Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 110 - It's tough to live long...

(Hiro's POV)

The monsters around me didn't stop making noises. Now that I look at it, all of them are babies.

Gaelion: "Boy! You dare to take my daughters away from me!"

Eclair: "Huh? 'Daughters'? Do you mean those monsters? None of them look like you though. Did you adopt all these monsters?"

Wyndia: "They take after their mothers."

Raphtalia: "What do you mean 'mothers'?"

Wyndia whistled when Raphtalia questioned. And suddenly, a bunch of a.d.u.l.t monsters appeared from the cave.

Wyndia: "All of these monsters are Father's lovers."

All those monsters surrounded Gaelion and rubbed themselves at him as if showing love. Every one of us looked at Gaelion with a weird look.

Eclair: "You are a womanizer too ?!"

Come on Eclair, that guy lived for centuries. This is expected of him.

Rino: "So, monsters have harems too huh."

Sakura: "I have a question going by your reaction when Mom said that we want to mate with Dad. Do you have your daughters in your harem?"

Gaelion: "Well, yes. Not every one of them."

Everyone: "..."

Gaelion: "Alright, let me explain my story. You see, I am a dragon and when I go into heat, I lose control of myself. So, some of my daughters who love me took that as an opportunity to seduce me and I had to take responsibility, you see. Never have I ever directly laid my hands on them intentionally"

Listening to the story, Raphtalia, Sakura, and Filo immediately turned towards me.

Filo: "Papa, when will you go into heat?"

Are you seriously trying to use that method on me?

Raphtalia: "*Sigh* It's a pity that humans don't have a mating season."

I don't want that coming from someone with a backup plan to [email protected] me.

Sakura: "Hmm... But we have mating seasons. I think we can use that."

Sakura nodded to herself. How are you planning to use that?

Raphtalia: "I am jealous *jealous raccoon noises*"

Eclair: "Umm... Gaelion, are there any other monsters in this mountain that I can kill? I have this huge urge to kill."

Gaelion: "There are no monsters but are you fine with humans?"

Eclair: "I am fine if they are slave traders."

Gaelion: "I am sorry then."

Hiro: "Gaelion, is there a reason that none of them are dragons?"

Gaelion: "Well yes. I get dragons only if I mate with other dragons and also... No, nevermind."

Rino: "Gaelion, don't you have any male children?"

Gaelion: "For some reason, this time, everyone is female. I have children every year, they grow and if they are male, they make leave this place and never come back. If they are female, they decide if they want to stay or leave. Well, some of them also leave with their brother."

I want to know how much this guy contributed to this world's monster population.

Hiro: "Don't you get sad when they leave?"

Gaelion: "Got used to it. When you are immortal and also wish to have a family, this is what you get. Some die due to illness, some die of old age, some due to accidents, some get hunted when I am not there. I saw many people dear to me die while I keep living. Yeah, it's sad. But I got used to the feeling."

I can feel the sorrow in his words. So, that's how it is if you are an immortal. Fortunately, I can make others immortals too. I am too selfish to lose others.

Wyndia: "Father..."

Wyndia looked at her father with concern. All the lovers and daughters of Gaelion also made noises of concern.

Hiro: "I am sorry."

Gaelion: "Nah, it's fine."

I turned towards monsters.

Hiro: "Hey, are you all cannibals? I mean, are you okay with eating other monsters and Wyndia?"

Wyndia: "Well, I eat other monsters. Father sometimes brings his hunt here. I am fine if the monster isn't a part of my family. So, I am okay with cannibalism."

Sakura: "It sounded as if you are okay with eating humans."

Wyndia: "Obviously. But we always put it on fire if it's meat like humans."

I am pretty sure normal humans won't do that but for a girl that grew up with a monster family, this should be normal.

Eclair: "Umm... did you eat any human in the past?"

Wyndia: "No, but I can try. I mean, humans eat monsters like it's nothing. Monsters eat monsters like it's nothing. Monsters eat humans like it's nothing. So, going by that, humans should be able to eat humans too, right?"

Perfect logic.

Hiro: "Sorry, but we aren't cannibals."

Filo: "Filo is okay with anything as long as it's tasty!"

