Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 16 - Eclair's Mission...

(Eclair's POV)

Currently, I, Eclair Seaetto, am going through a great trial. Hiro-dono is sleeping on my shoulder and my mission is to not wake him up. I must make sure that Hiro-dono has a good sleep tonight.

Calm down, Eclair. I might wake him up if I move too much. But I can't contain myself! My heart is beating fast! My face is burning! I have to stay like this. Argh, I don't think I will be able to take it anymore!

Eclair: Ah...

I involuntarily moved a little making Hiro-dono fall from my shoulder onto my l.a.p and also fell on my b.r.e.a.s.ts along the way.

Eclair: Hiro-dono.

Hiro: *snore* *snore*

It looks like he is still sleeping. But he is using my l.a.p as a pillow! It's not that I am angry about it. But how am I supposed to sleep in this situation! I poke Hiro-dono's cheek to test if he is still sleeping. It looks like he is. I poke his cheek once again. Hehehe... He's sleeping like a baby.

Hiro: Eclair... Thank you.

Wha... Wha... What's that! I look at Hiro-dono. He's saying it while sleeping. Not fair! You are really unfair, Hiro-dono! I can't deny it anymore! I am falling for this person. But I won't tell Hiro-dono yet. Knowing how much of a pervert he is, He will tease me a lot if I told him faster. I look at his sleeping face again. He's sleeping. So it's fine, right? I bend over and bring my face near his sleeping face. His face has a calm expression. Not like mine which is burning. I move closer and touch his cheek with my lips. The next moment I moved back realizing what I did and I put my fingers on my lips.

I did it! I did it! I kissed him out of my own will! I don't know how much more time I can hide these feelings from him.


(Hiro's POV after being kissed)

I got kissed. I got kissed by Eclair! Hurray! Although it's on the cheek, it means that she's becoming more aware of her feelings. I never thought I would end up in this situation, to be honest.

I asked her to read the story as I get to sit beside her but I actually got bored with the story as I already read and understood it. Then, I fell asleep. Not just because I was bored but being with Eclair and her smell gave me a sense of calmness and comfort. Anyway, I was woken up by a kiss with Eclair giving me a l.a.p pillow! Well, I will pretend to be asleep for Eclair's sake. But I really want to see what face she is making now!


(Eclair's POV)

I think it's not good to wake him up. So, I will let him sleep like this. It's just because it can't be helped. Yes, it can't be helped.

But there is only one little problem. How should I sleep with Hiro-dono sleeping on my l.a.p ?!! Hold on, Eclair. You can do this. I mean I was able to sleep in the prison. That situation was worse than this, right? I mean, at that time, I had to sleep while standing with my hands upward and sometimes even with a hungry stomach. So, this is nothing compared to that. I can easily sleep. Yes, I can.

No, I can't! The current situation is worse than prison! I don't think I will be able to sleep tonight!

(Next Morning)

(Hiro's POV)

I don't when I went back to sleep but I woke up to find that I am still sleeping on Eclair's l.a.p. Eclair put one of her hands on my forehead and the other on my shoulder. Man, having a girl give you a l.a.p pillow is really the best. This is the first time I got one though. It felt so calm yet so exciting. It reminded me of a mother giving a l.a.p pillow to her son. Is this how they feel? Well, I can't say as I am an orphan and this is my first l.a.p pillow even including my previous world. Anyway, I looked up at Eclair's face.

Eclair: *snore* *snore*

She's sleeping. And she slowly started opened her eyes. I think she woke up because I moved a little. We both look at each other not knowing what to say.

Hiro: Umm... Good Morning, Eclair.

She realized the situation she is in and she immediately started blushing. The best way to start the day is to look at a cute girl's cute expression.

Eclair: D... Don't misunderstand, Hiro-dono! You fell asleep and fell on my l.a.p. I didn't want to wake you up, so I let you sleep like that!

That doesn't explain the kiss, does it? Well, I will pretend that I don't know about it. I smile and answer back.


(Eclair's POV)

Hold yourself, Eclair! Try not to melt to that beautiful smile he is giving while lying on my lap!

Eclair: If... If you are awake, you can get up, Hiro-dono!

Hiro: Ah, yes.

Hiro-dono got up from my l.a.p.

Hiro: Are you okay? Are your t.h.i.g.hs hurting?

Eclair: I... I am fine. I will take a bath now.

I immediately got up from the bed. And tried to run into the bathroom. But I stopped after hearing Hiro-dono call my name.

I turned around. Hiro-dono is now giving a satisfied expression. He looks very happy.

Hiro: You see. You don't know this but I am an orphan. So, I never got to meet or even know my mother. This is embarrassing to say but when you gave me a l.a.p pillow, it made me really happy. And I slept yesterday with a sense of comfort. So. Thank you, Eclair.

Hiro-dono gave me a bright smile. Awawawa. Not good! Not good!

Eclair: D... Don't mention it, Hiro-dono!

I immediately turned around and ran into the bathroom and closed the door. What was that! He makes me fall for him more and more! This is also the first time he told me about his past. Always striking at surprise timings. You are really unfair, Hiro-dono!

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