Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 93 In order to maintain version balance, let's cut it first

To Medusa, it is an unknown evil creature.

However, her experience in researching witchcraft is so rich, she can see some clues in an instant.

"This kind of chaotic creature is not actively emitting spiritual magic, but a passive biological form. Its existence cannot be looked directly at or listened to."

Medusa's face changed several times, "But, is there really such a terrifying creature? The level of life form that is incomprehensible, is it not already a god? And, it should be the extremely evil god of chaos."

The surrounding witches also became nervous and panicked. What kind of terrifying creature is this?

And, now walking around their land?

This is a mobile disaster!

Medusa took a deep breath, "Although you can't look directly at its body, you can't see what he is, but according to the speed of movement, the size should be extremely large, comparable to a giant mountain. The witches in that area have no time to escape. !Notice ordered!

The wizards of that region, put on blindfolds, earmuffs,

At the same time, he used witchcraft to shield his vision and hearing, as well as his spiritual power. "

"Lord Medusa, is this really useful?"

Someone couldn't help but ask, "And, losing sight and hearing, isn't it more slaughtered by others?"

"I don't know if it will help."

Medusa shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This method should be able to guard against its passive killing ability, but just guarding against passivity is enough to make us tie our hands and feet, if this terrifying mobile natural disaster really wants to kill people , then nothing can be done.”

Soon, the witches in that area began to implement this plan.

Players continue walking and begin to encounter a bunch of aimless witches, blindfolded and ears plugged, like blind and deaf.

"Fuck, ugly refusal!!"

"My goodness, my self-esteem has taken a huge hit!"

"Xi Niangpi! We're too ugly to look straight at? Blindfolded, don't you even hear our voices?"

"Be careful, they are all blind now! Let's not trample them to death. Those who saw us so ugly and collapsed to death instantly were so ugly, we were already very guilty."

"It's all to blame for Qiu Mingshan's speed boss! Come out and be beaten online!"

Rose Palace.

Medusa heard the news that the sight and hearing were blocked and everything was fine.

"Sure enough, to them, we humans are insignificant existences and ignore them at all. The death of other people is not intentional at all, it's just that he accidentally saw his existence, heard his voice, and collapsed and died instantly.

And this unknown creature, the fundamental target is not us, but the young god of fire, the phoenix! It came to our wizarding world to kill gods! "

Medusa shuddered at the thought.

But the direction it is heading is undoubtedly the Great Desert of Nephthys, the direction of the Orc Kingdom, where the Phoenix lives.

Medusa's expression changed, "What the hell is going on here! Could it be that this evil god who suddenly appeared is Achilles, the land of the gods in the sky, the opponent of the gods? It came to stop the young ones. God of Phoenix?"


Medusa stood up and walked back and forth, growing more anxious.

No matter what, she is the person of this world.

Although the gods born are just legends, no one has really seen them.

But if the Phoenix, the God of Fire, dies, it may cause terrible things to happen.

Even the world is in turmoil as a result.

"The evil god has come to the mortal world, and I must try to communicate with the gods in the sky." She couldn't help getting up and went to the Kingdom of Babylon.

Kingdom of Babylon.

Seeing Medusa coming, Ermin instantly raised a vigilant look.

"Apprentice of the Great Alchemist, I don't care about you. I'm going to meet Hermes, the great god of wisdom, and ask the great god to answer my doubts." Medusa said coldly.

Ermin immediately said, "The gods in the sky don't care about tyrants, you can't communicate with God."

Medusa ignored her at all.

Instead, he went directly to the Temple of Wisdom, and in front of the statue of the God of Wisdom, he prayed earnestly: "The great God of Wisdom, there is an indescribable evil god, who broke the dimension and came, and now he is going to the great desert. The god of fire starts."


Ermin was shocked, "Is there a god, who came to the world?"

In this piece of land, apart from the ancient Babylonian mythology, the creator god of the Great Flood, no real gods have ever descended into the mortal world.

Before, even Mercury, the legendary god of wisdom, was just a stand-in.

No one has ever seen the real deity, and no one knows how terrifying the power of God is.

"What is the real God like?" Elmin couldn't help but asked in a trembling voice.

"God, don't look directly at him, don't listen to his voice!"

Medusa thought of this, recalling the terrifying contact that subverted common sense, the mysterious level of life that transcended everything, and couldn't help trembling.

Medusa said some characteristics that made Elmin, the epic wizard, also extremely fearful.

"It turns out that God is such a terrifying existence!"

Elmin said in a low voice, "Mercury, the God of Wisdom, is very kind, we have never really seen his real body, it turns out that it is not that he does not want his real body to come, but the body of a god, and mortals can't look directly at him! Don't listen to it!"

Xu Zhi touched his nose and laughed.

"This is a good brain, I like it."

Finally, the entire wizarding worldview has been perfected.

There has never been a god before, he pretended to be a tiger, fabricated the land of all beings, the gods in the sky, and he was devastated.

Everyone just thinks that God must be strong, but they have no real sense of it.

