Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 105 - A girl in Shadows...

(Third Person POV)

This is the story of a girl. This girl was a part of the Shadows group from the moment she was born. People don't normally remember being a baby and their early childhood. The first thing she learned even before being conscious of herself is killing. She was trained since her early childhood. To make sure that this girl doesn't have any feelings, she was given a monster for her to grow attached to it and was made to kill it with her own hands. This is a normal training for every child in the Shadows group. Since they are children, they would be so easy to manipulate and they won't even remember the cause.

It was a success in this girl's case too. She doesn't remember the cause and even the monster she raised. And since the first step is done, she went through the next step, training. But there was one thing that made her a little different.

"Listen well, we took you in since you have no purpose in this world. Nobody needs you. So, we took you in to give you a purpose."

This is the first thing about her childhood that she remembers. Some children thought this was true and some became confused. Very few were curious after what they went through. This girl was one of them. 'Why don't we have a purpose ?? Why doesn't anyone need us?' That's what she thought but she never got her answer.

"You will be of direct service of the nation's monarchy. They will be your purpose. You will do whatever they say. You will kill for their sake and you will die for their sake."

The girl didn't oppose. None of the children opposed to that. Because they needed a purpose. And they trained while they are being trained, they were told a single thing again and again.

"We are Shadows. We don't have an identity. We don't have a name. We don't need one. None of us are different from the other. And it needs to be "

It was more like brainwashing. The rest of the children got brainwashed successfully but this girl didn't. Her curiosity won over the brainwashing. Whenever she was told it, she would ask herself the same thing 'Why ??'. She never got her answer. She never understood that Shadows took them from her due to what she went through in her early childhood.

She became the best Shadow. She works for the Queen of Melromarc. She did many missions successfully. No one praised her. She didn't care. She just kept doing her job. She wasn't unique. She just lives to complete those missions.

But there was one time where the Queen especially asked for her since the mission was similar to one of her last missions. That was when this girl thought of a need for identity. When the queen needs it, she must be able to differentiate her from the rest of the Shadows. She can't have a name. So, she thought of another way.

"I have completed your mission, degozaru."

She changed her way of speaking. Everyone thought this was weird at first but there was one person who found it funny.

"Hahaha... That way of speaking is funny !!"

A little princess, Melty Q. Melromarc. She was with the Queen to learn about politics but she burst into laughter at this girl's speaking.

"Does Melty-sama want me to stop speaking like this, degozaru ??"

"No, keep it... It's funny."

And that's how this person achieved an identity. This girl was known as 'Shadow-degozaru' from then as there shouldn't be a name for her. Mirellia requested this Shadow as Melty's personal bodyguard. Nothing ever changed since then. Melty grew attached to this girl but the girl didn't really care. Melty can only tell who she is from 'degozaru'. Or else, she is just like any other Shadow.

If the girl died in a mission, she can be easily replaced with another Shadow since Melty can't differentiate her from the rest of the Shadows. As most of the time, she will be in her Shadow form, all the other Shadow needs to do is to use illusion when the mask is removed and say 'degozaru'.

This girl was still a curious person. That's why she got curious about relationsh.i.p.s after looking at the Queen. She thought these would also be left unanswered like her previous questions. But she kept searching.

And that's when a strange person came into her life. He made her a 'test' for the Queen without her knowing. The girl didn't care. She thought it was correct for him as he is being careful. She became a bridge between the Queen and him. She was amazed at his actions and his intellect.

Even though this person is in a lot of danger, he doesn't even show a single bit of worried expressions like the Queen, and every time, he avoids danger and lives his life casually in the middle of chaos. So, her curiosity dragged her to him and his family. So, she did all of the Queen's and Melty's 'dirty' work just for the sake of that curiosity.

But this guy gave her a name, 'Rose'. After a few days, he said that they worry about her. He tried to quench her curiosity as much as he can. Both of these just reminded her of Melty.

'I don't know why. But I am not unique. He and they are just like Melty-sama. I am replaceable to all of them, degozaru.'

That's what she thought. For unknown reasons, she wasn't unique. That's what she kept thinking. Until that day...

"You are unique too, Rose. I will find you even in a thousand Shadows."

He gave her proof that she was wrong the whole time. She was unique. She was irreplaceable to him. She started to look at him in a new way. She didn't understand but her heart started beating faster. She felt herself getting warm. She didn't understand what she was feeling. She thought it was some medical condition and her heart started to beat faster the more she looked at him.

"I... I see... I will take my leave then."

Saying it, she escaped out of there and ran far away from there as fast as she can. After she went far from there, she stopped and calmed herself. For the first time in her life, she stuttered at her words and for the first time in her life since the day she started, she forgot to say 'degozaru' at the end.

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