Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 10 - Scheme and Counter...

(A few hours ago in the castle)

(Trash's POV)

Trash: Where the hell did the Shield Hero go ?!!

It seems that he escaped. When did he start doubting in the first place? Don't tell me, all the things he did in the throne room were acting to escape with money ?!! So much for my daughter's scheme! Who could have told him ?!!

Trash: I must not let this go into public! I will secretly order to search the whole country for the Shield Hero and if he is found, he will be killed secretly. He still didn't register in the Dragon's hourglass. So, he won't appear in the Waves. So, it's better to kill him secretly.

???: Now now, let's calm down and think about this again, Your Majesty.

I look at the person who spoke. A middle-aged person who wears spectacles and a white religious robe. He wears the rosary of the cult of the three heroes which consists of the symbols of the Bow, Spear, and Sword. Bicas T. Balmus, the High Priest of the church of three heroes.

Trash: What do you suggest, High Priest Bicas?

Bicas: We first need to analyze the situation. If the Shield Demon is still in the Capital, We can just secretly kill him but if we didn't find him, we can consider two cases. First, Shield Demon is not aware that he is a devil and escaped to live the peaceful life he suggested in the throne room yesterday. In this situation, we just need to send people to secretly kill him and he would be easy to find as the shield makes him stand out. But if he is aware that he is a devil, he would try to go to a demihuman country to live with those filthy beings. We can't let that happen, so we have to strengthen the army on the outside stopping him from going to other countries, especially Siltvelt.

Trash: Certainly what you say is true.

Trash: She is behind this ?!! No, she doesn't even know that Heroes are summoned and the Heroes don't even know about the world.

Bicas: That is why we can assume that someone who is in favor of Shield Demon interfered with our plan. and might also have helped Eclair Seaetto

Trash: The ones who helped Shield Hero might be demi-humans but Eclair too? Could it be my wife ?!!

Bicas: I hardly think that is the case, Your Majesty. It might be possible. So, we need to send more soldiers to the Queen's direction too. But in all these assumptions, we cannot be sure which case is true. If Eclair Seaetto disappearance and Shield Demon disappearance are not related to each other, Eclair Seaetto would obviously go to the Queen. So our first priority is to increase the soldiers in the direction where Queen is and also the direction where Siltvelt is.

Trash: Alright, but what do we declare the reason as?

Bicas: We will publicly announce that the brainwashed follower of the Shield Demon, Eclair Seaetto escaped and the Shield Demon is missing. We will also spread rumors about Shield Demon being dead, Eclair Seaetto kidnapping the Shield Demon. And her trying to awaken the devil of the Shield. And also her killing the Shield Demon.

Trash: Why?

Bicas: To rule out the possibilities, Your Majesty. After hearing these rumors, Eclair Seaetto will still hide but Shield Demon might show himself and we can know his location again. If he didn't, We could use those as excuses to search for Shield Demon saying that we are searching for Eclair Seaetto. We can also kill him and put all the blame on Eclair Seaetto.

Trash: That looks like a good idea. You heard it! Immediately declare the disappearance of Shield Hero and Eclair Seaetto and spread those rumors!


(At the weapons shop)

(Hiro's POV)

Erhard: And those are the rumors spread throughout the capital overnight. They publicly announced your disappearance and I heard these strange rumors this morning before both of you came back from the love hotel.

Hiro: Congratulations Eclair, You became the main antagonist.

I am pretty sure that this is Bicas's plan. That asshole. He killed Eclair's father and is now framing her.

Eclair: What the hell is that bull shit ?!!

Hiro: So, if I appeared in Public, then the rumors will be false but my position will be exposed. If I kept hiding, rumors will be true and they will start searching for me using Eclair as a reason. Good Move, guys.

Eclair: What will you do now, Hiro-dono?

Hiro: First, I am pretty sure that they didn't take some factors into consideration. First, I can hide my Shield. Second, Eclair's appearance changed. Third, they can't be sure that Eclair and I are working together. Eclair, suppose you escaped alone, what would you do first?

Eclair: I would go to the Queen.

Hiro: If Shield Hero became aware of his situation, What would he do? Well, there is nothing I could do as I will be transported to the Waves.

Erhard: You can escape to other countries. I am pretty sure that you will be transported only if you are in this country.

No, I didn't register on it yet. So, I won't be transported anywhere. It looks like Erhard doesn't know that Heroes have to register on it first.

Hiro: Alright then, we will keep staying in the capital. They can't find us easily as I can hide my shield and Eclair's appearance changed, so if they didn't find us in the capital, I am pretty sure that they will start searching outside the capital more. And we can easily stay here and do whatever we want.

Erhard: Hahaha! I can't believe that you could be this scheming.

Eclair: Hiro-dono, how did you get this idea?

Hiro: Ah, it's just an old proverb I know from my previous world, "The best place for a person to hide from an enemy is in the enemy's shadow"

Eclair: *Sigh* But to go to this extent. I just hope the Queen returns quickly. It's a good thing that this generation's shield hero is cautious. Or else I don't know what would have happened.

I really am the Devil of the Shield, aren't I?

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