Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 51 - Unknown Shadows...

(After the 'report' incident)

(Third Person POV)

Mirellia - I can't believe that the Eclair I know is having s.e.x like this... Who could have known that she has such a wild side ??

Mirellia said after slightly taking a glance at Rose's 'report' with a blushed face... Immediately, Mirellia hid those reports somewhere safe...

Mirellia - Listen well, Rose... About these reports... They will be a secret between you and me... Not even Melty should know about these, okay ??

Rose - Affirmative, degozaru...

Mirellia - Alright, continue with your report...

Rose - The next day, I told them to go where the slave trader is and I followed in my shadow form... And there is a little bit of surprise for us shadows here... That tent is already being watched by some more shadows... degozaru...

Mirellia immediately got serious...

Mirellia - Are you kidding me ?!! Who would hire Shadows to observe a slave tent... unless, they are observing either the slave trader or some slave he took in... Or they might be hired by the church to look over a slave tent because that's the only way for Shield Hero to get companions...

Mirellia - Even the church is sure that Shield Hero needs a slave, they won't be knowing which slave trader he will be going to... So, that can't be the case... And the slave trader does have anything shady for him to be followed like that... So, they must be observing one of the slaves...

Rose - It is as your majesty said, degozaru... Those shadows are observing a ten-year-old half-raccoon slave... And coincidentally, the Shield Hero bought that exact slave... The shadows immediately started following the Shield Hero once he came out of the tent with that half-raccoon slave... degozaru...

Mirellia - What did you do ??

Rose - They didn't know that there is another set of shadows that is observing them, so we took it to our advantage... We blended one of our shadows with them... And once we got the chance, we killed all of them except one to get the information... degozaru...

Mirellia - What information did you get ??

Rose - The captured shadow exploded itself shouting 'Glory to the Heavenly Emperor'... degozaru...

Mirellia's eyes immediately became wide...

Mirellia - You have got to be kidding me... Q'ten Lo ?!!

Rose - Yes... It seems that those Shadows come from the very country where the Shadows had their origin... And it seems that they are working for the royalty of Q'ten Lo... degozaru...

Mirellia - What information do you have about the half-raccoon slave's past ??

Rose - Nothing... We just know that her name is Raphtalia... Even the slave traders knows nothing about her past... He just bought her from her previous owner after she was tortured and got sick... degozaru...

Mirellia was not surprised hearing that... It is common for demi-human slaves to be tortured like that... She chose to put an end to it by giving them a home but that was destroyed by the Wave...

Mirellia - *Sigh* How can a ten-year-old kid be involved with the royalty of Q'ten Lo... Unless... Unless the kid might be royalty herself... But if she is royalty, why observe her and let her be a slave ?? *Sigh* The more I think, the more complicated it becomes... Let's leave it for now... Continue your report...

Rose - Hiro-sama looked at all the slaves and bought the half-raccoon slave... A sick child with mental disease and also one of the cheapest slaves out there... And he adopted her as his daughter... degozaru...

Mirellia - What ?? Why ??

Rose - I don't know... degozaru... It seems that Eclair-sama knows it but they aren't willing to say it, degozaru... But they are very serious about the adoption as they even changed their plan to let Raphtalia have some rest after curing her with the medicine they have... They decided to go public tomorrow...

Mirellia was again taken aback by the report but soon started smiling...

Mirellia - History repeats itself huh... He doesn't know how much he is helping me by adopting her... Hahaha... You become more valuable day by day, Hiro-sama... Continue with your previous orders, Rose... And tell your fellow Shadows to be more careful about those Shadows from Q'ten Lo... If you find one, kill them as they won't be revealing anything...

Saying that Rose disappeared from there...


(Raphtalia's POV)

Master and Mistress took me into a forest... Why here ?? Are they adventurers ?? Do they kill monsters to earn money ?? But... But I am scared of monsters !! Master and Mistress didn't order me to do anything instead, they cleared all the balloon monsters in the area themselves...

I can easily tell that they are of a high level and very skilled at this... But the thing that I found odd was that while Mistress is using a sword, Master is using a weird shield... It just changes its form however master wants it to...

After they cleared the area, they came to me...

Hiro - Alright, Raphtalia... What I am about to say to you is going to be very complicated but I will tell you our story from the start... After that you will be given two choices, you need to choose one of them, okay ??

I nodded... What is he about to say ?? Their story ?? I also want to know more about Master and Mistress...

Hiro - Alright, you just saw me fight, did you find anything weird about me ??

Hiro - Exactly... The truth is, Raphtalia, I am not from this world... I was summoned to this world to fight the Waves... They call me the Shield Hero...

I blinked not being able to believe my ears...

Raphtalia - Shield... Hero ??

Hiro - That's right...

Immediately voices ran in my head...

"The Shield Hero, in particular, treated us demi-humans very well"(Raphtalia's Father)

"Really!! Then I would like to meet him someday !!"(Raphtalia)

"If you are a good girl, I am sure you will meet him someday"(Raphtalia's Mother)

"I want to marry someone like... someone like the Legendary Shield Hero!"(Rifana)

I immediately hugged Master and cried in his arms...

Raphtalia - I wanted to meet you for a long time !! Daddy and Mommy said that you will be kind to us and I will be able to meet you if I am a good girl !! I met you... So that means, I am a good girl, aren't I, Master ??

Master gently patted my back...

Master - Yep... My Raphtalia is a very good girl... And I will protect you from now on... I promised that I will make you happy, didn't I ??

Raphtalia - Master !! Master !!

I cried even louder... Those are the words that I wanted to hear... And they came right from the person who I wanted to hear from... Hiro Iwatani... My master and the Shield Hero...

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