Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 17 - Training Again...

(Hiro's POV)

I didn't make a move on Eclair after she came back from the bath. I also took a bath and both of us went downstairs to have breakfast. The Old Lady greeted us with a grin.

Old Lady: Fufufu... Did you enjoy your night well?

Hiro: A lot.

She kept giggling at my answer. She went near Eclair who was blushing and said in a low voice.

Old Lady: You know, I never thought you could scream that hard. You must have had a wild night yesterday.

Eclair's face went completely red to the tip of the ears and fumes were coming out from her head. I guess she remembered the bathroom incident. Well, I am getting hard again. Control. Control.

Hiro: Umm... Madam, It would be good if you didn't talk about it with her. She is very delicate in these matters.

Old Lady: Fufufu... Pardon me. The breakfast is ready. Please have it.

We sat on a table and the lady served us breakfast. It's omurice. And I must agree, this lady here makes food more delicious than what I ate in the castle on the first day.

Hiro: It's delicious, madam.

Old Lady: Oh my, thank you for the praise. But you shouldn't praise someone else's cooking when you are with your wife, Mister.

Hiro: Oh, she doesn't know how to cook. Usually, I do the cooking.

Old Lady: Even then, you shouldn't say that, boy. Look how upset she is.

I look at Eclair who is pouting at me. Cute.

Eclair: I... I am not upset. *pout*

A tsundere pout makes it even cuter!

Old Lady: Fufufu... Look at her. Make sure you comfort her tonight as well just like you did yesterday.

Old Lady told me while grinning at us. I shot her a thumbs up.

Hiro: I will, Madam.

I look at Eclair. Yep, she is already blushing. I want to tease her more.


(At weapons shop)

Erhard: Welcome. How did you enjoy your night?

Hiro: It is the best night of my life.

Eclair immediately started blushing. Erhard started grinning.

Erhard: Oh... It looks like a lot is happening.

Eclair: N... Nothing happened! They were just a series of accidents! Hiro-dono! You are not allowed to tell anyone else!

Hiro: Hahaha... Alright... Alright... Let's get equipped then. We need to go and do some training and experiments.

Eclair: Ah okay.

Today, we will do some sparring too. Well, I will get myself hit if Eclair got serious so that she won't doubt.


(Eclair's POV)

We went to the forest to do some training. We also took a bag from Uncle's shop to put our loot in there. And we went a little deeper into the forest to hunt more balloons. Although I am still embarrassed about what happened, it's time to get serious. Both of us removed our helmets.

Eclair: Alright, Hiro-dono. We will first clear the monsters nearby and then do some sparring.

Hiro: Okay.

And so I cleared every monster nearby. There are some Orange, Yellow and Red Balloons. Hiro-dono collected the materials and unlocked two shields. Red and Yellow shields. It seems that the Red shield is stronger than Yellow. So, we concluded that the Unlocked shield will be stronger and useful with stronger monsters' materials. Anyway now I have to train Hiro-dono. I have to be a good teacher as Hiro-dono is relying on me.

Hiro-dono is relying on me. He is relying on me. Hehehe... This isn't the time to get fl.u.s.tered, Eclair! I need to help him become stronger!

Eclair: Alright, Hiro-dono. Let's start our sparring. I will try to hit you seriously and you will try to dodge or block them. You already have good reflexes, Hiro-dono. I will not go easy on you even though this is our first time.

Hiro: ...

Hiro-dono started blushing. Why is he starting to act cute now ?!! Don't melt, Eclair. Don't melt to that handsome face there.

Eclair: What is it, Hiro-dono?

Hiro: Well... How do I put it? When you said, "I will not go easy on you even though this is our first time.", it sounded weird.

I immediately understood what he meant and started blushing.

Eclair: Hiro-dono! Stop teasing me!

Hiro: Hahaha... I like how cute you look when you start blushing, Eclair.

Stop! This is supposed to be training! Training! Calling me cute at a time like this is forbidden! Or else I won't be able to concentrate!

Eclair: H... Hiro-dono! From now on teasing me during training is forbidden!

Hiro: Hahaha... Alright... Alright...

Thankfully, Hiro-dono agreed to this.

Hiro: By the way, Eclair.

Eclair: Yes.

Hiro: That means I can tease you as much as I want when we aren't training, right?

I immediately became red when he said that. I want to say no but I can't. Will he stop calling me cute if I said no? But I don't want that.

Eclair: S... Stop inferring things as you like, Hiro-dono! Let's start training!

Hiro: Hahaha... You didn't deny it.

I didn't say anything and lifted my sword and pointed at him.

Eclair: Enough with chatting. Let's start sparring, Hiro-dono.

And I immediately start attacking him. Hiro-dono normally tries to escape when I am trying to hit him but this time it's different. He is concentrating more to block my attacks more. I think he has some fighting experience from his world or else he won't be able to keep up like this. Anyway, I am gradually increasing the speed and number of attacks to see the extent he will be able to keep up. I was finally able to land a hit on him and we stopped.

Hiro: Haa... Haa... How did I do?

Eclair: You did well for a beginner, Hiro-dono. Do you have any experience in fighting from your previous world?

Hiro: Well. Yeah. I used to do some basic training.

Eclair: A... Anyway, G... Given the fact that I am considered to be one of the top 5 swordsmen in the country and you were able to block that many attacks of mine, I think training you won't be difficult, Hiro-dono.

If I am able to concentrate, that is.

Hiro: Wow, you are one of the top 5 swordsmen in the country ?!! That's so cool Eclair! I am glad to have you as my partner!

Awawawa! Stop it! Stop praising me with that bright smile! Hold it, Eclair. Try not to melt to that bright smile and the praise he is giving you. Argh! I take back my words! Training Hiro-dono is going to be one of the most difficult things in my life!

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