Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 771 Survival on alien planets, the cultivation system of earth people is developed

"The ancient emperor's tomb must be guarded against tomb robbers."

"The reason why I didn't encounter it before was because I directly traveled to the inside of the tomb, ignoring the outer organs, and came to the central area of ​​the grave goods."

Li Li has always been very careful, even opening the tombs just now, throwing in various things to test.

He has worked hard in society for many years.

People who open KTV and bars naturally have a lot of contact with the Three Religions and Nine Classes. Even before they came ashore, they were three Religions and Nine Classes, and they had seen a lot of cold swords.

"Fortunately, Ji Entropy's era was still very primitive. There is no anti-theft tomb of the current technology and chemical institutions. At most, it is a cold arrow." He opened the door cautiously.

The entrance is a huge palace. The first thing you see is a stone statue of the Moon God Season. The carving is very fine. Behind the statue is a full moon, and a young man is kneeling on one knee. It is Ji Entropy.

Divine right of kings.

The meaning of this statue is obvious.

Even after the long passage of time, and even covered with some dust, the lifelikeness on the face of the stone statue can still be seen.

"Moon God, the ancient god who sent me here before Ji Mo may be him." He pursed his lips.

The entire gold-carved walls are extremely luxurious.

In the distance, there are wine ponds and meat forests, countless delicious wines and delicacies, which are frozen and beautiful like ice sculptures.

"The main tomb, is there no mechanism?"

He took a deep breath, and his old body lay on the ground, stroking every corner and moving forward, preventing any mechanism that could be triggered by stepping on his feet.

"It seems that I directly crossed the outer layer of the organization, and the core area is not prepared at all?

After all, with the ancient emperor Ji Entropy, he unified the countries of Zhongzhou, pushed the prairie horizontally, and almost penetrated most of the planet's territory, which is equivalent to hitting Europe and Spain. How could such a person's pride be in the main tomb? , a place to enjoy yourself, leaving behind imperfect traps such as organs?

All the means of preventing tomb robbery should be concentrated on the periphery. After all, if the outer layer can be breached, then there is no need to guard against it. "

Li Li took a deep breath, not excited is fake.

After all, he is an ancient emperor who is comparable to Qin Shi Huang!

I am just an ordinary Cantonese boss. If I hadn't paid attention to that mysterious forum, I would have been smeared in my eyes when I came here.

He carefully took some frozen food on the table, and planned to leave this freezer-like main tomb palace, without the intention of prying open the coffin.

He can't guarantee that Ji Entropy's coffin will be left behind, and it may even be alive.

Even, he dragged a few large stone carvings with great difficulty and overlapped them on the lid of the coffin. After confirming that it was impossible for a normal person to push them away, he said something.

"Amitabha, with the blessing of Newton, the great power of the physical Buddha, you will definitely help me to press the lid of the coffin of this great emperor who has killed thousands of people in his entire life!"

"and many more."

He was slightly startled, shocked, his body trembled violently,

"I see!"

He exclaimed, "Newton, a peerless genius in Western physics, studied physics and various physical laws when he was young, and liked to study theology in his later years. He was extremely fanatical, and it was extremely normal. After all. The successor of the Physics Buddha!!"

He was completely enlightened, and the whole person only felt goosebumps all over his body, "Look at his golden curly hair, isn't it the Buddha's curly hair?"

"There is also Tesla, the man who claims to be the closest to God. In his later years, he actually studied a machine that assimilates with ghosts and the underworld!" He was shocked, feeling that the experience of each physics power was extremely similar.

It's all about physics first, then theology.

After all, the end of science is theology.

You must know that players' Tesla coils and diamond hoops are one of the symbols of Buddha!

Say it's a coincidence?

He doesn't believe it! ! !

"Everyone thinks that the Buddha is in Buddhism, but in reality, the Buddha is in all sentient beings."

He babbled, and since he traveled to this extraordinary planet and knew that everything was true, he became more and more pious.

"What secrets are hidden in our ancient Chinese mythology? What kind of great glory did our ancient civilization have?"

