Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 57 - The Joy of Parents...

(After three days)

(Eclair's POV)

Raphtalia - "I am hungry..."

Eclair - "Again ??"

Hiro - "Let's go get something to eat !!"

We are currently in a village called Riyute looking for an inn... It seems that there is only one inn in this village... Why are we in this village ?? It's all thanks to my daughter...

It's been only five days since we took Raphtalia... And she is level 15 now... I can't believe that Hiro's shield can affect a slave's growth at this rate... Well, it's also abnormal considering we almost wiped out all the monsters in the forest...

Raphtalia's appetite is growing more day by day... Uncle Erhard said that this has something to do with her levels and Raphtalia stopped him from saying more... Seriously, doesn't that mean the more she levels up, the more hungry she gets ?? Well, considering our budget, it isn't a problem...

I was already at something called level cap... We asked Rose about it and we were informed that I have to undergo class change to level up further... Hiro said that it's better if they went to the church when the other heroes go there... Or else, the church would definitely stop us from leveling... So, we are currently waiting for the heroes to come back to the Castle town...

Or that was supposed to be the plan... Since we wiped out almost all the monsters in the forest, Raphtalia wants to go to a place with more monsters to level up more... Uncle Erhard suggested this village called Riyute... It seems that some of the First Wave monsters were found around that village...

And so, once we found out from Rose that none of the heroes are going to be back to Castle Town, at least for another three days, we arrived in this village... We will be leveling up around this area until Rose came to us with the information regarding the heroes going back to the capital... Hiro asked to leave the Spear Hero out of their surveillance as it won't be of use to us even if he came back to the capital... So, the Shadows are currently surveilling only Sword and Bow heroes...

"Well, you will find many like that in that cave... No one goes into that cave anymore because of the First Wave monsters... Man, the light metal ores in that cave fetch a good price... It's a pity that no one can enter it..."

That's what the stranger said... It looks like we are going to have a new source of income soon if we hunt down the monsters here...

And so, we went near the cave, there is a small abandoned hut just outside the cave and it has a lot of tools for mining... Hiro started absorbing them into the shield... Hiro unlocked a lot of weird shields these three days that I completely stopped caring about it...

Hiro - "Hmm... It looks like I got another very useful skill, Eclair..."

There are very fewer skills that Hiro considers very useful... Currently, the ones on that list are:

'Shooting Star Shield' from Meteor Shield which creates a barrier around him and lets his companions attack from inside but stops the attacks from outside...

'Shield Prison' from Pipe Shield that makes a sphere-like prison of shields around the target of size less than a certain amount...

'Shield Return' from his favorite Magic Silver Circular Shield, which Hiro calls the Cap's Shield, which can return back the shield back to his hand in an instant... No time limits or cooldown periods for this skill like the above two...

'Accelerated Stats growth' from Slave User Shield that increases the stats of his slaves at a higher rate than normal...

Hiro - This is Rope Shield and the useful skill I mentioned is... Air Strike Shield...

The moment he said that a green shield appeared in the air out of nowhere... Wow... That's really another useful skill...

Hiro - "Alright !! Let's go hunt some monsters and do some mining !!"

Raphtalia - "Yay !!"

Raphtalia becomes really energetic when Hiro mentions monster hunting... We entered the cave... In the cave, I found some footprints... It looks like it belongs to a dog... I looked at Raphtalia... Her expression turned from a cheerful one into a little bit frightened one...

I know the reason... She is afraid of dogs... The boss monster of the First Wave is a three-headed dog... I think it's called Cereberus... We lost many people while fighting that thing... Going by Raphtalia's story, that thing killed her biological parents before we came to the village...

Eclair - "Raphtalia, will you be okay ??"

Hiro - "Yeah, we can go back if you aren't ready for this..."

Raphtalia didn't look at us but shook her head sideways and said while gripping her sword tightly...

Raphtalia - "No... I can do this..."

Hiro - "Fine... Let's go..."

We didn't say anything to each other from then... That's right... If Raphtalia wants to fight, she should get rid of her fears... And going by the footprints, it will be easy for Raphtalia to take care of it...

We reached the waterfall inside the cave which is the mining area... Hiro started mining... I looked at Raphtalia... Suddenly, her face turned to that of horror...


Hiro and I became alert and kept Raphtalia behind us once we heard the sound... And it appeared, a two-headed black dog... The footprints don't belong to this one... They belonged to some other smaller monster... Raphtalia won't be able to take this monster with her fear... It's better for her to start with smaller dog-type monsters... So, I think Hiro and I should take on this one... I looked at Hiro and he nodded...

Eclair - "Don't worry, Raphtalia... We will take care of it..."

The moment I said it, I saw Raphtalia running towards the monster and shouting...

Raphtalia - "You Moonsterrrrr !!"

The dog tried with both of its faces to attack Raphtalia but Raphtalia dodged both of them and stabbed in one of its heads from below with her sword... The only emotion I can see in Raphtalia is rage... pure rage...

Raphtalia - "Are you not satisfied in taking my parents from me once ?!! You want to take them again ?!!"

She pulled out the sword from one of its faces and sliced the neck with another face...

Raphtalia - "Like hell, I will let you do that, you stupid dog !!"

The two-headed... now one-headed dog tried to attack her with its claws... But Raphtalia sliced off all of its legs one by one... And once it fell down, She stabbed the dog right where its heart is...

Raphtalia - "Die !! Die !! You won't take them from me again !!"

By the time she stopped stabbing, she was already covered in blood... She turned towards us and smiled at us...

Raphtalia - "Hehehe... I killed it... Daddy... Mommy... It won't be able to hurt you anymore..."

She went overboard... I have to give her a lecture on Yandereness again... Hiro immediately ran towards her and lifted her with his arms and rotated her... You yandere-con... Wait, something is different... He was happier than usual... Normally he would be mesmerized but he was rotating her and kissing her on the cheek with one of the happiest faces I have ever seen him with...

Hiro - "You finally called me 'Daddy'... Yahoo !! Say it !! Say it again !!"

Raphtalia - "Daddy !!"

Immediately my eyes widened... That's right... She called him 'Daddy'... And... And she called me 'Mommy'... Yahoo !! I immediately took her from Hiro and started rotating her myself...

Eclair - "Call me 'Mommy' again !!"

Raphtalia - "Mommy !!"

Yes !! Finally !! My daughter called me 'Mommy' !! I can understand Hiro's emotion... Everything else can wait for some other time... For now, I just want her to hear her call me 'Mommy' as many times as I can !!

Raphtalia - "I love you, Daddy and Mommy !!"

Hiro and I kept kissing her and made her say it again and again... We didn't even care about the dead body or the blood... All we want now is to hear it... By the time, we contained ourselves, it was already evening...

Hiro - "By the way, Eclair..."

Eclair - "Yes ??"

Hiro - "I won the bet... She called me 'Daddy' first..."

Eclair - "Dammit !!"

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