Sakura: "I think I won't eat humans as long as it's not definitely essential for survival but I won't do it if the human is someone I care for."

Now that's the rational thinking on cannibalism. Actually, she's not a human, so this won't be cannibalism.

Hiro: "Well, anyway, I got my answers about the food. I will do the cooking for tonight, and after dinner, Gaelion and I will discuss the next step."

Gaelion: "You can cook?"

All of my girls laughed at that question.

Hiro: "I would like to see if you could repeat that question after I cook."

And we arranged fire and I cook both veg and non-veg for monsters. Of course, Gaelion went and hunted and came to me with a bunch of monsters for me to cook. To be honest, I should thank my enhanced stamina or I would die of cooking for these many monsters.

Wyndia: "It's so tasty, Hiro! Give me more!"

*hungry monster noises*

Hiro: "Alright everyone, form a line!"

And Wyndia and other monsters are asking me for more food. And there are two people who aren't that happy with this outcome.

Gaelion: "Hiro! You are using the method 'The way to a girl's heart is through her stomach', aren't you ?! And you are also using this food to bribe me to give my daughter! It won't work!"

You know, Gaelion. That dialogue won't be that effective if you are saying that while munching on the meat I cooked.

Eclair: "Why does my husband have to be this good cook ?!"

I don't want that coming from the person who emptied her bowl three times by now. After dinner, we let the children sleep for tonight. And now came the time to form a plan. Gaelion took me to where his treasure is.

Gaelion: "This is what those humans want."

Hiro: "You know, Gaelion, your mistake is this treasure. What would you do with this, huh? You have this much treasure but what's the use? Wyndia is wearing ragged clothes even now. And you weren't even able to buy clothes for her even with all this treasure."

Gaelion: "I understand that now. It's just a dragon's instinct to collect treasures. And this treasure did nothing but endanger the life of me and my family. What should we do about this?"

So, the first thing is to make this treasure disappear from here along with Gaelion's family.

Hiro: "Can you change your lair?"

Gaelion: "To where?"

Hiro: "Riyute, a village in the south-west from here. The land is under my governance. As long as you are in that land, no one will be able to do anything to you or your family."

Gaelion can stay where the two-headed dog once stayed. There is also water there. I told him the distance from here.

Gaelion: "But it's too far. I can fly, but it will take a week to do back and forth trips with everyone even if we leave the treasure here."

Hiro: "This won't work for the normal monsters but Gaelion, can you form a party with me?"

Gaelion: "What?"

Hiro: "I sent a party invite to you. See if you can accept it."

Gaelion clicked in the air with his claws.

Gaelion: "I did."

And all the monsters from Gaelion's family appeared on my screen with Gaelion as their leader. My guess was right. Even monsters can be teleported as long as they are willing.

Hiro: "Now that's all I need, I have a shield that can teleport. We can teleport to Riyute easily and once we are there, I want you to wear dummy monster seals for official purposes. Job is done with that. The cool-down period for teleportation is one hour. As for the treasure, we can make to and fro teleports to shift it too or we can destroy this here. How about it?"

Gaelion: "Let's shift the treasure too. It will be your reward for saving my family."

Hiro: "Alright, your wish."

Alright, now that the safety is assured, let's go the next topic.

Hiro: "Anyway, Gaelion, I have some doubts. Are you somehow related to the Ouryuu of the four guardian beasts?"

Gaelion looked at me with shock.

Hiro: "I take that as a yes."

Gaelion: "How?"

Hiro: "I read about this world's history through books and knew about the four guardian beasts. And I also read about dragons but never have I ever read about talking dragons. When you met us, you called yourself the 'dragon emperor'. I never heard of this class of dragons. You forgot but when you got emotional back then, you said that you are immortal. Dragons have long lives, I agree. But immortal? That's weird. So, I thought you are related to some historic figure and the only dragon recorded in the history is Ouryuu. One of the four guardian beast and the only beast without any clear information. It is clearly mentioned where the other three are sealed but not this one."

Gaelion: "Hahaha... You are clever, shield boy. Yes, I am related to Ouryuu. To be exact, I was the Ouryuu."

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