Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 41 - Rose's report...

(Third Person POV)

By the time of midnight, Rose managed to come back to the Queen's location to report that day's events...

Mirellia - Welcome back... I was waiting for you... Take off your mask... It's useless now...

Melty - Me too !!

Rose removed her mask to reveal her beautiful expressionless face...

Rose - Shouldn't Melty-sama be in bed by now, degozaru ??

Rose is Melty's personal Shadow and can also be considered as Melty's unofficial caretaker because Melty acts with proper etiquette because she is afraid that Rose might report it to her mother if she did anything wrong... So, things like staying late overnight, wandering off somewhere far for fresh air are a no go for Melty...

Melty - We didn't meet yesterday !! So, I asked Mother to let me stay awake to meet you today... Of course, I would be worried if my personal shadow is running here and there...

Rose - I am grateful that you are worried about me, degozaru...

Mirellia - Alright, both of you can talk later but first...

Mirellia - Eat it, you have been running here and there for a lot of time... You must have been really hungry... You can tell us your report after that...

Rose - I am not hungry, degozaru... Shield Hero already made me eat some food once he confirmed that I was sent by her Majesty... degozaru...

Mirellia smiled hearing that...

Melty - He seems like a good guy... Even though he doesn't have the will to save the world, he seems to be considerate of those near him...

Mirellia - The more reason we can't let him get away... Anyway, shadow-degozaru, you must have eaten this afternoon. So, you must still eat dinner...

Rose ate the food that was prepared for her...

Mirellia - Alright, Now I want a detailed report of what happened today...

Rose - Your Majesty was right, degozaru... That was indeed a test for you and the first thing he asked me to do was to throw away my weapons and take off my mask... After that, I gave him her Majesty's letter... The girl beside him, who turned out to be Eclair Seaetto as you predicted, confirmed the royal seal and your signature... They read the contents of the letter and confirmed that you are on their side...

Melty - Why is he playing games like this ??

Mirellia - As I said, it's a warning for us...

Melty - And are you still going to manipulate him into fighting the Waves, Mother ?? He will know the truth someday...

Mirellia - I will keep manipulating him as long as I am not in the country... And once I am back, I will personally tell him the truth, ask for forgiveness and accept any kind of punishment from him... But now... It will have to be this way...

Mirellia said with a guilty look in her eyes... Melty is really worried about her mother... Mirellia took a glass of wine and started drinking and told the shadow to continue...

Rose - It seems that the Shield Hero became suspicious from the moment he was summoned and looked for clues and found Eclair Seaetto in the prison in the castle... Eclair Seaetto told him the truth about this country and he helped her escape and the next day, he made all that drama in the throne room... And after that, both of them went into hiding... They are being supported by a weapons shop owner named Erhard... degozaru...

Melty - Where were they hiding ??

Rose - In a love hotel, degozaru...

Mirellia immediately did a spit-take and Melty's face went completely red...

Melty - L... Lo... Love hotel ?!!

Mirellia - Hahahaha !! Of all the places... I can't understand how a proper knight like Eclair accepted that...

Rose - It seems that both of them are in love with each other... degozaru...

Mirellia dropped the glass this time... Melty just kept staring...

Mirellia - Eclair is in love ?? Seriously ?? Hiro-sama made her actually fall for him ??

Rose - I don't know about love... So, I will state the qualities that she showed... Please conclude it yourself, degozaru... Shield Hero calls himself a harem-seeking guy...

Melty - Pervert !! Playboy !! Womanizer !!

Mirellia - That's normal for heroes... Is he also hitting on you ??

Mirellia said while taking another glass of wine...

Rose - Again, I don't know... So, please conclude it yourself... He gave me a name...

Melty - Wait what ??

Rose - It seems that it would be better if he has a name with which he could call me... So, he gave me the name 'Rose'... It seems that it's the name of a beautiful flower from his world... That flower has different colors that represent different feelings... It seems 'Ruza' that he took from 'Degozaru' means Rose and he might have given that name to me as an irony...

Melty - That is a beautiful name though... I will also call you 'Rose' from now on then... Is that okay with you ??

