Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 8 - Eclair's issue...

Hiro: Alright, now that the problem of the place to stay got solved, the next problems are the basics of this world and I need to train without being found out. I am still level one. So, Eclair, could you give me some basics? And what do you know about this shield?

Eclair: Yes, Hiro-dono. Unfortunately, I don't really know how legendary weapons work. However, here is some basic information. You get experience by training and hunting monsters and that will increase your levels. And if you form a party with someone, you can get experience from others even if you didn't fight.

Hiro: So, will you be my companion, Eclair?

Eclair: Of course, Hiro-dono.

Erhard: That would be a problem.

Eclair: Why?

Erhard: Did you forget that you are a criminal now? You guys might be able to escape now but during the time of Waves, you will also be transported along with the boy, Eclair. There will be many soldiers at that time. Not only you but also your connection with the shield hero will be discovered.

Eclair: Ah! I didn't think of that.

Hiro: This looks like a huge problem. If you are not my companion, I can't get exp and get stronger. If you are my companion, you can't stay undiscovered. So, the only solution is... Do you guys know some make-up shops nearby?

Eclair: Why?

Hiro: Isn't it obvious? We are going to change your appearance.

Eclair: Huh?

Well, I first thought of using barriers to make her unidentifiable but my powers will be discovered. So, I will make her unidentifiable once we change her appearance.

Erhard: Will it work?

Hiro: Trust me, in the world where I came from, there is a guy who just changes his appearance by removing his specs and combing his hair. No one would even be able to recognize him even though he has the exact same figure!! Just how dumb can they be!

Eclair/Erhard: ...

Hiro: Sorry, I lost my cool. Anyway, let's do it.

Erhard: I don't think this will work.

Hiro: You will be the judge. Where are the nearby ladies' shop and specs shop?

Erhard: It will take about 10 minutes.

Erhard gave me the directions.

Hiro: Do you have a cloak?

Erhard: Here it is.

I moved the shield to my back and put on a cloak and went out of the weapons shop with money and came back after about 30 minutes.

Hiro: Alright, I got what I need.

Eclair: Welcome back, Hiro-dono. How much money did you use?

Eclair: I don't have a problem with that.

Erhard: It's a ladies' shop. How did you get the dye?

Hiro: I told them that my wife wants to try a new style.

Erhard: The specs?

Hiro: A gift for my wife.

Eclair: H... Hiro-dono. If. If you s... say it like that.

Eclair started blushing like crazy.

Hiro: Hmm... What is it, Eclair? I just mentioned it's for my wife. I didn't mention you are my wife, right? What do you say, Uncle?

Erhard: Yes, it's necessary to tell lies.

Hiro: Alright, let's change your appearance.

Eclair: Ah, wait!

I dragged Eclair into a room upstairs. She removed her armor and put the sword aside. I made her sit on a chair and started applying the dye. I have dyed about halfway and she is closing her eyes. And she suddenly starts talking.

Eclair: Will this work, Hiro-dono? I am sorry that you have to be with me.

Hiro: Don't worry. It's my choice to be with you. By the way, Eclair.

Eclair: Yes.

Hiro: About your hair down there, do you want me to dye it too or would you like to shave it? It's also the same color there, isn't it?

Eclair suddenly opened her eyes and her face turned completely red when I said that.

Eclair: Hiro-dono!!

Hiro: Oi Oi! Don't move, the dye still isn't dry!

Meanwhile, Erhard starts laughing downstairs hearing the shouts and sounds coming from upstairs.

Erhard: Hahaha... It sure is nice to be young.


(A few hours later)

Erhard: Who are you ?!!

Hiro: Told ya!

Eclair: Don't joke, Uncle Erhard, it's me, Eclair.

Current Eclair's appearance is a female knight with Yellow blond hair, specs, and a ponytail. She looks exactly like before just with yellow hair and specs.

Eclair: Can you really not identify me?

She says while removing her specs.

Erhard: Yeah, even now, I clearly can't tell that it's you.

Eclair: Wow. I can't believe it.

Hiro: I think I will call you Claire in public.

Eclair: Alright.

Hiro: So, the problem with her appearance is solved.

Eclair: Now, comes the training issue. That won't be a problem as they won't know where we would train.

Hiro: Yeah, we will take care of it tomorrow. For now, I just want to get some rest. Let's go to that hotel.

Erhard: It's better to leave the weapons here, you are going to a love hotel, remember?

Eclair: B... But what if H... Hiro-dono assaulted m. me while I am s. sleeping!

Hiro: Oi! What do you think I am ?!!

Eclair: A huge pervert!

Hiro: Well, that I am but I definitely won't lay my hands on a girl if she is not okay with it!!

Erhard: Hahaha! Don't worry, Eclair. He is a good guy. And he is level one. You could easily beat him in strength.

Eclair: Fine. But don't get any weird ideas, Hiro-dono.

Hiro: Hahaha... Alright... Alright...

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