Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 19 - Eclair's Secret...

(Hiro's POV just before going to sleep in Eclair's L.a.p Pillow)

I love you, Eclair.

That's what I wanted to say when she started singing a lullaby while patting my head. For me who was an orphan for about nineteen years. And someone who doesn't even know how my mother looks like. I envied those who had a loving mother.

No matter how much I earned in my previous world, I wasn't able to find someone to love. Even though I earned a lot of money, I wished I was dead. Because there was nothing for me to do there anymore. I don't know if it was my curse or blessing, but I had a great intuition about people. And that made me put everyone who had a bad nature away from me. There are some people with good nature too. But they didn't do anything to help me when I am in a bad situation. So, I avoided them too and became a loner. That's why I am glad that I died. Well, the money I earned and my shares every month will be directed to the orphanage, that I was raised at, according to my will. So, no problems with that.

When I became a loner, I turned to the 2D world as that is the only place where I could find girls with honest and pure feelings. All I wanted was a girl with a good personality who is truly in love with me. Is that a hard thing to ask? I hate the reality about the girls in my previous world so much that it even made me a Yandere fetishist. As their love is pure. even though their methods are impure.

I always wanted a girl I like to treat me like this. Like a mother putting her child to sleep. That's why I asked Eclair to pat my head. Ah, the beautiful lullaby while having a l.a.p pillow with your hair being patted. So calm. So pleasant.

Eclair Seaetto. I don't know how much you have fallen for me yet but from this moment. I am completely head over heels for you.

So, wait for a little. When the time comes, I will say these three words to you properly.

I love you.

With that confession, my consciousness faded and I drifted off to sleep.


(Eclair's POV after Hiro started sleeping)

Hiro-dono is sleeping peacefully. Hehehe... He is such a baby when he is sleeping. I poke his cheek. He... He won't wake up if I kiss him again, right?

What the hell are you thinking, Eclair ?!! Don't take advantage of a sleeping person! But... But Hiro-dono teases me a lot. So, it is okay, isn't it?

I moved my face near to his. And brought my lips closer to his. Stop! I immediately moved away from his face. What was I about to do ?!! It's good that I stopped right at the time.

Suddenly, Hiro-dono suddenly started mumbling.

Wha... Wha... Wha... What ?!! He said it, didn't he ?!! He... He confessed to me! I am so happy! I wanted to jump! But I realized I can't move. He is still sleeping! Not fair, Hiro-dono! Not fair at all! You can't say that to me in your sleep! Say it directly to my face! I can't even move! I can't even say that I love you too! How can you sleep like that ?!! After pushing this much onto me! You are not fair, Hiro-dono! Not fair at all!

I look at his cute sleeping face once again. I can't help but smile at that. He doesn't even know that he confessed to me. It is really unfair that you are calmly sleeping in this situation while I am trying this hard to contain myself, Hiro-dono. I whispered back.

Eclair: I love you too.

I moved my face near to his face again. And this time, I kissed him. not on the lips but on his forehead. I will save my first kiss for the time you truly confessed to me. And this one will be my little secret. It's not fair that only he gets to tease me every time, is it? And after he confessed to me for real, I could tease him with this. Hehehe.

I once again look at the cute sleeping face of an innocent person who doesn't even know of what he has just done. My heart rate is not slowing down at all. But I have to contain myself so that I won't wake him up.

Eclair: You are really unfair, Hiro-dono.

I say while smiling and patting his head. I don't know when he would confess to me directly. I have to wait for that while he can take his own time to confess. I just hope that it won't be long.

Eclair: Good grief... How unpleasant.


(Eclair's POV)

Hiro-dono opened his eyes to find me staring at him. He said nothing but just smiled at me. I smiled back. That's it, Eclair. Act natural. You can jump in joy as much as you can when he is not seeing. Just make sure that he doesn't figure out that something is wrong. Just act natural. I smiled back at him.

Hiro: Good Evening, Eclair!

Awawawa! That smile is having an even bigger impact on me now! Even then, I won't lose myself! I keep smiling and greet him back.

Eclair: Good Evening, Hiro-dono.

Hiro: Alright, what happened when I was asleep?

He figured it out!

Eclair: Wha... What are you talking about, Hiro-dono?

Hiro: Something's wrong with the way you are acting.

What are you talking about, Hiro-dono ?!! Do you know how hard it was for me to contain myself ?!! I did my best to try not to lose myself! *Sigh* It's no use.

Hiro: That... I think you wouldn't want to know that.

Eclair: Don't worry, Hiro-dono. I am ready to take it. How much worse could it be? Please say it.

Hiro: Well, It's actually simple. Whenever you are fl.u.s.tered and trying to contain yourself, you tend to act like a Tsundere. But you didn't do it now. Normally, you would try hard not to smile but this time, you are trying hard to smile.

Eclair: ...

I don't know how to react to that answer. So, he knew that I was acting when I kept denying him the whole time. I immediately covered face with my hands. I am so embarrassed right now! Don't look! Don't look at me!

Eclair: If you knew, why didn't you say something ?!!

Hiro: Well, You looked cute when you are doing that.

Stop giving me even more damage! I am already in a bad situation here!

Hiro: Now, would you like to tell me what happened when I was asleep?

Alright, I will say it! It's not fair that only I am taking the damage!

Eclair: Y... You. *mumble* *mumble*

I can't say it! This is a double-edged sword! It's embarrassing for me too!

Hiro: Could you say it once more? I didn't hear you clearly.

Eclair: You c... con. *mumble* *mumble*

Hiro: Could you say it a little loud, Eclair?

Eclair: You confessed to me!

So much for my two hours' secret. There was a moment of silence after that and Hiro-dono finally opened his mouth.

Hiro: I think I didn't hear it clearly. could you say that again?

Eclair: Are you trying to kill me ?!!

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