Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 125 - Consultant Eclair...

(Eclair's POV)

Raphtalia and Rino had their class-ups today. And I am pretty sure that Filo and Sakura will also reach their level cap before the Next Wave. And after that, we did some training and it's night time now. As usual, we are in individual rooms and Hiro is sleeping with Mikasa. His new daughter and my new rival. I wonder how she will look like in her human form.

I was about to go to sleep but suddenly another person appeared in my room. The Shadow that observes us, Rose.

Rose: "Pardon my intrusion, Eclair, but I have something I would like to talk about with you. Are you okay with that, degozaru?"

*Sigh* So, it's finally time, huh.

Eclair: "Okay. You can take off that veil and mask, you know."

Rose did as I said and we sat on the bed.

Rose: "I think I got feelings, degozaru."

So, she realized it huh.

Eclair: "How do you know?"

Rose: "I started smiling involuntarily a few times during some incidents due to someone, degozaru. I think I feel something towards that someone, degozaru."

I see, so she finally realized. Of course, I observed it too. She loves Mikasa! Rose didn't cover her face correctly in the evening, so I found her smiling at Mikasa.

Rose: "That someone, unfortunately, can't give me answers about this, degozaru."

Of course, Mikasa is just a baby. She can't talk clearly.

Rose: "I think Eclair understands who I am talking about, degozaru."

Don't worry, Rose. Even the dense and slow-witted person like me can understand who you are talking about.

Eclair: "Of course, Rose, you even put a veil on your face because of that someone."

Rose: "I see, so Eclair understands. I would like to consult you about that topic"

Eclair: "Feel free to."

Rose: "When I am near that someone, my body becomes very warm and comfortable, degozaru."

Of course, that's your motherly instinct acting around Mikasa, Rose.

Eclair: "Let me guess. Your heart starts beating faster yet, you feel so calm. And you would want to stay with that someone forever."

Rose: "Exactly, degozaru."

Hehehe... I knew it!

Happiness and content, check.

Eclair: "And when you imagine that 'someone' in danger, you feel uncomfortable and you would want to protect them and stay by their side."

Rose: "You are right, degozaru."

Fear, check.

Of course, a mother wants to protect her child from danger no matter what and keeps worrying about her child's safety.

Eclair: "When you imagine that someone is hurt, you would want to kill the person who hurt that someone."

Rose: "You are right again, degozaru."

Anger, check.

Eclair: "The next one. When you see that someone getting along with others, your c.h.e.s.t tightens and you wish to be in their place."

Rose: "Yes, I do, degozaru."

Sadness and Jealousy, check!

Of course, when she finds Mikasa getting along more with Hiro, Rose gets jealous! Congratulations, Hiro! You contributed in giving Rose, emotions!

And currently, Rose is blushing when she is saying all of this. She is embarrassed. Of course, anyone would be embarrassed when they talk about matters like this.

Rose covered most of the important emotions! I am so happy for her!

Rose: "I was right to consult you about this, degozaru."

Eclair: "Of course you are!"

I am so happy that she consulted me about this!

Eclair: "You are in love, Rose!"

You are experiencing a pure motherly love towards Mikasa!

Rose: "L... Love? Is this love, degozaru?"

Eclair: "Obviously it is!"

I explained about the emotions to her.

Eclair: "Rose, it doesn't matter if you are convinced that you are in love or not. The most important thing is to follow your heart. Take the decision which will make your body feel warm. you remember that warm and comfortable feeling, right?"

Rose: "But a shadow isn't supposed to have feelings, degozaru."

Eclair: "Hell with the rules! If you are thrown away from the Shadows group, you can just become an adventurer with us. You are already a part of our family, after all!"

Rose: "I... I see. But I don't know what to do about this, degozaru. That someone is in love with others..."

Of course, it's obvious that Mikasa loves Hiro the most.

Eclair: "Then, isn't it obvious about what you should do ?! Get on the offensive! Try to make that someone love you more!"

As Mikasa loves Hiro more, Rose's feelings won't deepen if Rose is passive. So, she should take the offense! Become a rival and fight for the love of Mikasa!

Hehehe... I am a genius.

Rose: "Is... Is it okay, degozaru?"

Rose's face is still showing a doubtful expression. Not good. I have to remove all the doubt from her mind.

I shot her a thumbs up.

Eclair: "It's absolutely okay to do that, Rose!"

Rose: "I see..."

Rose closed herself and nodded to herself. Then, for the first time, Rose smiled at me.

Rose: "Thank You, Eclair. I will be following your advice, degozaru."

With that, she disappeared from my room.

Hehehe... I am proud of myself.

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