Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 113 - Investigation about Gaelion...

(Hiro's POV)

Ren: "Hiro, you shouldn't take advantage of the absence of FBI like this."

Hiro: "Ren, I swear that I will never lay my hands on girls who are both physically and mentally imm.a.t.u.r.e."

Ren: "Yeah. Yeah. Keep saying it."

Tersia: "Rino and Eclair, are you okay with him being like this?"

Eclair: "Haa... Well, yes. Both of us love him for what he is after all."

Raphtalia: "Wow, I thought you would be shouting. 'No! I want Hiro all for myself!'"

Eclair: "Nah, we are a family now. We talked about it and I started to accept it and I also found a way that would let me take care of my jealous issues."

Raphtalia: "I don't know the number of poor monsters sacrificed to satisfy that jealousy issues."

Well, it works though.

Ren: "So, where is this treasure?"

Hiro: "I shifted it to Riyute. Register this place with Portal Shield."

Ren: "Why Riyute?"

Hiro: "You don't know? I am the governor of Riyute."

Ren: "What ?!"

Welt: "When ?!"

Bakta: "Why ?!"

Tersia: "How ?!"

Farrie: "Where, Which, and Who!"

Everyone looked at Farrie with a complicated expression.

Farrie: "Umm... I didn't find a suitable Wh word. So, I told the remaining."

Everyone sighed and looked at me for an explanation. I told them how Queen apologized to me for what happened in the palace and gave me the land.

Ren: "So Melromarc is matriarchy huh. You really are a lucky one, Hiro."

He registered that place and I teleported us to Riyute. The moment we entered the cave, Gaelions family came and hugged him.

Hiro: "Meet Gaelion's family, Ren. And by the way, this is Wyndia. Gaelion's adopted, demi-human daughter. Wyndia, meet Ren, the Sword Hero."

Wyndia hid behind my back.

Wyndia: "Are you the one who came to kill my father?"

Ren: "Not anymore. I am sorry."

Ren understood that the mountain was the home of Gaelion and his family. He turned to me.

Ren: "Hiro, if Gaelion really attacked the village, if you keep him here, I won't kill him."

Hiro: "Ah, don't worry. He will be staying here from now on but I will still be proving Gaelion's innocence."

Ren: "If you did, I will punish the village with my Hero's authority."

Gaelion: "Hmm... How will you do that, little hero?"

Ren: "Make them pay penalty or something."

Gaelion: "Don't make the lives of my family equivalent to a simple penalty."

Ren: "Don't worry, I am not doing this for you. This is just for myself. They should know that a hero isn't a toy that they can use."

Well, you don't know but you are still a toy for the church.

Hiro: "Anyways, Ren, I want you to keep that I shifted Gaelion to Riyute as a secret. It would be better if this is not known by many people."

Ren: "Alright, I agree."

Hiro: "Great. Teleport us back to the mountain. We have to gather evidence after all."

The first thing we did after going back to the mountain is to change our appearance, and we looked like normal adventurers and we hid our faces in cloaks. After that, we left Gaelion at the mountain and went to the remaining villages around the mountain, and asked about the dragon. And they gave the answers that 'the mountain is the dragon's territory and they won't go to the top', 'the dragon killed all the adventurers sent to hunt it down, but it never comes down from the mountain.'

And by the end, Ren was a little bit convinced that Gaelion didn't cause havoc in the villages. It would not make sense if Gaelion attacked only a single village when there are multiple villages around the mountain, right?

And after that, I asked Ren to declare that he killed the dragon and take the reward from the village. Since he is a hero, he doesn't need to show proof. I am also in the village hiding in a cloak. I came from a different route solo leaving girls in another village to make it not look suspicious.

Ren: "I killed the Dragon and left the body back on the mountain. You can use it as you wish."

Villager1: "Thank You, Sword Hero-sama!"

Villager2: "Umm... Did the shield hero die ?!"

Why do you look so happy? Ah, he must be a follower of the church.

Ren: "No, Hiro couldn't kill the dragon yesterday. So he retreated for yesterday and camped on the mountain. We found him and his family when we went to the mountain this morning. I let him stay there and killed the dragon myself. So, he went to another village since he won't be getting any reward."

Villager3: "Hahaha... He must be ashamed to show his face after going with that confidence and being unable to do nothing, unlike the great Ren-sama!"

Just why do you guys hate me so much? Ren is looking to my direction with concern. I signaled them to not look.

Ren: "Alright, I will go if you give me my reward."

Villager1: "Of course!"

He came forward and gave Ren the pouch. And Ren and his party went out of the village. And once he is out the villagers started gossiping happily about how they fooled him. I went to an inn which was supposed to be our meeting point. This inn serves beer and currently, the villagers are partying here. So, the best place where someone will spill the beans easily. And after a few minutes, I find two cloaked figures sitting on a table beside me. Of course, this is Ren and Welt. And we started talking with changed voices.

Welt: "Hahaha... I can't believe that Sword Hero was tricked that easily."

Villager3: "Hahaha... I know right. All I had to do is to praise him while insulting the shield devil."

Hiro: "Now all we need to do is to raid those caves and we will get what we need."

Villager2: "Hahaha... Yes! We will find the treasure and become rich! The reward we gave to Sword Hero is nothing compared to that!"

Idiots. That's why you shouldn't start partying and drinking just the moment after you think the job is done. You have to confirm that it's done, assholes.

Ren, Welt, and I went out of there. We went to the next village where others are waiting.

Bakta: "What happened?"

Welt: "We confirmed it."

Ren clutched his fist.

Ren: "What do they think a hero is for them ?! Let's go, Hiro!"

Well, this is going to be fun. Villagers, get ready for your first roasting.

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