Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 107 - I don't need to follow the plot...

(After a few days.)

(Hiro's POV)

We are traveling to the east. We already met Rose in the village from the south-west. She has been interacting with us more in the past few days. Anyway, my daily life is giving lifts to others and medicine to sick people.

Well, in the original Shield Hero, it took two weeks for the seed that Motoyasu released to create havoc in the village. That's not my problem. I can take care of that plant after the people know about it. It's not like they would allow me to cut that thing as it's currently profiting them with a lot of fruits.

Itsuki will be the perfect hidden justice for these two weeks. He will actually help a lot of people by killing corrupt nobles. Actually those nobles support the church, so in these two weeks, Itsuki will be a pain in the a.s.s for the church. The only time he fails in that job will be a plot from Volume 3 which is in the future just before the Wave. That one time, the village will be in famine but this idiot just kills the noble without doing anything about the famine. So, the famine continued, and people suffered.

Ironically, Rishia fell for Itsuki in this exact failure mission. I really don't understand how she fell for him but then again, Love isn't something that can be understood by the one who sees it. It's something that can only be understood through experience. I stopped being a d.i.c.k-head. So, I will never say something like this person doesn't deserve to be loved by this person. Wonder Woman was right. "It's not about 'deserve'. It's about what you believe. And I believe in love."

And now comes the case of Ren, in these two weeks, most probably this week, he will kill a dragon named Gaelion in the southeast. The plot will go like this. Ren goes to Mirso village in the south-east. The locals will beg him to kill the dragon that has been creating havoc in the village. Ren will kill it and leave its corpse to rot. The rotten corpse spreads an epidemic in the surroundings. In fact, the rotten corpse turns into a zombie dragon.

Now, let's talk about the real story. Gaelion is actually a good dragon with an adopted daughter named Wyndia. Both of them peacefully live in the mountains near Mirso village. But the greedy locals of Mirso village had their eye on the treasures that lied with Gaelion. So, they tricked Ren to kill that dragon to take those treasures. And Wyndia became a slave after her father died.

So, should I let this event happen or not? Of course not. Don't get me wrong. It's not because I don't want them to die as they are innocents. If I let this event happen, I have to take care of a lot of sick people and I also have to clean the corpse. It will be too much work. In Motoyasu's case, all I have to do is kill the plant and sell some weed-killers. A lot of innocents died because I did nothing to save them and a lot more will keep dying. I accept that I indirectly killed them and I don't care. Because I am not a hero. I am just a human.

And we reached Mirso Village. I showed my traveling merchant certificate. Normally, I hide my shield but the people here should know that I am the shield hero. Eclair stretched after getting down the carriage.

Eclair: "So, we are in the east now. I am loving my honeymoon trip."

Hiro: "Umm... Eclair. We had s.e.x only once in these few days. Can we really call this honeymoon?"

Raphtalia: "And you are having this trip with the whole family, Mommy."

Sakura: "And it's almost 3 weeks since your marriage, Mom."

Rino: "And Hiro-sama had s.e.x with me once on this trip as well."

Eclair immediately became depressed.

Eclair: "*Sigh* And here I thought I could escape from reality for a moment. Won't you guys let me be happy even once?"

Raphtalia: "Wait, I know about Mommy and Daddy having s.e.x in the inns we stayed, when did Rino-nee and Daddy have s.e.x?"

Everyone looked at Rino who is blushing. Well, it was supposed to be a secret but Rino and I had outdoor s.e.x yesterday. She tried really hard to suppress the m.o.a.ns.

Rino: "Hehehe... It's supposed to be secret but I don't have a rule that we must do it indoors."

Sakura: "So, they did it yesterday night when we were sleeping and Dad is supposed to be on the watch."

Hmm... I made sure that Sakura is asleep yesterday. Must be the smell from Rino.

Rino: "How did you know ?!"

Sakura: "Mom has Dad's smell all over her just like she had when Mom had her first time with Dad."

Eclair: "Are there any monsters nearby? I really need some training today."

And as usual, Eclair finds some poor monsters as a sacrifice to quench her killing intent.

Filo: "Umm... Papa, can I ask a question?"

Filo turned back to her loli form and questioned me if she can question me.

Hiro: "Yeah."

Filo: "What is a honeymoon? Is it tasty?"

I laughed. I couldn't help but pat her. We asked a local about the strong monsters in the vicinity and any sick people here.

Villager1: "Who are you?"

Hiro: "Well, I am a traveling merchant and adventurer. I kill monsters and sell things for money."

Villager2: "I don't think anyone is sick in here. As for the monsters, the ones in the mountains are strong but the dragon stays there too."

Filo: "Dragon? Filo wants to kill dragons!"

Filo turned into her filolial form saying that. Well, it's a filolial instinct.

Eclair: "Hmm... Dragons can be tough. It's worse if it can fly. What type of dragon is it?"

Villager1: "It's a pure-blood."

Rino: "Hmm... I am the only long-range attacker. This is going to be a problem then."

Villager3: "Are you perhaps planning on killing it?"

Hiro: "Well, we will just try to take care of some other monsters in the mountains."

Villager2: "I advise you to wait for a day. We were informed that Sword Hero is going to arrive tomorrow with the dragon-slaying quest. It will be easier for you to hunt other monsters after the dragon is dead."

Hiro: "Wait, Ren is going to be here?"

Villager4: "Umm... Why are you talking like you know the Sword Hero?"

Hiro: "Well, that's because I am the shield hero."

I declare while summoning my shield to my hand. Every one of the villagers was shocked. Well, for my family, this is going to look normal. I mean, I am not trying to hide my identity after all.

Hiro: "Well, no need to be so surprised. I am just traveling. I don't know anything about this dragon and Ren. Hmm... but if Ren is going to be here, maybe we should give him a helping hand tomorrow but then again, we can't level up together."

The villagers showed fake smiles.

Villagers: "We will be very grateful if you could slay the dragon, Shield Hero!"

Wow, they are really good actors.

Hiro: "So, what did this dragon do? Why do you want to kill it?"

Villager: "The dragon is causing havoc in the village regularly. It takes our cattle and destroys our houses every time it comes!"

Haa... I want to release the epidemic in this village myself.

Eclair: "How cruel. That monster needs to be killed."

And Eclair trusted those lies.

Hiro: "When was the last attack?"

Villager: "Two days ago. A lot died that day."

Hiro: "Where does it stay?"

Villager: "In the mountains."

Hiro: "Let's go, girls."

Hiro: "The villagers are lying about the dragon attacking the village."

Eclair: "What ?!"

Of course, the villagers didn't know that I can detect lies. Eclair is clearly shocked at my declaration.

Raphtalia: "Why would they lie about it?"

Hiro: "They want the dragon dead for some reason. And they even went as far as hiring a hero for that. All of those villagers told us lies. So, it's useless if we try for more info. So, we have to investigate the dragon."

So, Gaelion and Wyndia, we are coming to save you.

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