Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 108 - Introducing Gaelion...

(Hiro's POV)

Filo: "Papa! There are monsters ahead!"

Rino: "You want me to clear them?"

Hiro: "No, save your mana. We can't exhaust ourselves or waste time. We might need that energy for the dragon. Filo, run through them."

I put support magic 'First Guard' on Filo. And Filo dashed through them. And the funny thing is some of the monsters died due to the impact. And we went as high as we can in the carriage.

Filo: "Papa, Filo can't take the carriage anymore."

Hiro: "Alright, let's walk from here."

We climbed a bit more. Filo is still in her filolial form. I told her to not fight the dragon though. Maybe it's her filolial instinct. Filolials are hostile against dragons. And we suddenly hear a roar.

???: "Raaawwwwrrrrr!"

Eclair: "It looks like it found us."

We found Gaelion flying towards us.

Hiro: "Don't take out your weapons and don't show hostility! And Rino, Make a barrier!"

Eclair: "It's breaking the barrier!"

Hiro: "I know!"

Raphtalia: "What should we do, Daddy ?!"

Hiro: "From my gaming knowledge, Dragons weakness is normally their stomach or the inverse scale. In this case, I think it's the stomach but we shouldn't kill it! So, no fatal stabs! Rino, we are going for Wind magic."

Gaelion suddenly stopped attacking. It just stayed in front of us. Alright...

Raphtalia: "What happened? Why did it stop attacking?"

Sakura: "I think it can understand us."

Eclair: "Really ?!"

Hiro: "Umm... This is going to be weird but do you understand that we aren't here to kill you?"

Hiro: "I see... Rino, take down the barrier."

Rino did as I said. I went forward.

Hiro: "Well dragon, you see, the people from the Mirso Village want you dead for some reason. They even lied about you destroying their village and sent me to kill you. So, can you guess the reason?"

Gaelion: "Maybe it's because they want to take my treasures."

Eclair: "Wait, it can even talk ?! Hmm... I have a bad feeling. Hey you! Are you a male or female ?!"

Gaelion: "What kind of question is that ?! Of course, this dragon emperor is male!"

Eclair: "I see... That's fine then. Don't mind me. Love issues."

Did you seriously think that I would do it with a dragon ?!

Hiro: "Anyway, do you have a name?"

Gaelion: "This one goes by the name, Gaelion."

Hiro: "Gaelion, I am Hiro and I wield the legendary shield. This is my family. This is Eclair, my wife. Rino, my second wife-to-be. and these three are my daughters, Raphtalia, Filo, and Sakura."

Gaelion: "They sent a hero this time huh."

Hiro: "I take it that they have been sending adventurers continuously?"

Gaelion: "Yes. This one killed a lot of adventurers that came to kill me."

Hiro: "*Sigh* Poor adventurers. They came here because they thought they were helping the villagers."

Rino and Eclair released a huge amount of killing intent.

Rino: "What do they think the adventurers are for ?! I will destroy the whole village!"

Eclair: "Well, as much as I agree, we can't be sure that the whole village is involved. There may be innocents staying there too."

Gaelion: "Hahahaha."

Gaelion: "And here I thought you would be giving me a lecture for killing the adventurers."

Hiro: "Nah... you just killed the ones who came to kill you. If we didn't meet you today, you probably won't live long though."

Gaelion: "Why is that?"

Hiro: "The Sword Hero, Ren, is coming here to kill you tomorrow. He will most probably believe in the villagers' story and come here to kill you. Even if you manage to kill him, the country will declare you a national level threat for killing a hero and do everything to kill you."

Gaelion: "I see... So, it was a good decision to stop attacking."

Raphtalia: "Why did you stop attacking?"

Gaelion: "I sensed no killing intent from any of you and your weapons are sheathed and Hiro is yelling to not kill me even though he stated my weakness and more importantly, you called Hiro 'Daddy'. I am a father too. So, it stopped me from attacking."

Rino: "So, you have a family here? I am pretty sure that villagers said 'one dragon'."

Gaelion: "Oh, my daughter isn't a dragon."

Eclair: "Did you say 'daughter'? Female? Hmm... Gaelion, I want you to keep your daughter far from my husband. I don't want her to fall for my husband and become my love-rival."

Gaelion: "What do you take my daughter for ?!"

Eclair: "What do you know about my husband ?! All of these girls are willing to be his wives! He is a very dangerous womanizer!"

Hiro: "Umm... Eclair. Can you not make those misleading remarks about your husband?"

Gaelion: "Seriously?"

Raphtalia: "Yes! I want to be Daddy's bride!"

Filo: "Filo wants to mate with Papa!"

Sakura: "I want to mate with Dad too!"

Gaelion: "You are a good father, Hiro. Your daughters love you so much that they want to be your partners."

Hiro: "Finally! Someone who understands!"

Gaelion: "But you are not allowed anywhere near my daughter!"

Hiro: "It's okay. I can understand your emotions. I mean, I would feel the same if my daughters come to me with new guys."

Gaelion: "It seems both of us fathers have a good understanding."

Both of us nodded.

Sakura: "I think the term for both of you is 'daughter-cons'."

Well, I can't say anything against that.

Hiro: "So, Gaelion, will you let us stay with you tonight? We can discuss what to do with the village and the Sword Hero, Ren."

Gaelion: "Alright. I will take you to my lair. But you have to leave your weapons here."

Hiro: "I can't take off my shield. But we will leave the swords, staff, and wand here. We have our camping stuff in the carriage. Can we bring that? Of course, you can inspect us and our stuff if you want."

Gaelion: "Alright but why do you trust me?"

Hiro: "I have a good eye for others. That's the reason I was able to tell that the villagers were lying."

Gaelion started laughing at my statement.

Gaelion: "If only those adventurers had the same intuition as yours, they might have been alive now"

Well, that's true. But the world isn't fair. It will never be.

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