He came to a small enclosed space, isolated the ice cave outside, fetched some finely crafted furniture, smashed priceless antiques into pieces, and tried to make fire by drilling wood.

As a result, he found that the sad thing is that it seems very simple, and the craftsmanship necessary for primitive people. He failed in a day, and even his hands were directly worn out, and the blood was flowing.

Reality is cruel.

In the end, he could only curl up in the corner, took some luxurious clothes for the funeral to cover, and melted the ice, water and food with his own body heat.

He was trembling all over, like an old man in the cold wind.

This is an alien wilderness survival.

His teeth were freezing, and he said, "Those novels are all deceitful people who travel through other worlds. All kinds of operations are easy to survive. The simplest thing is to drill wood to make fire, which is difficult for a modern person."

He's frozen like this, and he can still entertain himself.

"I think those who want to cross the road must study drilling wood to make fire, be familiar with the manufacturing process of gunpowder and nuclear bombs, be good at mathematics, physics and chemistry, and enter the threshold of physics, Buddhism and chemistry, and at least a college degree. After all, nine years of compulsory education It is a means for the state to secretly cultivate Buddhist and Taoist successors and inherit ancient myths and civilizations.”

——Cultivation for the whole people, the recovery of spiritual energy, just in the nine-year compulsory education.

——Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you are not afraid to travel to other worlds.

At this time, he feels that from the technological revolution of Newtonian physics to the present society, it seems that the feudal superstitions of each era have been ruled out, in fact.

Earth is on its way to the transcendent.

If the supernatural revives, the Earth's nine-year compulsory education, the "five-year college entrance examination and three-year" simulation of the sea questioning tactics, etc., will definitely produce a batch of peerless powerhouses.

"Current students feel that learning is very boring, and they yearn for the extraordinary in another world, but the most boring thing about the so-called extraordinary road is learning."

He murmured, as if seeing the true meaning of the world,

"Everything in the world is equal. How can you become a strong person without experiencing boredom? How can a person who feels unable to persevere even in learning become strong if he does not learn the true meaning of the laws of the universe such as physics and chemistry?"

The universe is destined somewhere.

No matter what kind of world you are in, a student who doesn't work hard is just a student after all.

"Outside, the arms race should be still on, and the continents should have about a year to launch satellites. And that player, Yuan Qinghua, should still be secretly cultivating the nine-turn Xuangong, waiting for that day's departure."

a year?

He silently calculated that these had nothing to do with him.

After all, he is an ordinary person, not to mention, how can he escape from the organs outside the tomb? It's something he can't destroy at all.

"I want to practice! I want to learn!"

A firm idea is born in the mind.

"But Martial Dao is impossible. Although the principles of this exercise have leaked out, I have no spiritual consciousness and cannot exercise every part of my body. I can only practice Soul Dao, and those core players have always been hidden from ordinary forum audiences outside us. , there is no rumor about the cultivation technique of Soul Dao at all, is it possible that you want me to create my own cultivation technique?"

His scalp was tingling.

"How is this possible?. Counting down the heavens and the worlds since watching, the entire history of the development of extraordinary civilizations, if you can create exercises at the beginning, there must be a corresponding extraordinary bloodline."

"But as an earthling, what kind of extraordinary blood do I have?"

No matter what, it's all about death!

The outer layers are all tomb guarding organs. He can't get out as an ordinary person, and if he stays in the tomb, the oxygen content, food, and water here will be exhausted.

His time is extremely limited.

He curled up in the corner, "I can only hope that someone will rob the tomb, but is it possible? The Qin Emperor's Mausoleum on Earth has not been excavated so far for protection, and the Zhongzhou in front of me is not only a matter of protecting the tomb, but also a descendant of Ji Entropy. How can I dig my own ancestral grave when I rule the country? If only I could go to the forum to ask for help."

In the next three months, he failed countless times, and in the midst of hunger and cold, he finally learned to drill wood to remove fire, but that was all.

Although I live frugally, I only eat one meal a day, and at the same time, I don’t exercise at all except for eating and drinking, and I try to reduce the oxygen consumption of activities, which almost exhausts most of the stored food.

