Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 770 Entering the Grave

Not to mention in his forties, even if he is in his 60s or 70s, he is only a young man with ordinary experience to the powerhouses of the extraordinary world.

This is reality.

Time can make up for a lot of things the day after tomorrow.

Even though there is an upper limit to a person's wisdom and talent, experience can be supplemented through time.

For example, if you are in your thirties, you were scammed by phone because your IQ is not enough. If you encounter another phone scam in your seventies, will you still be deceived?


That is you in your seventies, and your IQ still grows with time. In your seventies, your IQ has improved compared to your peak in your thirties?

Naturally not.

Dementia is fine.

The reason for not being deceived is that the experience has increased, the food has been lost, the salt has been eaten, the road has traveled more, and the society has beaten more severely. It is still generally applicable to the elderly.

The experience brought by time can make up for the lack of your IQ.

Therefore, those great powers who have lived for hundreds of thousands of years are still brainless and can only live in stories.

If there is no potential, let alone play Di Qi and Youshan Fujun, all kinds of terrifying calculations against the sky have played with the common people of the entire era.

Even Yuan Qinghua and these all have simple eyes that give help in the snow and act bravely, and teach you how to be a human being in minutes.

Silly white sweet, in this extraordinary world without laws, it is impossible to live at all.

"Let's not talk about aptitude, IQ must be fully recharged, let alone play Di Qi, but you have to play normal people. After all, apart from IQ, in this primitive age where the physique is still unknown, the so-called aptitude can't be seen at all. Is it better than anyone else? cancer is worse?" Xu Zhi looked strange.

That night, Lao Li's ward was suddenly full of hurried shouts.

The nurse hurriedly sent the person to the first aid, looking flustered while walking, "It was fine during the day, and the condition after chemotherapy is also very stable.

Lao Li is especially good at chatting.

The relationship with the doctors and nurses is very good, and I even sponsored some patients who have seen it. The unique character is also a special landscape on this floor.

Stab it!

In the emergency room, the dazzling white light shone on his face.

Li Li's consciousness gradually became hazy, and the dialogue between the doctor and the nurse became blurred.

"Sudden cardiac arrest!"

"Why all of a sudden?"

A voice suddenly came.

He collapsed on the hospital bed, his blurred eyes full of exhaustion, "Is this fate, why did it come so quickly?"

His whole body suddenly trembled inexplicably and became frightened. He thought he could accept everything safely, but when his life really came to an end, and the irresistible exhaustion eroded his body a little, he couldn't help but become completely terrified.

Death is a huge fear that all life cannot contain.

This fear is innate and permeates every gene.

"Is this the fear of beings embedded in this planet? It is precisely because of the immortal gene that it is far more afraid of death than any life in the universe. Even the genes are emitting fear. If you have a new life, what are you willing to pay? ?"

A low male voice sounded.


Li Li answered instantly

A flower in front of you.

Suddenly, in the haze, a divine light descended, and he saw a young man whose face could not be seen clearly.

Wearing a black robe, although it was not very clear, he still vaguely saw the mysterious laurel pattern, a familiar outline.

Did I have a hallucination?

From the latest forum, he saw a similar dress, which seemed to be a moon divination master.

"As expected, I am completely blurred." He muttered to himself in a daze, "Dream and reality are already indistinguishable."

After all, according to the analysis of those on their network, that laurel pattern is the mysterious ancient texture on the moon, which is the terrifying enemy that destroys the ancient mythical civilization of the earth!

How could an alien civilization suddenly appear on Earth?

"Do you want to live? Do you want to see a higher scenery?" A smile came from the figure.

"I want to live."

Li Li answered without hesitation.

"What are you willing to give?"

He was silent for a while, and his words restrained a little. "Everything other than dignity, I don't want to die, and I want to live with dignity."

"Everything but dignity?"

"You should know what to face in order to maintain dignity."

The brilliance of everything around him gradually descended and enveloped him, the endless burning sensation ignited his heart, and the heart-piercing pain began to surge.


He screamed loudly, and the pain made his face extremely hideous.

"What's the price like that?"

The low voice came again.

"Pain more terrifying than death? Who am I? How many did I have before? Did they not endure it? Or will they face such endless pain no matter how they answer?" It was unbearable, but still endured, struggling word by word, squeezing out words,

"It doesn't matter, as early as countless years ago, I suffered more cruel pains and transformed."

The gods were silent.

