Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 126 - Reality is cruel...

(Authors Note: Most of you already guessed what's going to be in this chapter. Good job.)

(next day)

(Eclair's POV)

Haa... I woke up after a good night's sleep. I didn't get any dreams this time which is good.

I freshened up and went down for breakfast. Others are waiting for me this time. Hiro is feeding Mikasa. Hehehe... You will make Rose more jealous like that, Hiro.

Alright, let's help Rose. She can't make an appearance in public. So, we have to go somewhere private.

Eclair: "Hey, Hiro. How about we go to training and take Mikasa with us?"

Hiro: "Hmm... How about we skip training for today?"

Hah? Trying to escape huh. Like I will let you.

Eclair: "No way! Training is important!"

Eclair: "Mikasa, you want to come, right?"

"Gwa!" Of course, this cheerful girl becomes excited about everything.

Eclair: "See! We are going to level up and that's final!"

Hiro: "Fine."

Raphtalia: "So, we are going to level-up nearby?"

Rino: "They are weak and don't give a lot of Exp though."

So, shifting place huh. Hehehe... That's even more convenient.

Eclair: "So, how about teleporting to a place with high-level monsters? We can come back after level-grinding there."

Hehehe... High-level monsters mean no one really comes in that direction. Rose can walk around without her mask in that area. You should be thanking me for everything I am doing for you, Rose.

Hiro: "Alright, let's do just that."

Filo: "Papa, then Filo wants to go and hunt tasty monsters we ate that time! Those are strong monsters, right? Can we go there?"

Hiro: "Well, alright."

Good job, Filo! That place is in the middle of a dense forest! It will be more like a picnic!

When I was thinking that, Sakura poked me.

Eclair: "What is it, Sakura?"

Sakura: "You have been in a good mood and grinning mischievously for a while. I don't know what you are planning but I think you should know one thing.' You can't change your destiny.'"

Saying it, she went to ask Hiro for head-pats. What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Man, Sakura says some weird things from time to time. It seems that those are from Hiro's previous world. I wonder whose dialogues are those?

After breakfast, we went to a deserted place and Rose appeared instantly in her Shadow Form with a veil. My my, look at you. Really eager for love huh.

"Gwa!" Mikasa flew to her the moment she appeared. Go for it, Rose.

Hiro: "Alright, now that everyone is here, let's teleport."

And the next moment, a bright light enveloped us and we got teleported to the place we want to go.

The moment we were teleported, Rose removed heir veil and mask instantly.

Rose: "Hiro-sama..."

Hiro: "Mmmphhh!"

Rose called out to Hiro and pressed her lips against his.

The shock hit all of us so hard that we were stunned not knowing what's happening. Except for Mikasa and Filo, they were rather seeing the scene with stars in their eyes.

A moment passed. None of us still came out from the shock. But Rose threw her whole body weight onto Hiro making them fall down.

The sound of them falling made me snap out of my shock.

Eclair: "What the hell is going on ?!"

I went to them and started pulling Rose. Raphtalia and Rino also got out of the shock and started helping me out.

Rino: "Rose, stop it!"

Raphtalia: "What are you doing, Rose ?!"

We managed to pull her apart from Hiro. Hiro got up with a complicated expression on his face. I am sure that he is shocked too.

Hiro: "You are good at kissing, Rose. Where did you learn it?"

That's the first thing you say after this ?!

Rose was breathing roughly with a blushed face.

Rose: "It's... It's my first time, degozaru. B... But Shadows are clearly explained about these things, degozaru."

Cute... I never thought Rose can act like this.

Filo: "What did you just do, Rose? It looks fun! I want to do it with Papa too!"

Oh no, she's tainted again.

Mikasa: "Gwa! Gwa! Gwa!"

I can't understand but I think Mikasa is saying the exact same thing that Filo is.

Rino: "You can't do it with Hiro, Rose!"

Exactly, you are absolutely right, my partner!

Rino: "At least do those things when Filo and Sakura aren't looking!"

That's what you are worried about ?!

Raphtalia: "You can't just do it like that, Rose!"

Raphtalia: "If you want to [email protected] Daddy, then get in line!"

Exactly... Excuse me, What ?!

Rose: "B... But I was t... told to do it..."

Who is it ?! Who the hell tried to taint Rose ?!

Rose: "By Eclair, degozaru."

I will kill... Excuse me, come again.

Everyone looked at me confirming that I heard it correctly.

Rose: "S... She is the one who told me to be offensive and gave me permission, degozaru."

Eclair: "Huh but..."

I replayed the whole conversation that happened yesterday in my mind.

Eclair: "Oh, I see..."

I realized. And I can't stop laughing at myself!

Eclair: "Hahahaha!"

Raphtalia: "Mommy, you traitor! You gave Rose permission but not to me ?!"

And I became a traitor in my daughter's eyes. Anything else.

Rino: "Umm... Eclair, you sure you don't have NTR fetish?"

And I was marked as the person with the worst fetish ever. Haa... Could this get any worse?

Sakura: "In time you will know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right, yet to fail all the same. Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives. Or should I say, another harem member is."

I seriously want to kill the one who she got that dialogue from. I will even destroy half of the universe if I get to kill him.

For now, I will go and kill all the nearby monsters.

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