The virus was breaking out, but they were also watching from start to finish.

After all, this thing came out of their hands.

"In a few more months? You are conservatively estimated that you can beat Renimanska in three months to complete the ninth level of subversion! I feel that you can beat Sanzhu Shen and Qian Diqi in a month! The ninth-order one! (Dog head)"

"That's true. Although the current alien civilization is very weak, their technological civilization has indeed developed to the path of law, and corresponding to the extraordinary side, it is equivalent to an extraordinary civilization that is taking the ninth-order road."

"Eat such a high starting point and take over, it will definitely explode!"

They felt terrified.

I also feel really great.

I stole a bit of the virus from the Three Pillars God and came here to create the virus. Who would have thought that after a while, if it evolved directly from the indigenous civilization, the Three Pillars God might be beaten up and called Dad!

After all, what is civilization on the purely technological side?


Exaggerated combat power can be quickly formed by consuming resources.

Similar to the extraordinary powerhouses, they all have to practice slowly and need time to accumulate.

At this time, they were still very proud.

Look at those native turtle civilizations? A look of horror! After being beaten to death, the virus frenzy could not be contained at all. In an instant, I knew that the advanced civilization and the center of the universe were amazing!

However, some netizens directly pointed out: "Are you sure, people are messing with you? Just beat Sanzhu Shen? Beat Di Qi? People won't beat you?"

The player's face froze.

At this time, someone immediately replied:

"But we ran fast, we and the Three Pillars of God, we ran together, we ran faster than who I thought he was not as good as us. Why? He took his head away, the headless man on the lava land What about the corpse? It's tricky."

"That's the truth, the Three Pillars of God can run away from the head, but not the body."

"Poor Three-Pillar God, I'm going to be turned over by myself!"

Some netizens laughed out loud, these guys are already acting like ostriches and are already deceiving themselves.

The things in front of me were still suddenly mutated. After all, no one thought that the super race coders and the virus would suddenly flow out inexplicably, causing the situation in front of me.

"This world, it is estimated that it will suffer."

Everyone knew that they were going to go riot.

Although this kind of mechanical creature can also take the extraordinary side and cultivate the system, but will they take this path? Certainly not.

"Cough cough cough."

The Alchemist looked very calm, "Someone is working overtime and has no time to spare. This time, I will make an evaluation and lead the incident."

Everyone nodded.

It seems that the evaluation master, Qiu Mingshan's speed, has been living a very fulfilling life recently.

"First of all, Ermin and I studied the structure of this technological civilization, and we found a very strange point, the way of technological civilization, which made me and Ermin feel amazing after careful study, and we couldn't help laughing. It came out, why, because in a sense, the path of scientific and technological civilization and my way back then turned out to be the same!"

"Yes, my alchemy dynasty back then turned out to be the prototype of a technological civilization."

"Do you think I'm talking nonsense? Do you remember? Back then, the wizard civilization was an extraordinary cultivation civilization. After my alchemy emperor came, I used technology to change the ecology, various mechanical alchemy creations, and even mechanical airships appeared. Ten thousand ordinary slimes can fight against Medusa."

Of course everyone remembers.

After all, it's only been a few months.

At that time, everyone guessed that the alchemy emperor must be a military machinery giant, or even a senior executive of a mature industrial group.

"At that time, I led civilization and entered the age of alchemy, but after my death, the age of alchemy fell, and civilization returned to Medusa's rule.

Thinking about it this way, it's like the beginnings of the technology road that just came out, and then all of a sudden he was pulled back on the right track of the wizard road and returned to science and technology. "

Everyone was startled.

It means that the alchemy civilization that was developed by crossing Grantham and using the existing scientific and technological knowledge of the earth at that time may be completely industrialized if it continues to develop in the future? On the road to technology?

But was pulled back?

Everyone thought about it carefully, and there was indeed a sudden realization.

Alchemists, with the help of external forces, various instruments, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the giant Adolf, and various world-class wonders, are indeed technological flows in concept.

"When I think about it now, I just feel that history is so real and wonderful."

The Alchemist said with emotion,

"This is the charm of time. If I hadn't died, Medusa hadn't overthrown the alchemy dynasty, and the evil god Cthulhu had not come, history would probably have turned to another corner. Alchemists didn't pay attention to cultivation, study alchemy, cultivate In order to weaken day by day, the stronger the power of foreign objects, the probability of becoming an alternative technological civilization."

Everyone was stunned, and there was a sense of emotion.

Destiny is always so wonderful, a turning point in civilization is enough to affect the spring and autumn of all ages, and it will completely lead to another completely different path.

The Alchemist said: "Everyone knows that I am a research madman. Let's get down to business. After studying the information on this civilization, I can only say that this technological civilization has been stuck on the road of the ninth order for tens of thousands of years. There is a reason!"

"What's the reason?"

"I have observed history. Their ancestors were ninth-order civilizations, who followed Renimans, and even their leader, who used to be the second disciple of this ancient existence, why are they so down? It's because they lost the ancients. One of the most important technologies, even more important than the Clone God Factory—God Gym!"

Spirit Gym?

Everyone was slightly stunned when they heard the name.

"Yes, the fitness center, the fitness center in our earth society, is to exercise. At best, you can become a muscular man. Kong Wuli and their fitness center are amazing. After they exercise, they can be comparable to many strong people, even gods."

"This is the power of the ninth-order civilization of science and technology in the higher universe!"