The burial's frozen vegetables had been eaten up, and only meat remained.

And his body became weaker and weaker, and he found a terrible problem:

Although the mysterious god dealt with his constitution before, but now, his cancer is about to break out again.

At the same time, he was irradiated.

He was bleeding all over, and his gums, nostrils, and top of his head were completely alopecia.

"I only think now that those vegetables and meat must have been treated with micro-radiation and made sterile, so that they can be preserved in the ice for so long."

He also discovered a terrible thing.

Those elite soldiers in the freezer might still be alive.

It may have been subjected to various radiation treatments, etc., and then frozen inside to sleep, feeling that there may still be some faint signs of life, which is too frightening!

"If the soldiers in the freeze are still alive, then Ji Entropy himself must be still alive!" He was not calm, "Does he plan to wake up one day and bring his own team, this group of terracotta warriors, to fight this planet again? ?"

It's not that he didn't work hard in the past three months.

He wanted to do something with those corpses, fuse their radiation genes, and practice Buddhism.

But it stopped instantly.

He does not have enough knowledge in this area to extract their blood and create extraordinary blood potions.

Forcibly integrate into their bloodline? If you are Tier 2 or 3, there are still some who may resist, but now?

100% mortality rate with current physique.

Now, he can only close his eyes and rest, studying the legendary soul path.

completely straightened up,

"Martial Dao, Soul Dao, are all fundamental techniques without fancy and straight to the essence."

As an earth man, he can only begin to study these things, because knowledge is the power of all,

"I understand the principles of martial arts, divine sense, observe every musculoskeletal, perform overall exercise, eat a lot of food supplements, and evolve the flesh and blood of the body.

I have no spiritual sense, martial arts is impossible!

And the food here is simply not enough to provide powerful energy, so we can only study the soul path. As the origin and bloodless cultivation method, it is also a simple exercise for the soul. It should be an ancient meditation method! "

Martial arts, for the ancient warriors who hammered their blood.

Soul Dao, for the ancient Taoist priests who meditated cross-legged.

These are the two major systems. After all, any cultivation technique originates from these two.

But in ancient meditation, why did no one succeed like Taoist priests and warriors?

Martial arts require spiritual sense, soul Tao, do you need energy supply?


He closed his eyes and breathed for a long time. It was obviously of no use. He still knew a little about qigong and ancient breathing methods.

Another month.

Meat is almost eaten too.

If it goes on like this, he can only eat corpses.

"Eating corpses, it's better to die, anyway, it won't last long. What's more, the most serious thing now is not the food, but the lack of oxygen."

He obviously felt that the oxygen was thin, he had altitude sickness, and it was difficult to breathe.

"I seriously doubt that in the tomb, Ji Entropy stores so much oxygen that doesn't seem to be useful. It is likely to be used for ventilation after they wake up. It's like exchange blood. After all, their blood is oxygen. Back," he took a deep breath, "I've stored all of them, they're all exhausted."

As of now, it has come to an end.

Four months was too short, he only practiced qigong which was useless.

He could only finally give it a go. He first tried to melt a soldier in an ice layer, observed his body, and found a more terrifying fact.

According to the knowledge he learned in the forum, this soldier is in his thirties, has gray hair, and even has a second rank.

He was greatly surprised on the spot, "Ji Entropy, although he acquired technology as a moon master, he has already begun to study the extraordinary system by himself. Most of the soldiers who followed him back then were second-order soldiers, and they were basically old people. Around the fourth rank! He has opened up to four realms by himself!!

The average lifespan of this world is forty years, so it is speculated that the lifespan of the fourth-order is about seventy or eighty years. That is to say, when Ji Entropy died of old age, he was not actually dying of old age, but suspended animation. He was still in his prime! "

He walked back and forth in the tomb, goosebumps all over his body, as if he saw a huge conspiracy in ancient times, "He fell asleep because he saw it. He followed his inner team back then, all of them were going to die of old age, so he fell asleep because he wanted to bring Live to the next life with your own heart team!"