Now, an evil god has finally appeared, and it has also made them fully aware of the horror of God, which is insurmountable, which proves that I am not bragging.

My mysterious god of wisdom is also so powerful.

"Since Medusa has come to the temple to beg me, it's time to improve the world view, show them a movie, and walk through the CG animation of the plot." Xu Zhi laughed, "I have to make the land of the gods born." Achilles' showed his face, but the construction has not yet started, so he can only replace it with drones and pretend to be."

Xu Zhi sat on the edge of the doorway in the yard and looked at a black DJI drone next to him.

He was already prepared.

Just relying on Pan Yuxian is not enough to do things, at least not an opponent in the short term.

Xu Zhi held his cheeks and thought, "Under the same realm, the four combined creatures with natural talents against the sky are basically invincible. Although they are not demigods yet, and they have not even integrated into the first gene, their combat power is no longer ordinary. The division of realm can be measured, and it is already comparable to the evil god of demigod combat power.

He, the public enemy of the whole world, is still too strong once he enters. At present, no one can break through the demigods and compete with them. Even after they have integrated into the first gene, they will become even more invincible. It will definitely be weakened, which will affect the balance of this version too much. , I have to lower the strength of this evil god. "

Medusa and Ermin wanted to break through with terrifying pressure, but not the pressure of being slapped to death with a slap.

The gap is too big.

"First disperse them, the limbs of various evil gods are scattered all over the wizarding world, and the strength will be weakened by a lot. Then you blood and flesh, and then pull yourself together, and slowly reorganize, is the beginning of your career in another world!"

Xu Zhi, the mastermind behind the scenes, has already arranged them.

Nephthys Desert.

The phoenix let out a clear and mournful phoenix cry, blood stained the desert land, and quickly flew away into the distance.


"It's really miserable. When I was in the Phoenix Epic Realm before, I was drawn blood by the alchemy emperor with epic combat power. After hundreds of years passed, I finally entered the demigod realm. Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, it was our turn to show up again and continue to take blood from it."

"Hahaha! This young god of flames, along the way, is inseparable from the life of the blood supply package!"

"Brothers in the arm, it's starting to deform, it's about to turn into a bowl, pack its blood, don't waste it."

"The meeting ceremony is done, go to the Kingdom of Babylon, to meet our idol Ermin, and to sign the autograph!"

Before the Temple of Wisdom.

In the shock of Medusa and Ermin, the two completely forgot about the hostility.

After all, it is very likely that it was an evil god who broke dimensions and space and descended into their world to kill the young Phoenix God.

Brush pull.

Suddenly, a light rang out from the Temple of Wisdom, and a strange black bird descended with divine brilliance.

"I have heard your prayers."

A gentle voice sounded, and the black monster slowly walked out with the snow-white holy light.

"The evil god came to our world, the great god of wisdom, what is going on?" Medusa was excited and asked quickly,

The black crow took a deep look at the two of them and whispered, "Mortals, do you think our world is the only one?"


At these words, they instantly shook, and their minds went blank.

"Our gods in the sky have been resisting the invasion of other worlds, and we are also invading other worlds. Not only did they lose a lot, but we also suffered heavy casualties. There are few who can fight.

After all, our world is a new world just created by the creator, and it has too little background. Otherwise, I would not have come to Babylon back then to give people on earth the triple knowledge of truth and civilization.

And the young Phoenix God is the son of the two gods, Ares and Enio, who have died in battle. Unexpectedly, the evil god of another world will come down and strangle him in the cradle. The god of fire is us. Future combat power! "

Hearing this shocking and terrifying news, the two were completely stunned in place.

The gods in the sky have suffered countless casualties, but in fact, there are not many people left?

Our world is just created not long ago, besides our world, there are other supernatural worlds?

The God of Wisdom said again: "Now, the God of Phoenix has been hit hard by the evil god in the desert and barely escaped, and that evil god is coming to the Kingdom of Babylon, ready to slaughter the wizards in this land."

"He's coming to us?" Elmin was shocked, "Want to slaughter our three major wizarding kingdoms?"

Players: ? ? ?

Shit, there are assholes here to frame us!

We are not the kind of Crusade of the Burning Legion, the Scourge that destroys worlds.

We are friendly and peaceful messengers. We didn’t intend to kill the phoenix, we just collected blood. Now that we are here, we only intend to use the phoenix blood as a gift, sign autographs, and help Ermin deal with Medusa.

You blackmail us in front of our Ermin idol!

"Ermin, Medusa, you must deal with this evil god, so that this world will not be destroyed."

The voice of the God of Wisdom sounded,

"I'm still fighting in the sky, I can't come, I can only deal a fatal blow to the evil god, you take the opportunity to use witchcraft, tear it apart, and let his limbs be scattered all over the world."

At this moment, Ermin and Medusa nodded quickly.

More than ten days later.


The ground is shaking.

A terrifying and vast figure, covering the sky and the sun, with a body of more than six thousand feet, penetrated the clouds and mist, and strode towards the capital of Babylon.

Countless trees were trampled and broken.

