Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 9 - Night at Love Hotel...

Hiro: Excuse me, madam, can my wife and I get a room here?

Eclair and I are at the love hotel that was recommended by Erhard. There is an old lady at the counter. Both Eclair and I are wearing coats.

Old Lady: Oh my, You look new here. Are you newlyweds?

Eclair: Y... Yes. yes, we are.

Eclair is blushing like hell.

Hiro: We actually came from a far distance. We are traveling as part of our honeymoon. Both of us like it adventurous, right honey?

Eclair: Ah, Yes, d... darling.

Old Lady: Ah, how romantic. What made you come to the capital?

Old Lady: Oh, the rumors do spread fast. Did you hear the rumor about the Shield Hero then?

Eclair: Not really.

Old Lady: It seems that he decided to not do his job as a hero. He just took the money from the King and came out of the castle to live a normal life in the town because he considers himself useless.

Hiro: Oh, What do you think about that, Madam?

Old Lady: Let me think. Well, the Shield Hero is considered a demon. But at least this Shield Hero made choices of a human. Even if he isn't doing his job as a hero, I would prefer it if he is a human instead of a demon.

Hiro: I see. Well, we would at least see the other three heroes. even if we don't get to see the Shield Hero.

Old Lady: But it seems that they went out of the capital to level up.

Hiro: No worries, we will stay here till the heroes come back, right honey?

Eclair: Y... Yes! I mean. Meeting 'the legendary heroes' is a lifetime chance!

I hold Eclair's hand. And Eclair kept blushing like crazy.

Eclair: Y... Yes.

Old Lady: Hahaha. How romantic. Alright, will you pay on a daily basis till you meet the heroes? It will be 50 coppers per day along with meals.

Hiro: We will pay every two days.

I take out 1 silver and hand it to her.

Hiro: And by the way, madam, you don't have to take care of the beds in the morning. My wife is a little shy and knows magic. So she will clean everything.

Fumes are coming out of Eclair's head. But she keeps nodding.

Old Lady: Hahaha!! I see... I see... Okay. Enjoy, you two.

She gives us the room keys and shows us our room. We go inside the room and close the door and sigh with relief.

Hiro: To see through someone's lies, we need to learn to lie first. In my previous world, there are very few that I could trust. So, I learned to lie.

Eclair: Haa... Anyway, what do you think of the rumor?

Hiro: I am okay with it. I am neither a hero nor a demon. I would prefer it if I am considered human. Because I am one.

Eclair: So, what do we do now?

Hiro: Let's sleep. I will think of what to do next tomorrow.

I remove the cloak and lie down on the right side of the only bed in the room.

Eclair: Alright. B... But... If... If you dare try anything in my sleep, I swear I will punish you!

Hiro: Alright, just come and sleep.

She also removes the cloak and specs and lies down next to me.

Eclair: Don't even think of trying to cross the right half of bed, Hiro-dono!

She turns to my opposite side and sleeps.

Hiro: Hahaha... Okay.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.


(Next day morning)

Hiro: Eclair.

Eclair: *snore* *snore*

I woke up and found that Eclair was hugging me like a hug-pillow. She put her around my face and pushed it into her b.r.e.a.s.ts and she put one of her legs on my body. I am glad that I got transferred into this world.

Eclair hugged me even tighter. Alright, now I am having a little difficulty breathing.

I don't know if I did it reflexively or intentionally but I grabbed onto her b.r.e.a.s.t with my free hand. Wow. Soft and Squishy. I like it. Eclair gave a little m.o.a.n when I did it. It seems that woke her up too.

Eclair: Ah... Hiro-dono...

Eclair wakes up, rubs her eyes and looks at the situation and me who is groping her. And her face becomes red instantly. I smile as pure as I could and say.

Hiro: Good Morning, Eclair.


That hurt but it was worth it.

Eclair: *sob* *sob* My purity.

Hiro: Oi oi! You are the one who hugged me!

She glares at me while pouting and tears at the corner of her eyes. She looks really cute in this form.

(At weapons' shop)

We came back to the weapons shop after having breakfast.

Erhard: Welcome back. How was your first night at a love hotel?

Eclair: Uncle Erhard! Don't make it sound weird!

Erhard: Hahaha!

Hiro: Well, it was good. But I was beaten by Eclair for her mistake, you know?

Eclair: I apologize for my behavior, Hiro-dono.

Hiro: Nah, don't be. It was worth it. I got to grope your b.r.e.a.s.t after all.

I said with a grin while imitating the groping with my hand. Eclair starts blushing again, picks up the nearest sword and comes at me. And we started playing our usual game attacking and dodging. And Erhard kept laughing like usual.

Erhard: Hahaha... For a wanted criminal who escaped from the prison and a missing hero who has a very bad name in public, both of you are acting really carefree.

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