Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 59 - A Naive Girl's Fate...

(Two days later)

(Rino's POV)

(Author Note - You will understand everything about Rino at the end of the chapter... LN readers might have already guessed what is about to happen... For now, just know that she is the mage at Motoyasu's party... And Rino is too trusting of others and the second most naive member of Motoyasu's party after Motoyasu until a certain incident)

My name is Rino... I used to be a Level 15 small-time adventurer... Then, I saw the country's announcement about the heroes summoning and recruitment of adventurers who want to adventure with them...

I am a fan of the legend of Four Cardinal Heroes... My late mother used to tell those stories during my bedtime... I wanted to meet them so I immediately applied for it... The recruitment process was also a little strange... The first thing they asked is who I want to adventure with... Well, personally, I am okay with any of them, to be honest... There are some rumors about Shield Hero being a devil and whatnot but I would like to believe it false... Because Mother taught me to look for the good in everyone and Shield Hero is no exception because most of the people are good and there are very rare occasions where a person turns out to be bad... Like people who does Slavery business...

I am a long-ranged mage using staff specialized in the wind and dark magic... I can also create a defensive barrier and act as support... So, I ruled out Shield and Bow and answered I would be okay with either Spear or Sword and I got qualified after they looked at my history... But for some reason, I got a feeling that the most that were ruled out said the Shield in common... Maybe they just couldn't meet the requirements...

And after that, we were told to choose our own hero... I looked at the Sword and Spear heroes and I found Sword Hero's gaze very cold... So, I chose the handsome looking Spear Hero... But imagine my surprise when the Shield Hero got no volunteers... I felt sorry for him and thought of joining his party but before I could say anything, he quit... Well, no one can force him if he doesn't want to be a hero...

And that's how I started my adventure with Motoyasu-sama... But everything didn't go as I expected... Motoyasu-sama does all the work himself... He doesn't let me kill a single monster... Myne, Lesty, and Elena are completely okay with it... I know he is just a very kind person but I would be happier to fight together with him...

I always tried to convince him but he doesn't agree at all... I don't know if I should be happy or sad that this person is too kind...

And by the way, it was revealed to us that Myne is the first princess of this country... I am not just traveling with the Spear Hero but also the First princess... Well, I got a little inferiority complex from then as the other three are related to Royalty and Nobles... I guess that's also the reason why many people joined the group and chose to quit just after a while... But I chose to stay with the group...

After that, another incident happened... It seems that Myne was r.a.p.ed by some random person who wanted to frame Shield Hero... This is another example of a rare bad person... He must be burned to death...

But after that, Elena told me her doubts about this **** case... Maybe, we were missing something... Something doesn't add up... And I also started doubting about it... I talked about it with Motoyasu-sama a few times but he always said nothing but "I will find him and I will kill him, no matter what..."

And now...

Motoyasu - "Hey, Rino !! You free today ?? Want to go on a date ??"

Rino - "I don't know... Do I ?? I wonder..."

I answered in a teasing manner while chuckling... I am not as easy as the other girls, Motoyasu-sama... Motoyasu-sama flirts a lot... I agree, he has a charm of his own and the other three are all over him... But I just don't want him to feel that I am too easy... So, I have always put the act...

Maybe, I should finally agree to him... I get to go on a date with him !!

Myne - "Motoyasu-sama !! The guild has a request !!"

Ah... There goes my moment... That's why you should act when you get the chance, Rino !!

Myne - "Motoyasu-sama has an important request... Sorry for interrupting, Rino..."

Rino - "It... It's not your fault, Myne-sama..."

Myne - "Just call me Myne... I am not a princess but just a part-time adventurer now..."

She is also a kind person... I am grateful that she doesn't look down on commoners...

Lesty - "But it's really a miracle that Rino stuck with us, unlike others..."

Rino - "Ah, that's because you people are so good to me... Well, to be honest, I feel a little inferior given that all of you are nobility..."

Motoyasu - "Nah... You don't have to worry about that... All girls are the same in my eyes..."

I know... That's why I like you, Motoyasu-sama...

Motoyasu - "Anyway, what's the request from the guild, Myne ??"

Myne - "It is to guard a carriage that is going southwest to take food to a famine-struck village... It leaves tomorrow... Our route is through another village called Riyute..."

Motoyasu - "Alright, as we are free for today, let's do some level grinding !!"

And there goes another chance to date Motoyasu-sama... Good job, Rino... As usual, Motoyasu-sama hunted some Sky Blue Wing monsters while we could do nothing but watch and cheer on him... And after that...

Myne - "Motoyasu-sama, we would like to go to a spa..."

Motoyasu - "Sure thing !! Let's meet at the inn when it's dark !!"

Elena - "I am not feeling so good... I will be going back with Motoyasu-sama..."

Myne - "Alright !!"

Elena - "See you back at the inn, Rino..."

Elena hugged me saying that and hugged me and whispered 'Sorry' in my ear... I didn't understand... Was she being sorry that she isn't coming with us ??

I went along with Myne and she gave me... handcuffs ?? I looked at her confused...

Myne - "Oh, this is just a special treatment in the spa... You must have not known it because you weren't a noble..."

Ah, I see... I gave them my staff and put on the handcuffs and suddenly I felt something knocking me down and I lost consciousness...


Hmm... What happened... I slowly opened my eyes... Wait why am I n.a.k.e.d ?? And why am I chained ?? I looked around to find humans and demi-human girls in cages... I looked at two shadows talking...

"This is the stock that freshly entered... She is a v.i.r.g.i.n..."

"Hmm... Looks tasty..."

And that's when I finally realized... They deceived me... They sold me as a slave... No... No no no !! I immediately got up and tried to run away from them and tried to escape from the window...

"Not so fast, missy !!"

Rino - "Ah !!"

My c.h.e.s.t started to hurt like hell... That's right, the slave seal... How could I have not expected this...

Rino - "Somebody !! Help me !!"

"Hahaha... No one would be coming, Missy..."

I looked out of the window... That's Motoyasu-sama... He's right there...

Rino - "Motoyasu-sama !! Save me !!"

"Oh, it looks like there is someone that she knows outside !! Quickly !! Shut her mouth !!"

Rino - "Mmmph !!"

The two shut my mouth but Motoyasu-sama heard it... He turned back... He will save me... He will save me, right ?? He's a hero after all...

He... He left me... He... He ignored my cry for help... He is not a hero... There are no heroes... Ah, how much of a fool I have been...

"Hehehe... I like the ones that struggle... How much is she ??"

No !! No !! I tried to struggle again only for the pain to become more intense !! That's it... Death... That's the only answer... I can see the laughing faces of those... They were always looking down on me... No... I don't want it to end here... I will live... No matter how much I have to suffer, I will live... And I will get my revenge... I won't stop until I see their face of despair... The pain in my c.h.e.s.t disappeared...

"Oh, she stopped struggling... It looks like this one will be the easiest one to break... How much is she ??"

So, that's what I became in the end... A s.e.x toy...

"How about 25 gold ??"

"That's a little too much, don't you think..."

And suddenly, some more shadows came inside...

"Oh, another customer... Welcome... Argh !!"

??? - "That's for the demi-humans in my territory..."

Before I knew it, the blood of the one who was about to sell me is on my body... A female cut him down...

"Wait who are you... Argh !!"

??? - "I heard your conversation about breaking girls... And I didn't like it at all... So, I will break you before you die..."

It was a male voice... I can say that he cut that thing of the person who wanted to break me... And both the seller and the buyer were cruelly tortured and killed before all of us slaves... I couldn't help but laugh at those bodies...

And that's how my fate changed...

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