Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 106 - Rose's new mission...

(After Melty pointed out that Rose is blushing.)

(Third Person POV)

Mirellia and Melty are looking at Rose with astonished expression. Of course, anyone would be like that if a person who didn't show any type of emotion since they met her started showing them at once.

Rose: "Blushing? Am I blushing, degozaru?"

Rose doesn't know it. What her current state is called and why she is feeling it.

Mirellia: "Just for confirmation, can you tell me how you currently feel, Rose?"

Rose: "Yes, your majesty. Forgive me but I can't clearly explain it myself, degozaru. I feel warm, degozaru. It's kind of comfortable warmth. My heart is also beating a little faster, degozaru. I have a little difficulty in speaking fluently. I had undergone through the same experience when H... Hiro-sama said that I... I am unique, degozaru."

'Damn, he is really full of miracles. That absolute mad lad actually went and did it!', This is what Melty and Mirellia are currently thinking.

Rose: "That's all I can say, degozaru."

Melty: "Rose!"

Melty: "Oh no! The pervert started to prey on you! You are not allowed to go there anymore!"

Mirellia smiled at her daughter. Melty is currently in a complicated state. Firstly, she is happy that Rose experienced emotions for a little bit of time. But when she realized that it's Hiro who made it happen, she started to get a little jealous and it kicked her tsundere tendencies.

Rose: "What do you mean Hiro-sama preyed on me, Melty-sama? I don't really sense any harm or killing intent from him, degozaru."

'Just how dense can you be ?!' It is what Melty wanted to shout but then again, she remembered that Rose doesn't understand relations. Before Melty could say anything, Mirellia stopped her.

Mirellia: "So, anything else about your report Rose?"

Rose: "Hiro-sama observes not just that, degozaru. The lines on our fingers, our eyes, body structure, posture, habits, he has been observing everything since he came to this world, degozaru. Due to the excellent ability of Hiro-sama, the Shadow system is useless against him, degozaru. He will be able to tell us apart easily, degozaru. I... I am irreplaceable to him."

Mirellia grinned when she saw Rose blushing more. She was also happy that Rose is getting emotions. Melty had a bad feeling looking at her mother's grin. She liked looking at this side of Rose. It's wrong if only Rose gets to see Mirellia's embarrassing side, right?

Mirellia: "I see... This is a problem. He destroys the whole purpose of the Shadows group. So, I have another mission for you, Rose."

Rose: "What is it, your majesty?"

Mirellia: "Make Hiro-sama fall for you by seducing him."

Melty: "What ?!"

Melty was so shocked at her mother's words. Shadows are trained to seduce people for information and missions. Melty didn't understand what her mother is thinking by giving Rose this job. She can't even say no to her mother.

Rose: "As you wish, your majesty. But may I know the reason, degozaru?"

Of course, Rose is loyal to Mirellia. But she didn't understand why she was given this mission too.

Mirellia: "It is as you said. The Shadow system is useless against him. And we tricked him to fight the Waves. We can't have him as our enemy. So, you will make him fall for you just as a backup for us."

Rose: "Very well, your majesty. But I don't think we need a backup as Hiro-sama won't become an enemy, degozaru."

Mirellia: "Why are you sure?"

Rose thought about what she just said and found it weird herself. She doesn't have proof that he will not become an enemy. Then why did she say it? She didn't understand.

Rose: "Forgive me, your majesty. I don't have any proof of my previous statement, degozaru."

Mirellia: "It's okay. So, make sure to do the mission I gave you without others in Hiro-sama's group knowing about it. And I want a detailed report on your progress in this mission."

Rose: "As you wish, your majesty."

Mirellia thought only one thing. 'This is gonna be fun.'

Mirellia: "Alright. Melty, Go to your room. I have something 'important' to discuss with Rose."

Melty: "Ah, yes Mother. Please send her to my room after you are finished with her."

Mirellia: "Then, take her inside now."

Melty took Rose into the next room. Mirellia thinks she knew what Melty wants to discuss with Rose. She thinks that Melty wants to prevent this mission due to her childish jealousy. Well, she's not entirely wrong. But in the room, the first thing Melty asked isn't that.

Melty: "Ah, Rose, did you make a report? You know."

Rose took out and handed out Melty's copy to her. Melty hid it in her room for some other time as she can't faint now. She started the next topic.

Melty: "Rose! You can't do this mission!"

Rose: "Forgive me, Melty-sama. I can follow your orders only if they don't go against her majesty's orders, degozaru."

Melty: "Alright, how about this? You can't interact with Hiro directly anymore!"

Rose: "That's also going against her majesty's orders, Melty-sama."

Melty gave up. She can't go against her mother no matter what.

Melty: "*Sigh* You can go and talk to my mother."

Rose went to the next room where Mirellia is waiting for her. Rose took out her report and gave it to Mirellia. Mirellia took it and went over it lightly. Mirellia started to become redder and redder.

Mirellia: "How did it even fit?"

Rose: "I thought the exact same thing, your majesty. But it seems that it is true that the human body is full of miracles, degozaru. As you can see from the report, It can fit in anything bigger than average 10-year-old ones, degozaru. As the person here looks like a 13-year-old child even though she is 17-year-old, it fits inside her, degozaru."

(Currently, Rino: "Achoo! It looks like someone is talking badly about me.")

Mirellia: "Ahem! Your report looks good, Rose. You can go."

Rose disappeared from there with a new mission. A few seconds later, Mirellia heard Melty knocking on the door just when she was about to start analyzing the report.

Melty: "Did Rose go away, mother? Can I come in?"

Mirellia adjusted herself and calmed down.

Mirellia: "You can come in, Melty."

Mirellia greeted Melty with a smile like nothing strange happened.

Melty: "Mother, why did you give that mission to Rose?"

Mirellia: "I think you know why. Hiro-sama is bringing her emotions. I thought I could boost that."

Melty: "But what if he or she fell for each other ?!"

Mirellia: "They will marry and we will have something that binds us to him. It's a win-win for us. Even if Hiro-sama found out that I ordered Rose to seduce him, he will understand that it's my request for him to help her."

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