"People's fitness center, strong body, is not a concept!"

"It's rotten, isn't it? Thinking about the glory of that era, one can't help but dream of going back to more than 100,000 years ago and witnessing their glory."

"Actually, I checked a lot of surviving information. In that era, fitness centers were common, and many people exercised and maintained health. Of course, fitness centers are divided into strong and weak, and graded. After exercising in low-level fitness centers, you can go A higher level. This is very likely, a breakthrough in the realm, corresponding to the first-order, second-order, and third-order fitness centers."

"It was very common in that era, many civilians went to fitness after work, and the rich went to higher-level fitness centers. In that era, it was a popular and civilized leisure place.

Of course, this is very expensive, and the further you go, the more expensive it becomes. Speaking of which, you probably already understand that this is the method of cultivation. "

"Do you think that the technology side is really mortal? Ordinary society? This concept is a prejudice, but the cultivation method on the technology side is different from the extraordinary side."

Everyone nodded.

Before this, some players discovered the history of this civilization.

In the ancient times, they were powerhouses with the level of gods. Of course, they were not the kind of hard and boring training on the technology side, but they had special rooms.

There is a pile of nutrient solution, all kinds of high-tech.

Go in, click! It's Level 3 when it comes out, go in again, click! It's Tier 4! The speed of breakthrough is quite fast.

Everyone was talking about:

The rich rely on technological breakthroughs, and the poor rely on cultivation breakthroughs!

The transcendent side is full of turtles, one step at a time.

But everyone also knows that this kind of terror has no combat power at all, and there is no realm, but others do not need combat power.

What people need is the corresponding life level to prolong life.

There is also the authority to enter the high-dimensional time and space. When people start fighting with you, they must still use various mechanical weapons.

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Then what do you mean, this imperial civilization cannot break through the ninth order because he is disabled? Lost his inheritance?"

"Yeah, looking at it this way, it's really disabled. The top ninth-order scientific and technological civilization is definitely not an ordinary person. The leader of a country must also have the lifespan and realm of a god, or is it only a mortal for hundreds of years? That's rubbish."

"According to this, this mechanical pillar god, taking over their civilization technology tree, will also suddenly click! Continuous breakthroughs? Start technology to flow into gods?"

Everyone was surprised, this is incredible!

Today's heavens and worlds are all on the extraordinary side. The cultivation realm is one step at a time. Is the person next door so easy?

I feel like my three views have been subverted.

However, the alchemy boss is not at the same speed as a certain Qiu Mingshan. He is very serious and analyzes it very seriously. This is still his special field.

It looks like there is something big to do in front of you.

Alchemy Emperor: "Speaking of this, everyone already understands, right? There are probably two systems in the universe, one is extraordinary, and the other is technology. The realm method is some kind of special external force."

Everyone nodded, indicating that they had understood the structure of this civilization.

Both systems have their pros and cons.

Every development to the top must be extremely strong.

The big guy on the science and technology side, a scientist who has lived for thousands of years, although he has the realm of the eighth and ninth ranks, and has no combat power, but his knowledge is terrifying, a person is a civilization, driving a spaceship, all kinds of Mechanical armor, making your life unable to take care of yourself.

"Looking at it this way, Caroline is not very good at fighting, and she is also summoning gang fights. It's somewhat similar. It is indeed a civilization that is half extraordinary and half technology."

When everyone thinks about it together, it feels all clear!

A lot of things are actually connected in the dark, but the knowledge at the time was not up to the level and could not be understood. When I think about it now, it is indeed echoing before and after.

"Hahaha, following you guys, I feel like my knowledge has increased again!"

"Yeah, I have gone one step further to the vision of a per capita keyboard saint. I feel that I have been reincarnated into the heavens and the world, and I have the capital of the emperor!"

"Cough cough cough."

The Alchemy Emperor said: "Don't be in a hurry to speak, I must have laid the groundwork for now, everyone already knows the general form, whether it is Jizhu God or this imperial civilization, they cannot break through the ninth-order realm, and there is a lack of a threshold, that is, gods. break through the system,

This is very natural. After all, if you are a normal person taking Gatlin, it is naturally feasible, but can you take Gatling as an ant? If your life foundation is too low, no matter how powerful the weapon is, the empire in front of you will use clone gods to make up for a part of the lack. "

"Then, the question is, what kind of secret technology is this Divine Spirit Fitness Institute? The entire imperial civilization has been studied for tens of thousands of years, and now the Jizhu God has taken over, can it be researched?"

Everyone listened carefully, only to see a very frightening sentence from the alchemy emperor:

"However, I want to tell you one thing! They don't even know about the mystery of breaking through the ninth order of this terrifying technological civilization, but we do! We even have mastered this technology!"

Everyone's mind went blank.

This is another scientific and technological breakthrough system that makes people click, and they break through the realm when they enter. We actually know this?

They feel creepy.

what does that mean? It means that they can also click, do not need to practice, do not need 996 hard work, and can the rich rely on technology?


The Alchemist said: "To be honest, the ancient ninth-order great god, Hermes, has already told us about the threshold of breaking through the ninth-order!"

what! ?

Hermes, have you told us?

As soon as these words fell, the entire netizen was shocked and inexplicable.

Xu Zhi's face was a little bad, "This clone of Hermes just passed away and came here to become Renimansgar, these netizens couldn't help but whip the corpse."

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