"It's also because he wants to wait for the moon occupants of later generations to completely study the moon, and then he will be born again, rule the world, and obtain the fruits of their labors one by one."

The coffin in the main tomb was held down with several large stones, but he was still terrified.

Fourth grade.

The gravity of those stones?

Newton could not hold down such a coffin board.

In the end, he lowered his head and looked at the unsealed elite soldier, "This corpse is already dead, it seems that the survival rate of freezing is not high, but since they are already dead, as second-order life, their energy is in the blood, and the blood is Oxygen and carbon dioxide cycle, these energized gases are exactly the oxygen I need, maybe I can.”

He showed a struggle, and suddenly fell on the soldier's neck and took a bite.


He sucked a lot of oxygen inside, and at the same time, it felt as if sweet spring water was pouring in, and the whole person's old body was nourished.

He sucked, then sat cross-legged on the ground, meditating.


His mind seemed to have entered some kind of special state, and when he came back to his senses, he only felt full of energy and energy, "It works! It's really useful! Soul Dao, as a basic source method, is also very simple, but it requires a lot of resources, need the energy of cultivation!”

He then continued to practice.

Looking at the countless ice sculptures of the Terracotta Warriors, he bowed slowly,

"Anyway, they are all dead. Please bless me, I will live with your will, Amitabha Buddha, Newton bless, please press the coffin board tighter, please don't trouble me."

He went to select the corpses of the soldiers who seemed to be completely dead, smashed the ice, bit their necks, and absorbed the true energy of cultivation.

Until this day, he suddenly and inadvertently melted into a living person. His heartbeat was weak, and he was slowly recovering. He was startled.

"Or kill. Otherwise, I can't beat him at all, even if the opponent is an old man, but he is a second-order, a battle-hardened veteran!"

He pursed his lips nervously, holding a homemade stone weapon, facing his forehead, wondering if he should attack.

It is absolutely impossible for modern people to transform into cold-blooded murderers in an instant, and it is impossible to apply the law of the jungle immediately. People need to grow up.

But just as he paused, the white-haired soldier opened his eyes and let out a weak spiritual thought.

I don't know what he was talking about, but after a while, the heartbeat stopped again.

Li Li took a deep breath and felt that his body temperature was completely cold, "It should be dead, and it was frozen out, and only lived for a few seconds. After all, he was a person who died of old age."

He hesitated for a moment, then lay directly on the corpse with Yu Wen, biting his throat, sucking the blood infuriating.

Then start practicing meditation.

He found this to be fast.

After all, it is the energy of other people's life-long cultivation. Although everyone has a second-order, but in this case, he constantly digs up the terracotta warriors and horses and destroys the ancient ruins. He almost feels the first-order.

Half an hour later, Li Li was still meditating when he suddenly heard movement.

It's a twitch!


He opened his eyes in horror and saw an unbelievable terrifying scene.

The old soldier who had just been bitten by his neck actually came back to life, twitching all over his body. This expression, as if fused with genetic medicine, was painful and struggling.

"What the hell is this!!?"

He raised his axe in horror, facing the white-haired old soldier twitching on the ground.


The old soldier is getting younger and his hair is black, as if he is rejuvenating his youth.

"This is!? This is!?" Li Li couldn't help but shouted in horror, his mind was turbulent, "How could this be? What the hell happened!?"

Li Li's eyes dropped.

Suddenly, he saw the teeth marks on the neck of the white-haired old man who had just bitten, and the cavity was covered with his blood.

It was his gums that bleed and entered the other's body.

"It's my blood!! He's fusing my blood!"

"No!! It's the blood of our earthlings!"

He looked at the tooth marks on the neck of the white-haired old soldier who was struggling and tumbled on the ground, a bitten dead man, the old man who should have died and was getting younger, this picture reminded him of an ancient myth

A thousand-year-old legend that belongs to the earth.

His feet were too soft, his teeth were clenched, and his wide pupils were full of terror. At this moment, a terrifying historical prelude was slowly opening in front of him.

"We Earthlings, turned out to be!!?"

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