Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 114 - Roasting the Mirso Village: Round One...

(Hiro's POV)

Hahaha... This is going to be fun. Ren is really pissed.

Ren: "Let's go, Hiro!"

Hiro: "Umm... Sorry but I am not coming."

Ren: "Huh? Why?"

Hiro: "You know the reputation of the shield in the country. If both of us went there, they will fear you since you are a hero and they are in the wrong but in my case, their hatred to the shield will just increase. And I prefer if people don't hate me more, you know."

The church might use this to spread rumors like the shield devil manipulated the sword hero. And if they found out that I am the one who solved this, they will know that I am a clever person. And I don't want Bicas to know about my intellect. For now, he just thinks that I am a lucky person and that Queen is helping me without me knowing about it. He will only let his guard down like that.

Ren: "Hiro, how did you figure out that villagers were lying?"

I can't let my ability to tell apart lies be found out.

Hiro: "Well, you came straight from the guild due to the quest but I came from the neighboring village. And of course, I already asked about strong monsters and found out about the dragon and that he won't attack the villages down the mountain."

Ren: "I see... Alright, I will go alone. Do you want any compensation from the village or something? I can take it from them using my authority."

Hiro: "No. I don't want you to mention me in any form. Gaelion already gave me his treasure as a reward for saving his family. By the way, do you want some share in the treasure?"

Ren: "No need. You are the one who saved that family, not me. Tell Gaelion that I am sorry for what happened."

Hiro: "Alright."

I told Ren what he needs to do for covering me up after going to the village. And Ren went from there. Now it's all on him. It's not like I need to be present in-person to roast that village, right ?? I will roast them through Ren. It will be more fun if they don't even understand that I am roasting them.


(Ren's POV)

We went to Mirso Village leaving behind Hiro and his family in the neighboring village. Once I am in the village, the villagers were alerted.

Villager1: "Sword Hero-sama! Did you forget something?"

Ren: "It looks like you are having a party."

Villager2: "Ah yes. That's because you killed the dragon!"

Ren: "Hmm... I see. You know, after taking this quest, to come here, I had to visit the neighboring villages as that's the best route."

That's the truth. We came through the other villages but the thought of investigating the dragon didn't come to my mind since I am confident in killing the dragon due to my level. But since Hiro doesn't want his name to be revealed, I have to lie.

Ren: "The funny thing is that none of these villages were attacked by the dragon."

I say while unsheathing the sword and thrusting it to the ground. Villagers' faces started becoming pale. I can see sweat forming on their foreheads.

Villager3: "That's weird. I can't understand why the dragon is attacking only our village. But it's a good thing that it's dead now."

So, still not accepting it?

Ren: "And I also found out that this village wasn't attacked even once."

Ren: "So, why did you lie?"

Villager4: "Umm... Sword Hero-sama, T... That. We were afraid of the dragon living near us."

Villager5: "S... So, we thought it would be better if it died."

Lies upon lies... They are really getting on my nerves.

Welt: "*Sigh* Ren-sama gave you a final chance and you lost it too. After we went out of the village, we came back hiding in cloaks and found out your reason as you shouted it while having a party."

Bakta: "The treasure of the dragon, is it?"

Tersia: "You know another secret? We didn't even kill the dragon. It's still happily roaming on the mountains."

Farrie: "If you still want that treasure, you can try for it yourselves."

The villagers' faces completely lost their color.

Villagers: "S... Sword Hero-sama..."

Ren: "Shut up! What am I to you guys ?! A useful tool ?! I am summoned here to save you from the Waves. If every person in this world is like you guys, I won't even bother saving it!"

Villagers: "F... Forgive us, Sword Hero-sama."

I carefully remembered the words he wants me to say.

Ren: "Why should I forgive ?! You guys even fooled Hiro into doing that job! Fortunately, he retreated yesterday and I found him today and explained my suspicions and made him go from there."

With this, it would look like I solved this. But is this what you really want, Hiro? I don't think you should care about being looked like a devil from people like these.

Ren: "What about the adventurers killed due to this quest ?! All of them died just because of your stupid greed! Even I almost lost my friend yesterday because of you guys!"

The moment I said it, my team immediately looked at me with shock. Did I say something weird?

Welt: "Ren-sama, did you just say the word 'friend'?"

Oh... It slipped.

Bakta: "So, he finally admitted it."

Tersia: "Yeah, he always denies it by saying he doesn't need any friends."

Farrie: "Even yesterday, he is the one who first moved to the mountain when we heard that Hiro took the quest and didn't return yesterday."

Ren: "Shut up."

Welt: "Oh look, someone is blushing."

Ren: "I said leave it."

Farrie: "Ah, I know the term for Ren-sama. He's called a tsundere."

How do you know that term ?!

Ren: "Hey! We are here to punish these guys."

I tried to change the topic.

Ren: "And don't tell Hiro about this in the future."

Farrie: "Definitely a tsundere."

Ren: "I said quit it!"

I turned towards villagers of which some are holding their laughter. Now they are making me angrier.

Ren: "First, what is this treasure and what do you know about it?"

Villager1: "Umm... We a... actually don't know where it is. Dragons normally collect treasures by instinct. So..."

Just as Hiro expected, they won't know about the treasure if Gaelion scared away or killed everyone who came near his cave. And this makes me even angrier.

Ren: "So, you don't even know if a treasure is there or not and you put that quest for innocent adventurers to die for that so-called treasure."

Villagers: "Sword..."

Ren: "Shut up! I don't want to hear anything else from you guys!"

I pointed my sword at them.

Ren: "Alright, listen, you idiots! I am not giving back the money that I took from you! Any objections ?!"

The villagers didn't say a thing.

Ren: "I will be using as my authority as a hero to revoke the guild registration of your village. No more quests from this village will be entertained. And you will be answering the guild about every adventurer that died in this quest and compensating to both guild and the adventurers' families! Until then, no more quests will be done for the village."

Villagers: "But a lot of adventurers were killed by that dragon."

Ren: "And whose fault do you think it is ?!"

The villagers didn't say anything else. With that, I went from the village to the nearest guild and reported the events. No one in the guild objected to my decision too since the guild lost a lot of adventurers due to that greedy village.

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