Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 109 - Introducing Wyndia...

(Hiro's POV)

We left our weapons in the carriage and hid it in a cave in the mountain and brought our camping stuff. Gaelion told us to get on his back.

Filo: "Papa! Filo doesn't want to ride a dragon!"

Hiro: "Oh, come on, Filo. Gaelion is a good dragon."

Haa... filolials and dragons never get along huh. In the end, it was decided that I would ride Filo to the top while Gaelion takes others. I climbed on Filo.

Filo: "Dragon! Race with me to the top!"

Hiro: "Woah!"

Without saying anything else, Filo ran to the top with me on the back before others could even get on Gaelion. And she took me the top before others came.

???: "Who are you?"

The voice came from a 10-year-old demi-human girl with dog ears and tail. She is wearing ragged clothes. I got down from Filo. Immediately we got surrounded by some monsters. Ah right, Gaelion had other monsters stay in his lair.

Filo: "Papa! Can I eat them?"

Hiro: "No, Filo, you can't eat them."

I took some food that I brought for tonight and fed it to the monsters. Hmm... These are really domesticated, huh. The monsters confirmed that I am not an enemy and started playing with me. I turned towards Wyndia who is looking at us with shock.

Wyndia: "Who are you?"

Hiro: "Wyndia, I presume?"

Wyndia: "Huh? You know me?"

Hiro: "Ah yes. Gaelion is on the way with others. We will explain it clearly to you once they come too. Anyway, I am Hiro and this is my daughter Filo. You can call me Hiro, Wyndia."

Filo: "Hello Wyndia!"

Wyndia: "Another talking monster?"

Wyndia's eyes sparkled at Filo. Well, Wyndia is a monster lover after all. Wyndia ran to Filo and examined her.

Wyndia: "It's so soft and fluffy! What monster are you?"

Filo: "Filo is Filo!"

Hiro: "Filo is a filolial but Filo doesn't look like normal filolials at all. She is a special case. Well, Filo can even turn into a human girl."

Filo: "Yes!"

Filo tuned into her loli form.

Wyndia: "Amazing!"

Wyndia turned towards me.

Wyndia: "Are you a monster lover too?"

Hiro: "Well, not really but I don't have anything against them."

Filo: "Filo is a monster lover."

Wyndia: "Really ?!"

Filo: "Yes, they are so tasty!"

Wyndia: "..."

Hiro: "Well, Filo is omnivorous and she will eat her own species if given the chance."

Wyndia: "No!"

She hugged her monsters with fear.

Hiro: "Ah, don't worry. Filo will listen to me. So she won't eat any of the monsters here."

She hugged me.

Wyndia: "Thank you, Hiro!"

And exactly at that time. I heard Gaelion's roar.

Gaelion: "Raaawwwrrrrr!"

Woah, that's bad timing.

Gaelion: "What are you doing to my daughter ?!"

Eclair: "See, I told you it's dangerous to leave my husband alone!"

Hiro: "I can understand your worries as a father, Gaelion. But Eclair, don't you trust me a little bit?"

Eclair: "No! You don't know about your charm! You will attract other female species like a piece of cake!"

Rino: "Well, Hiro-sama is Hiro-sama after all."

What am I? A male that secretes pheromones ?!

Raphtalia: "Oh, give it up, Mommy. Daddy's attraction is not something you can stop"

Sakura: "Dread it. Run from it. A huge harem for Dad arrives all the same. It. is. inevitable."

Thanos will use the snap on himself if he knew that his dialogue was used like this.

Hiro: "Well, don't worry. She is just playing with us. And I did nothing to her. You can ask her yourself."

Wyndia: "Yes! That's why I want to play more with him!"

Gaelion: "I see... You are dangerous, boy. I have no choice but to obliterate you."

Wyndia: "Father! You can't kill him! He didn't do anything wrong! In fact, all the monsters liked him."

Sakura: "Are all the monsters female?"

Wyndia: "How did you know?"

And everyone looked at me with a complicated expression. Even I smelled myself to make sure there isn't any pheromone on me. Thankfully, Wyndia changed the topic.

Wyndia: "Father, who are these people?"

Hiro: "Let me introduce ourselves again. I am Hiro and I wield the legendary shield. Did Gaelion tell you about heroes?"

Wyndia: "Yes! Father told me about the four legendary heroes that save the world. Are you one of them? The Shield Hero?"

Hiro: "Well, technically, yes. And this is my family, Eclair, Rino, Raphtalia, Sakura, and Filo. Sakura is also a Filolial, by the way. And believe it or not, Filo and Sakura came from the same egg. And they are not even a month old."

Wyndia: "Huh? Really? I thought Filo was my age."

Hiro: "Well, my shield evolves filolials into filolial queens. And the appearance they take after that is random. So, Filo looks like a 10-year-old, and Sakura looks like a 17-year-old."

Wyndia: "Can it be done like that for dragons too ?!"

Hiro: "I don't know. The only way to know is to raise a dragon from an egg."

Wyndia: "So, we need an egg."

Wyndia looked at Gaelion.

Gaelion: "No way! I am not giving my eggs to him!"

Ah right. Gaelion has eggs with him. This is only mentioned in the web novel spinoff. Godammit, how the hell did they make this world ?! I wonder what more plotlines were added to this world.

Wyndia: "Come on, Father! I want another friend like Filo!"

Filo: "When did we become friends?"

Wyndia: "The moment we met."

Filo: "I see..."

I should talk to Gaelion about Wyndia's situation. In fact, now that we are here, I need to think of something to help all of these monsters. Wyndia changed the topic again, by the way.

Wyndia: "Umm... Nobody told me the reason the father allowed you here."

Hiro: "Actually, we were hired to kill your father by a village that put a false accusation on him that he is destroying their village. If we didn't pass through the village today, Sword Hero will be coming tomorrow to kill your father."

Wyndia: "That's so cruel."

Well, Wyndia isn't the type to think of doing something bad to others.

Hiro: "Yeah, I figured out that the village is lying and came here to investigate it. Gaelion understood that we aren't here to kill him and we told him our side of the story. He allowed us here so that we could discuss what to do about the situation."

Wyndia: "Will Father be safe?"

Hiro: "Well, don't worry, Sword Hero will understand if I talk to him tomorrow. He's the sanest of the current three after all. So, no problem, I will help you guys."

Wyndia: "Thank you!"

She hugged me with gratitude. And I feel killing intent from two beings. My wife and Gaelion. Eclair pulled me back and Gaelion pulled Wyndia with his mouth.

Eclair/Gaelion: "It would be good if both of you stayed a little far from each other."

Hiro: "Come on, Eclair, she's just a child."

Wyndia: "No fair, I want to play with Hiro!"

Filo: "Filo wants to play with Papa too!"

And to make the matter worse, the monsters around also started to make noises as if they want to play with me. What am I? A toy?

Rino: "Well, it looks like all of them understood Hiro-sama's charm."

Now I am starting to wonder. I can understand that this is due to my infinite luck. But is this what I really want on the inside?

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