Shield Hero With Barrier Magic

Chapter 67 - Back to the Capital...

(Eclair's POV)

I woke up while being embraced by Hiro from the back. I looked back to find him staring at me.

Hiro: "Had a good sleep?"

Eclair: "Yeah."

I said with a smile.

Eclair: "Where are we?"

Hiro: "We are going to reach the town soon. I think it's time to wake those two."

I looked at Rino and Raphtalia who were still sleeping.

Eclair: "Raphtalia can now sleep without us huh. I guess she completely stopped having nightmares."

They grow so fast.

This little... Is she pretending or really having dreams like that? I don't know which one's worse.

Eclair: "Hiro, do you think she is asleep or pretending?"

Hiro went towards Raphtalia and checked somethings like her pulse, eyes, and breathing.

Hiro: "She's definitely sleeping. It takes a professional actor like me to fake like that."

Alright, It's a good thing that she stopped having nightmares but these dreams are not good for her too. But I didn't know we could check if someone's really sleeping like that.

Eclair: "Where did you learn that, Hiro?"

Hiro: "Well, to be a good killer, you need to learn a lot of things, Eclair. I grew to be a ruler, an assassin, a living weapon. This much is normal for me."

Eclair: "Our training. Did you fake it? You were a lot potential than that, weren't you?"

Hiro: "Not all of it. And most of the time you defeated me was real. But I will be honest, Eclair. I was defeated because we weren't trying to kill each other and the shield put a restriction on the weapons I can use. I mostly used guns and knives back then. If I got an enemy who I can kill and if this restriction is removed, they are gonna see hell. I wasn't called the Devil Emperor and once the most wanted criminal for nothing."

Hiro: "But that's not the case now. I can only use this shield. This time, I need to protect rather than killing."

I could say that he has been through a lot to become a living weapon like that. And I know that I don't want to see that side of him.

Hiro: "Hey, we are in the town. Let's wake them up."

Hiro woke up Raphtalia.

Raphtalia: "Eh? Where are we? Aren't we on the bed, Daddy?"

I seriously want to know what the hell she has been dreaming.

Hiro: "No. I think you were having some weird dream."

Eclair: "What the hell have you been dreaming, my dear daughter?"

Raphtalia: "Hehehe... It's a secret."

Rino: "You will tear me apart, Hiro-sama!"

And she woke up suddenly shouting that. Now, what the hell has she been dreaming?

Rino: "Huh? Where am I? I saw that bulge and fainted and then..."

Eclair: "Nothing happened. You were asleep the whole time."

Rino: "Ah, I see... So, that was just a dream."

Eclair: "Please don't tell me you were dreaming of what I am thinking."

Rino started blushing like hell.

Rino: "Well, after I fainted, I woke up on a bed with Hiro-sama and he showed me that huge thing and..."

Eclair: "Stop! I don't want to hear the rest!"


(At the weapons shop)

(Eclair's POV)

We finally arrived back at Uncle Erhard's weapon shop after a long time. I wonder how he has been doing? We thought of surprising him and we decided to go through the back door. As soon as I opened the door...

Erhard - "Whip me harder, my lady !!"

Eclair: "What the hell ?!!"

Elaria: "Oh my, what a surprise!"

Hiro: "Umm... Sorry, we didn't know you guys were busy."

Erhard: "What the hell are you guys doing here ?!! Why did you come in ?!! Didn't you see that the shop was closed ?!!"

Eclair: "Don't look, Raphtalia!"

I immediately covered Raphtalia's eyes and looked at Rino. Well, she's already fainted.

Raphtalia: "Oh, so this is BDSM."

Eclair: "Don't say anything now, Raphtalia!"

I immediately dragged her out of the room and Hiro carried Rino out of the room. After a while, we were invited back to the room by Aunt Elaria in normal clothes. We brought Rino back to her consciousness before she got some more weird dreams.

Uncle Erhard is sitting there with a pale face in normal clothes.

Erhard: "I want to die."

Elaria: "Fufufu... Oh, come on, Erhard. It's not like they are strangers, right?"

She is laughing as nothing happened.

Eclair: "Why the hell were you doing these things in the shop?"

Erhard: "I closed the shop for today. Let's just not talk about it anymore, please."

Raphtalia: "Uncle Erhard, How were you tied like that? And did it hurt?"

Erhard: "Somebody, just kill me."

Elaria: "Fufufu... Anyway, who's the new girl?"

Aunt Elaria asked looking at Rino.

Rino: "Umm... Nice to meet you... I am Rino, 18 years old and Hiro-sama's new slave."

Erhard: "I can't believe that you are 18. Looks can be deceiving."

That clearly pissed off Rino.

Rino: "Yeah, like how a certain weapons shop owner doesn't look like a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t at all."

And that got stabbed right at the point and Uncle didn't say anything more after that.

And we told them Rino's story. They understood her situation.

Elaria: "Wow, this got more complicated. I can't believe someone like that is our princess. Welcome to the team, Rino."

Rino: "Thank you."

Hiro: "Uncle Erhard, I need staff for her. If possible, I want it to be hard."

Erhard: "I don't sell magic staffs, kiddo. You need to go to another shop for that."

Hiro: "Alright, tell me where it is. I will go."

Raphtalia: "No! Before that, Aunt Elaria, give them the love hotel keys! Both of them are really horny because of not having s.e.x these days! Mommy was breathing Mmmphh!"

I immediately covered her mouth from saying anything else...

Eclair: "Raphtalia, stop!"

Now, it's my turn to be embarrassed. Aunt Elaria laughed at us and threw the keys to Hiro.

Elaria: "Have fun."

Hiro winked back at her.

Hiro: "We will. Let's go, Eclair."

And I got dragged by Hiro to the love hotel.

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