Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 876 Thinking about the Limitations of Structure

seven days.

This is an unimaginably terrifying message.

A great god, with a life span of eight or nine thousand years, can only be forced to live for seven days?

You can see how horrific it was.

"We, too, are finished."

On the side, the entire mechanical exploration team was even more desperate.

Even the gods are forced to this level, but they can't even enter the high-dimensional time and space

They already consider themselves to be the higher races of the universe, the empire is unimaginably powerful, colonizing the interstellar, but at this time, it seems to be destroying all their dignity.

All these outbreaks, only to realize that he is extremely weak.

They held their machine guns nervously and looked around, "We can't see their movements at all. If this Sword God didn't set a protective cover for us, we would be torn apart in an instant!"

In low-dimensional time and space, they are like almost static statues to high-dimensional creatures, not a life in a dimensional space at all.

"We, we must live!"

They looked urgent, "Protective cover, resources, we want to build an arsenal, collect minerals, and produce troops! We are elite imperial soldiers, and we have our pride!"

They brought the most sophisticated equipment, and naturally they also had space rings, which contained a lot of emergency and dangerous equipment, and even brought the highest-level intelligent assistance, which stored a lot of technological construction materials, enough for them to re-develop civilization.

Guthra was slightly surprised, "These little guys, they are going into the ancient times. The technology side at that time was their ancestors, and they also built an arsenal here and wanted to pass the election assessment."

Technology side, extraordinary side.

Among the 200 million geniuses, these two civilizations are competing for life and death.

After all, this land is as huge as a planet, and its resources and many things are extremely huge.

"And we have to take the extraordinary route."

Guthra didn't attack them. After all, it's good to have more power. Looking at Mansha,

"Daughter, in high-dimensional space and time, I can only protect you for seven days, that is, seven hundred years. You must break through to become a god, or a very strong god. At least, only at my current height can I have hope of survival! "

He's already made his decision to die.

"What an interesting discovery."

Xu Zhi returned to the study and sat on a chair, the towering giant holding his cheeks, his handsome face almost not like a living being, "Iron-based life? It turns out that Renimansgar turned out to be an iron-based life."

Now that I think about it, it does.

The basic element structure of life is different, which naturally affects the upper limit of body size.

The big octopus is already the largest natural flesh and blood body of carbon-based life, the size of a continent, but even so, it is already soft and cannot support its body size at all.

Looks like a big octopus is the most reasonable

structure, that is.

It's like a pile of tofu that can't hold up high-rise buildings.

This is an innate racial restriction.

There is an upper limit to the size of a carbon-based flesh life, and a large octopus is basically the upper limit.

"Theoretically speaking, the larger the body size, the stronger the combat power, but carbon-based life forms limit the size. And other cosmic life forms may be larger and more bizarre."

Xu Zhi showed a thoughtful look,

"Is that so? The universe is too vast and mysterious. Most of the life species we see are carbon-based life, and naturally they are humanoid structures.

They are widespread and huge, spread everywhere, but their starting points are relatively low-level, and silicon-based, iron-based, and even all kinds of alien life forms are different, with different body shapes and appearances.

There are life structures comparable to stars and even unimaginable. This is the real infinite universe, and he has infinite possibilities. "

Only then did Xu Zhi realize that his vision was too low!

He has always subconsciously believed that carbon-based life is all life in the universe, so human-shaped intelligent life takes it for granted.

Antlers, Cattails.

Because most of the planets with flesh and carbon-based life are the evolutionary history of apes, Homo sapiens, etc., because they are all of the same structure, they are naturally similar.

Carbon-based is so, but others are different.

"Carbon-based life is the foundation of a life building, iron-based life is a new foundation,

It seems that the starting point of Jizhu God is not a race but a kind of life. There will be many interesting iron-based life forms, and even various talents will be born. "

His eyes flickered and he looked into the distance,

"For example, smart vacuum cleaners become fine, and many small vacuum cleaners are born. What is the genetic ability of this race? Exhaust?. Smart toilets become fine, is it a genetic talent ability, is it pumping?"

He clearly understood.

Carbon-based is the foundation of a big tree, which stretches out the ancient carbon-based human beings. Various kinds of genetic life have appeared in the carbon-based human beings in the demon world, each with its own talents.

This "iron-based life" is also a foundation, and there will also be various corresponding expenditure forks and genetic talents.

"A new life form is setting sail."

Xu Zhi's face was calm, "Then here comes the problem. My size is still hazy and undiscovered, but it will be exposed sooner or later in the future. How can I become a real iron-based giant creature?"

Xu Zhi felt troubled, and Renemansgar's information was still too vague.

The universe is too big to be interesting.

Medusa took away the endangered plant-type pillar god. On this land, only the human-type pillar god was left, and the machine-type pillar god was madly fighting against Ben and racing.

In this land, there are also various forces, indigenous survivors, mechanical warriors from the empire outside, and the extraordinary gods next door.

It's a hodgepodge!

At this time, the players in this eyeball were immediately shocked, and there was also a lot of riots on the Internet.

"This is too exaggerated, the pillar god of mechanical creatures, I saw a flush toilet and gave birth to a small toilet, my God. He grew up eating steel?"

"Iron-based life, actually eat this thing?"

"The teeth are so good."

"Who said that, I found out that I even eat plants, so should I add some bones and calcium?"

They were completely shocked.

What the fuck?

How has this developed?

They could not have imagined that Zhushen had such a strange change under such circumstances, and even they felt extremely terrified!

This iron-based life is too terrifying.

It seems that in the control of the Pillar God, he is taking a purely technological route.

Where is the scariest place?

Unique advantage.

Now, after eating up the tens of thousands of years of accumulated technology in this empire, I am afraid that I will introduce new ones. With my own life structure, I am afraid that within a few months, it will be a terrifying ninth-order scientific and technological civilization. At that time, it is very likely that Carlo After Lin, Di Qi and others broke through, they were not necessarily opponents.

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