Shepherding Humanity (Nurturing Humanity)

Chapter 94 Disintegration of Cthulhu Evil God

The evil god cannot be looked directly at, nor can he listen to.

Before, they had been keeping their five senses closed to the outside world, but there was a sound of collapse and vibration from the ground, which made them immediately understand that the Evil God was afraid that he would be defeated in an instant. They opened their eyes and finally saw the true face of this Evil God.

"Finally able to see straight"

"Let me see what shape of life structure it is"

"This is."

In the horror of countless witches, they saw an extremely vast and huge giant, covering the sky and the sun, even if it was compared with the creation god described in the ancient Babylonian mythology, it was not far behind.

But at this time, it collapsed and destroyed in an instant, like a mountain torrent and a tsunami.

"What happened when we closed our eyes and blocked our five senses?" Ermin couldn't help but whisper, "God of wisdom, it took just a few breaths."

"How can you get in touch with the realm of 'God' as a disciple of Grantham?"

Medusa's eyes were sarcastic, flashing astonishingly bright, extremely reverent and fanatical, "What the hell is this forbidden magic technique? It's so unbelievable, obviously he didn't feel any witchcraft fluctuations, but it was just a blow! This statue cannot be looked directly at the body, Don't listen to its voice, the powerful otherworldly evil god who will be mentally collapsed at a glance, has already died and disintegrated."

And the witch ministers standing under the city wall, watching the rolling and collapsing mountain giant, their minds went blank.

At this time, Xu Zhi used the drone in the sky to hear a blank voice through a small speaker, "Do you think this evil god is really dead with just this blow? Its body is reorganizing."


Ermin immediately stood up straight, "How is it possible, already dead like this, can the body be reorganized and restored?"

But now, the facts have proved everything.

Every tissue and organ of this evil god, although it was "off the assembly line" and shattered all over the place, was still crawling and jumping instinctively in bright red on the ground, making people feel a creepy feeling of horror.

It's all broken like this, every organ is still alive, and even every chaos is emitting thoughts?




This overwhelming pile of minced meat is too terrifying.


"It's incredible!"

"We wizards are a group of people who explore truth and knowledge, but the life structure and various compositions of this creature in front of us have simply subverted all our life cognitions!"

In this world, no one has ever seen such a terrifying life. The impact of this unknown life form on them is too great.

Xu Zhi continued: "I can't take care of the situation here too much, and I won't take action again. You all work together to quickly use the wind-based forbidden technique to break up this evil god's broken corpse and blow it all over the world to prevent it. Quick reorganization."

blow it away?

The witch looked at each other.

After a while, Medusa and Elmin looked at each other, extremely solemn.

"I really can't wait!"

They are no longer hostile at this time. If they are left alone, the two of them will be easily destroyed. "We must combine the two epic battle forces, and add the world-class strange object 'Adolf Giant', which are the three epic powerhouses, cooperate with each other. Countless legends, let's do it together!"


Ten minutes later, countless wizards joined forces, and they flew into the air at the same time. The pressure of extreme terror burst into bloom in an instant, and all kinds of colorful brilliance circulated. The spiritual oppression of extreme terror also permeated the whole world.

"The invisible storm."

"Wind barrier."

The terrifying storm surged wildly and swept through it so much that people couldn't breathe.

Various wizarding academies, wizarding sects, and the strongest taboo witchcraft unique to their own lineage turned into terrifying hurricanes that blew in all directions, instantly smashing the broken corpse of the evil god into a huge white blade tornado. Soaring into the sky, blowing all over the world.

And everyone's mana was exhausted in this hurricane in all directions, and they could only breathe heavily.

They looked up.

"God, is already returning."

Above the sky, the land of the gods radiating dazzling rays of light is getting farther and farther in the clouds, returning to the eye of the storm 'Guigantes', away from their kingdom.

But the whispering voice of the God of Wisdom suddenly fell on the ground.

"This type of Cthulhu Evil God is the oldest existence with great power, indescribable, indescribable, incapable of hearing its voice, once dominated the worlds of the old days,

He broke the dimension and came, resulting in less than one-tenth of the original strength, and I was instantly defeated by me.

At this time, it has been scattered all over the world, and the flesh and blood will still automatically gather in the sleep like death, forming a piece of flesh and blood continent 'Laleye', which will eventually merge with each other and reorganize the body. At that time, Cthulhu He will wake up from the slumber of the old days, and the heyday real body, which is countless times stronger than now, will completely recover and bring catastrophe to the world! "

what! ! ?

Under the horrified and incredible eyes of everyone, the land of the gods above the sky gradually moved away.

On this day, the Heretic God descends, destined to be recorded in the history of the world forever, and the trajectory of the entire wizarding age in the future will usher in amazing changes because of this moment.

Millions of years later, when people blew away the dust, opened the dust-covered pages, and flipped through the book "The Spear of the Witch", which carried a long history, it clearly recorded the beginning of this scene of "The Age of the Gods":

[In 836 in the Kingdom of Babylon, the evil god Cthulhu came, and the souls were devastated. The god of wisdom took the land of the gods to defeat him, and the body of the evil god was scattered all over the world, ready to move]

yard door.

Xu Zhi sat on the chair and continued to take a bite of the apple. After a while, he saw the DJI drone that had returned.

"The current strength is indeed only one-tenth of the heyday. This is not wrong. After all, this evil god has just come in, and he has not integrated into the second gene at all. He is still a mortal body, can't fly, and can't use mental power. "

He said that if they can reunite, they will definitely return with full strength, and there is indeed no problem.

Because, these cells scattered all over the world, with their wretchedness, will definitely cultivate secretly, fuse with the second gene, and become stronger on their own.

"Actually, if it wasn't in the hinterland, I would just use my high-power industrial fan to blow these 'ant cells' away, and I wouldn't have to let them do it."

"This can be considered as perfecting the world view. The CG of this cutscene movie allowed them to see the power of the God of Wisdom and the land of the gods in the sky."

When things were done, Xu Zhi stood up leisurely, put away the DJI drone, and then went back to the kitchen in the house to start cooking.

"Spore Evolution" game forum.

A post instantly exploded the crowd:

"Shock! As soon as the collective players left the Novice Village, they were disconnected instantly! Is it moral decline? Or a human twist? 》

Originally, it took less than ten minutes for players to enter the game sandbox collectively.

In the eyes of people outside, it is just time to go to the toilet. This is equivalent to going in at once, and then coming out immediately, and they still all came out, and they are all posting frantically?

"It's fine if a single person goes offline, but if they all come out, I'm afraid the group will not be destroyed in an instant." Countless netizens began to get a little excited and quickly asked what happened.

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