Xu Zhi didn't know, what was more cruel than this kind of pain? It seems that the middle-aged uncle who was in the mixed society back then also has a story.


He seems to have persisted for endless years, suffering in a painful purgatory.

Finally, a white light flickered, and the god disappeared.

"I survived."

It was easy for Xu Zhi to dispose of and replace the corpse in the hospital.

The real difficulty is to implant the Zerg's root bloodline. The heart-piercing pain is not something that ordinary people can bear, but it has been endured.

Xu Zhi felt that his vision was not bad, and it was in place at the first time. It is not easy to have such willpower. It seems that this person has suffered enough social beatings. .


At the moment of reappearance, tear-like pain covered the whole body.

Li Li appeared in a dark corridor surrounded by exquisite stone murals.

In the distance is the night pearl inlaid, beautiful.

This is a luxurious tomb with frescoes telling the life of the owner of the tomb.

"Where am I? That's not a dream? Am I really still alive?" He lowered his head and looked at his old hands, still in white hospital uniforms, with sparse hair,

Still the same self, never young, never aged.

"However, I feel that the symptoms of cancer have eased a little, and my body is much more comfortable." He took a deep breath and began to look at the mural on the wall.

The moment he saw it, he was completely shocked.

He has seen the screenshots and the description. Here is the life of Ji Entropy in the Great Entropy Dynasty, and here is the tomb of Ji Entropy.


He was completely stunned.

Everything turned out to be true! !

The vast universe, the endless heavens beyond the earth.

Physical Buddha, chemical Tao!

Once, the ancient enemy who destroyed the earth's Chinese gods!

He kept recalling these memories in his mind, only feeling creepy,

The god he had just seen was probably the legendary Moon God Season called by this world.

His hands trembled violently, and he exclaimed, "Also, what is that mysterious existence thinking? Why do you want me?"

He seemed to see the dark hand behind the scenes, stirring everything up.

The super-ancient gods are saving themselves and fighting against the odds. Ever since the Earth Ascension of Huaxia Buddha and Dao fell, they began to deploy various means before falling asleep, and how could his opponent stand by?

It came to the earth, what is the picture?

"Can't think, can't think," he kept whispering, suppressing frantic thoughts.

look around,

"The air here is very fresh and the oxygen content is very high. Ji Entropy is afraid that he has made air storage for his cemetery. It's a big hand. There are no obvious traces of radiation here, and no tombs have been robbed."

If he was outside, he would surely die.

The oxygen concentration of 8% is even thinner than at the top of Mount Everest, and it is difficult for people to live.

Oxygen is not enough, let alone the radiant land outside.

"As an ordinary earth person, it is impossible for me to live in such a sinister planetary environment, not to mention that I am going to die, cancer. But what happened to the immortal planet before? Isn't that a big secret?"

He kept sorting out his thoughts. The only way to survive now is to cultivate, but how to cultivate?

He took a deep breath and kept walking around the cemetery. It took him a long time, and his old body barely opened the three stone doors. "My physical strength is really strong, and even a strong adult will struggle."


A terrifying chill hit him quickly, so cold that he shivered, as if he had entered the South Pole in an instant.

What I saw was a group of terracotta warriors and horses, frozen in a huge layer of ice.

"Frozen? Are these living people? Buried with living people?" He got goosebumps.

As a modern person, it is shocking to see thousands of corpse ice sculptures. Are these living people, elite soldiers and generals buried alive? The burial of living people is a scene only in the real feudal era!

"If there are living people, trees, and courtyards, there should be food frozen! I can't eat these frozen terracotta corpses!" He took a deep breath and immediately thought of the possibility of survival, "As a complete tomb, there should be food. Frozen, food and wine are buried together, this is the era before the cataclysm of spiritual qi recovery, the food is not contaminated, otherwise the existing radiation food outside, the entire radiation planet, I can't touch it at all!"

"Go and look for it." He spent a long time searching in other places to no avail. He could only come to the main tomb, an obviously magnificent main door. He trembled a little and held the door. This is comparable to The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty on Earth, the legendary first emperor of Zhongzhou, Ji Entropy.

Ji Entropy, is he still alive?

This is not an ordinary world, it is extraordinary, only ghosts know what kind of evil overlord will leave behind.

That's it for today, and you can see from the pictures in the group that the cut is quite big, there is blood all over the place, and the state of typing with one hand is indescribable, a little water,

After the hand is ready, add more tomorrow or the day after tomorrow

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