Mirellia - Me too... I also like that name...

Rose - You can call me anything you want, degozaru... Ah, and he also said that it is okay for me if I came into their room when they are having s.e.x... degozaru...

Mirellia dropped the glass again...

Mirellia - I will stop drinking until this conversation is over...

Melty - S... S... S.e.x ?!!

Rose - Mostly they do it for about four hours straight after dinner... Sometimes it can go to six hours and there are also mornings... degozaru...

Melty's face is completely red and her eyes are rolling and she might faint at any moment...

Mirellia - Eclair is having s.e.x ?? And to that extent ?? I thought that girl might be forever single knowing how much of a muscle-head she is... But this makes Shield Hero even more valuable... Eclair is Seaetto's daughter and if she and the Shield Hero got married... That might be a chance to support demi-humans in our country... Daughter of the person who cared for them in the past and the Hero who they worship...

A smile immediately formed on Mirellia's face... She summoned all the other Shadows...

Mirellia - Alright, it's decided... No matter what, the church shouldn't even be able to touch them... Kill their spies if needed and if you killed one of them to save Eclair and Hiro-sama, kill other spies randomly so that the Church will be in confusion of where to strike next... The Church might know that I am behind the scenes but as long as they can't prove it, it's okay...

All the Shadows except Rose nodded and disappeared from there...

Mirellia - Anyway, Rose... What is Eclair's reaction to Hiro-sama's harem plan ?? Well... Knowing that muscle-head, she must have easily accepted it...

Rose - She is against it, degozaru...

Mirellia - What ?? Seriously ?? Oh my gosh, that child is growing...

Rose - It's true, degozaru... She is completely possessive of him, degozaru... She released a huge amount of killing intent warning me not to fall in love, degozaru...

Mirellia - Well... She might have grown in another weird way... What is Hiro-sama's reaction about that ??

Rose - He got an erection... degozaru...

Mirellia/Melty - What ??

Rose - He got an erection... I mean, his p.e.n.i.s went into a rigid and enlarged state that is normally induced due to s.e.x.u.a.l excitation... Or that's what I read in the book... degozaru...

Melty already fainted... Mirellia just kept staring at Rose who explained all of it without a single change in her expression...

Mirellia - Well, I know that people from other worlds are weird but getting hard when the person you love released killing intent ??

Mirellia decided to stop thinking about it...

Mirellia - So, let's keep that matter aside... Do they have any requests for me ??

Rose - Two, degozaru... The first one is that they are searching for companions that they can trust...

Mirellia - A slave... A demi-human slave to be exact... Explain to them about how slaves can't betray their masters and take them to a slave trader who sells only demi-humans and also who is legal and doesn't ill-treat his slaves... I don't want Eclair to go on a rampage... Knowing her, she will kill that slave trader on the spot if he mistreats his slaves...

Rose - Why a demi-human slave to be exact ??

Mirellia - It looks like the Shield Hero is interested in women and if he chose a demi-human girl for his harem... And married her along with Eclair Seaetto... The Shield Hero that married a human and a demi-human... An ultimate symbol of peace... What is the next request ??

Rose - About Eclair Seaetto's identity, if she doesn't have any identity, they fear that the Church might try to frame them again...

Mirellia - Make her Hiro-sama's slave... That's the best and safest way... Just tell them that they could use the lowest-grade slave seal so that Eclair could keep her will... The only condition is that Eclair must always tell the truth and can't kill Hiro-sama... She can resist any other order if she wishes to... That will be easy to follow as they are in love... But Eclair might be uncomfortable... She fought against it after all... And even if she is a slave only in name, she will be still seen as a slave... But she will understand that this is the best method...

Rose - As you wish, your majesty...

Saying that Rose disappeared from there but she made sure to put Melty on the bed who went to sleep after fainting... Mirellia went near Melty and kept smiling while brushing Melty's hair and looked out of the window into the sky...

Mirellia - You don't know how much of an opportunity you are to me and this world, Hiro-sama... I am not gonna leave you no matter what...

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