Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 40 - Discussing with Rose ...

(Hiro's POV)

Rose - Thank you for the delicious meals, degozaru... Shall we get back to our discussion, degozaru...

Rose finished eating what we brought for her and immediately went back to her job...

Hiro - Well, rather than discussing all that in this alley, I think we should find a place for us to sit and talk... Do you know some places like that ??

Rose - I am highly trained to disguise myself but we can't meet and talk in public, degozaru... So, the best possible meeting point would be your secret hideout that we couldn't find no matter how hard we searched... degozaru...

Eclair - No way !! T... That is... is not a good m... meeting point...

Eclair immediately rejected that idea with a bright red face... Secret meetings in love hotel huh... For some reason, that name sounds like some h.e.n.t.a.i ??

Rose - Why is it not ??

Eclair - Because... it's a *mumble* *mumble*...

Eclair started mumbling at the end of the sentence with a flushed face... Cute...

Rose - I see, so that's why we weren't able to find you... degozaru...

Eclair - You heard it ??

Rose - Shadows' senses are sharp degozaru... I clearly heard that you said 'Love Hotel' degozaru...

Eclair - You don't have to say it out loud !!

Eclair covered her bright face with her hands in embarrassment... Fortunately, this side of her just makes my heart go doki doki... I don't want to be hard for 24/7 after all...

Rose - You don't have to be embarrassed, degozaru... But would you please tell me the time you will be indulging in s.e.x.u.a.l activities, degozaru ??

That was out of nowhere... I don't know if this girl realizes it or not but she is a natural teaser... But being able to tease others without any expression makes her a pro...

Eclair - If you don't want me to embarrassed, stop asking even more embarrassing questions !! In the first place, why do you want to know our s... I mean, that time ?!!

Rose - If there is an important message that I should convey to you, I can't just come into your room while you are having s.e.x, can I, degozaru ??

Hiro - Well, you can... I mean, I don't have a problem with a girl seeing our n.a.k.e.d bodies...

Rose - Very well then, if you would tell me the love hotel you are staying at...

Eclair - Stop deciding on those things like they are nothing !! Hiro !! Your body is mine !! I can't let another girl see you !! Alright, you want us to know the time we do it ?!! We do it... *mumble* *mumble* *mumble*

Rose - Got it... Mostly you do it for about four hours straight after dinner... Sometimes it can go to six hours and there are also mornings...

Eclair - Alright, I get it !! You have a good sense of hearing !! Don't say it out loud !!

Eclair couldn't bear it anymore and buried her face into my c.h.e.s.t to hide her embarrassment... I just kept laughing at the whole situation and kept admiring the cuteness of embarrassed Eclair... I started patting Eclair's head...

Hiro - Hahaha... Thanks, Rose... That was a great moment...

Rose - I was just doing my job, degozaru... I can't understand why you are thanking me, degozaru...

Her eyes... She is telling the truth... I guess, she doesn't completely understand love... For some reason, it made me more interested in her... I want to see her smile naturally...

I gave her the directions to the love hotel and Uncle Erhard's weapon shop...

Rose - As you wish, degozaru... Now then, would you like to briefly describe how you survived till now... Like your training, how you earned money etc...

Eclair and I summarized the whole events of what happened until now... Of course, Eclair made me skip all our lovey-dovey parts...

Rose - I see... Thank you for explaining to me, degozaru... I have to convey this information to the Queen now, degozaru... If you would need some help from the Queen, please convey it to me, degozaru...

Now, time to get her...

Hiro - Well, you see, we are looking for more companions to fight with us in the Waves... So, I would need help from Queen to find trustworthy companions... The ones that will never betray...

And with this, I will get Raphtalia... Knowing Mirellia, she will definitely try to keep the connection between me and her as a secret... So, she can't just recommend an adventurer or make her Shadows as my companions... So, the only trustworthy people that she could recommend in this country are Slaves... Eclair might be somewhat uncomfortable about it but she also knows that Slavery can't be abolished even by the Queen as long as there isn't complete peace between Melromarc and Siltvelt... As long as these two countries make people from their opposite countries as slaves, abolishing slavery in one country will cause a revolution from its people... Even the Queen's powers have their limits after all... So, she chose a long term process that would take years to abolish slavery i.e building a home for demi-humans but the first Wave completely destroyed that plan... Poor woman...

Rose - I see, I will convey it to her Majesty, degozaru...

Eclair - And also... Could you see if the Queen could do something about my identity... I mean, once Hiro goes into the public, the kingdom might try to put a false accusation on me again... to frame Hiro again...

Saying that she vanished from there...

Eclair shouldn't have asked for that... Knowing Queen, she will definitely propose the safest method that is making Eclair my slave... Slaves lose their identity once they become slaves... If Eclair became a Slave, her identity won't be questioned...

Melromarc has human slaves too... Some become slaves through debts, some through crimes and some are illegally sold to slavery... Come to think of it, if this follows the LN plot, Bitch must have already sold a few girls, that Motoyasu tried to pick into his team, to slavery by now... Well, I don't care though... I am not a hero and I won't save them no matter how pitiful they are... It's the same as not stopping the Waves... I don't believe in that "With great power, comes great responsibility" bullshit... I will just leave Spiderman to belive that thing...

Anyway, Eclair as my slave huh... It can't be avoided now... Eclair will easily accept because she loves me a lot but... I can definitely say that she will be uncomfortable with it... Hmm... What can I do to make Eclair happy ?? Ah, I got it...

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