient next to me was completely shocked!

Isn't that what they are talking about.

You weren't the same thing. You were doing this kind of wicked business, and you scolded others before, and laughed out loud when you saw that they were dead?

What a scumbag.

Also, the group of girls whom he brought to sell came to the capital to see him after more than 20 years?

However, the fruits and vegetables were delivered, with peaceful condolences on their faces, and some people even choked up and cried. They also saw it, and their expressions could not be faked.

What's going on here?

This is a man with a story.

"What are you looking at? Haven't you seen pimping meat money for charity every year?"

Old Li stared out, "You young, too tender, and you, don't think you've seen a lot of people as a taxi driver! Don't look at me careless, this is a disguise, I'll kill you There are many people,

Besides, yesterday, those women who came to see me and laughed with men are all old rivers and lakes. Do you think their expressions are really on their faces?

In fact, when I saw them walk into the ward, I cried so hard inside, but they laughed out loud inside, didn't I use a pillow to drive them away? Before they left, they were still weeping and weeping. I was a good person with their mouths full, and they pretended to be old! "


The patient next to the bed was stunned again.

The world's great wonders.

So far, no one knows whether what he said is true or not.

This is an old lasagna, but everyone still respects him very much, respects this maverick, weathered man who has experienced many legends and struggles in his life.

Xu Zhi just offered condolences, listened to his careless talk, waited for a while, and left.

He went around the hospital again, passed the wards one by one, and screened them carefully before the candidates were completely determined.

In addition to his talent, Xu Zhi basically doesn't think about young people. After all, he is in his twenties and is equivalent to a baby in the relatively long extraordinary world. Only people with deep experience can break through in that world. out the possibility.

I made a big hole with my finger. I just stopped the bleeding. I am trying to write with one hand. Maybe the next one will be very slow o(╥﹏╥)o

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