"Hahaha, I'm going to see an idol."

"Think about it, I'm still a little excited! Wait a minute, what's the cool pose?"

Excited all the way, they walked towards the capital, but in the distance, Medusa and Ermin were standing on the city wall, waiting in battle.

They have shielded themselves from sight, cut off their hearing, prevented them from looking directly, and listened to their voices.


Above the boundless blue sky, a light and shadow suddenly floated, and a floating island was floating between the clouds in the sky.

It is the DJI drone that has been added with light and shadow effects.

The giant raised his head and saw this miracle, and he was instantly buzzing and whispering.

Chunzi loves to learn: "Wow! Is it possible that the floating continent, the land of the gods, has emerged from the eye of the wind?"

The cerebellum bluffed down the mountain: "We moved too much, and the aboriginal gods were provoked to destroy us. As expected, we were regarded as intruders."

Qiu Mingshan's speed: "Afraid! Brothers do it, before the phoenix was not enough for us to shoot with one hand, we are already gods, don't be cowardly, hit him!"

They beat up the God of Phoenix, and they swelled to such an extent that they quickly bent over, lifted a hill, and slammed into the sky.


Stones fly.

The land of the gods, which radiated light in the sky, made a dexterous shift and escaped.

Xu Zhi sat in the yard and looked at the picture on the drone screen, and was also horrified, "These guys are still wretched, they will sneak attack without saying a word, the DJI drone I just bought, 12,000 Oceans, I almost smashed you down."

Xu Zhi sat at the door of the yard, took a bite of the apple, and eased his mood.

If it is to deal with the natives of the wizarding world, such as Gilgamesh, the three witches, Medusa and the like, Xu Zhi may have to waste his hands and feet, and he must control the destruction of individuals through the brain of the worm nest wisdom.

However, dealing with these guys, this otherworldly evil god, is very simple.

Xu Zhi sat on the chair, took another bite of the apple, controlled the drone remotely, and said inarticulately while eating with the small speaker mounted on it:

"I am Mercury, the god of wisdom, the evil god of a different world. I broke the dimensional passage and came to this world. It turned out to be nothing more than that!"

Most of them could not understand the indigenous language, but among the 173 players, there were still a few who had learned the indigenous language of another world, and they quickly translated it to them. Immediately, those players became excited.

"What God of Wisdom? It's just like that. If you put some ruthless words on it, you will have a fight with us!"

"that is!"

"If we hadn't learned sorcery, we could only throw stones and fly long ago!"

"Come down, I'll fuck you!"

"I have an appointment at my school, I have never been counseled!"

Fortunately, none of the natives can understand the language of their other world, and there is a language barrier, otherwise it will be too bad for this evil god.

"Well, let's see what real magic is."


The land of the gods in the sky, hazy light surging, the loud and majestic voice pierced through the clouds and sprinkled on the earth.

In the yard, Xu Zhi said harsh words and put down the apple in his hand.

"Dare to rebel?"

He smiled and shook his head,

"You players are really getting more and more inflated. You don't know how powerful the indigenous gods of another world and the land of the gods in the sky are! Then, let's take a look at the price of defying the gods."

In the capital of Babylon and the horrified and doubtful eyes of the players, Xu Zhi secretly and calmly spit out five words in his heart:

"Big drop technique!"

The next second, with a bang, the holy light shone, the world was dead silent, and the situation was quiet.

All players instantly black screen: ? ? ? ? ?


The entire huge evil god lost control, and his body exploded, cracked, and collapsed.

His skin, bones, flesh and blood were peeled off layer by layer, and countless dust was rolled up in the sky, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

Countless players went offline, heartbroken, and quickly spoke on the forum.

"We suddenly have a black screen?"

"It's a game bug, dropped the connection?"

"Fuck! Angry! Angry! Pull a dog and plan it to sacrifice to the sky!"

"It can't be a bug in the game! There has never been a bug in this game. It should be that Mercury, the god of wisdom, who used some kind of terrifying magic technique, which caused us to have a black screen scene like Slime fainted. "

"So it wasn't a bug that forced you to go offline?"

"I thought the dog was planning to mess with us!"

"Nima, what a terrifying magical technique! As expected of Mercury, the legendary god of wisdom!"

"We should have been stunned by one move!"

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying collapse scene is like destroying the world, flash floods and tsunamis.

A 6,000-foot-level vast giant collapsed and collapsed heavily, like a building block made of stones.

It was at this moment, at the moment of collapse, that everyone in Babylon dared to open their eyes and saw the true form of this vast otherworldly evil god who could not look directly into the sky, and could not listen to his voice.

Eight thousand words, which is equivalent to four shifts. If you are too lazy to score, it will only be two chapters.

In the new book period, I am already the book with the largest number of words in the same period. It is too late to recommend it, and I can't update it any faster (*^▽^*)

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I would like to thank the book friends "Kolereder", "Lele is a dog", "Bubai Xiaojun", "Xuebaixue", the deacon of "Over 10 Years Old Bookworm" and "Zuo Gongquan"

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